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Properties associated with reports and controls
The following properties are associated with reports and their controls:
AdjustmentModeThe AdjustmentMode property determines and changes how a Spreadsheet control is adjusted in a report.
AllModifiableWithReportsAndQueriesThe AllModifiableWithReportsAndQueries property is used to determine if a report can be modified in Reports & Queries.
AnchorThe Anchor property sets the anchors of a control in a window, page or report.
AnchorRateBottomThe AnchorRateBottom property is used to:
  • Find out the anchor rate when a control moves on the vertical axis.
  • Modify the anchor rate when a control moves on the vertical axis.
AnchorRateHeightThe AnchorRateHeight property is used to:
  • Find out the vertical anchor rate of a control.
  • Modify the vertical anchor rate of a control.
AnchorRateRightThe AnchorRateRight property is used to:
  • Find out the anchor rate when a control moves on the horizontal axis.
  • Modify the anchor rate when a control moves on the horizontal axis.
AnchorRateWidthThe AnchorRateWidth property is used to:
  • Find out the anchor rate when a control (or a table column) stretches on the horizontal axis.
  • Modify the anchor rate when a control (or a table column) stretches on the horizontal axis.
BackgroundColorThe BackgroundColor property is used to set the background color of a control, window, page or block of a report.
BackgroundImageThe ImageFond property lets you view and modify the background image of an element: window, page, field or state.
BackgroundImagePrintedThe property ImageFondImprimé allows you to:
  • Determine if the background image of a report (form or other) should be printed.
  • Print (or not) the background image of a report.
BlurLevelThe BlurLevel property gets and sets the percentage of blur applied to a control in a report.
BorderThe Border property gets and sets the characteristics of the borders:
  • for a report control or block.
  • for a window control.
  • for a cell of the Table control.
BottomMarginThe BottomMargin property is used to:
  • Find out the bottom margin of a report.
  • Modify the bottom margin of a report.
BrowsedItemThe BrowsedItem property is used to:
  • Get the item used to automatically loop through Table, Looper, List Box, ListView and Combo Box controls, supercontrols and reports based on data files.
  • Change the item used to automatically loop through Table, Looper, List Box, ListView and Combo Box controls, supercontrols and reports based on data files. Then, the iteration is reinitialized.
CaptionIn a database, the Caption property is used to:
  • Find out the caption associated with a file item.
  • Find out the caption associated with a data file.
  • Find out and modify the connection caption.
In a report, the Caption property is used to:
  • Find out the text displayed in a Static or Link control.
  • Modify the text displayed in a Static or Link control.
In a window or page, the Caption property is also used to:
  • Find out and modify the caption of a control found in a window or in a page.
  • Find out and modify the caption of a menu option.
  • Find out and modify the title of a window or page.
  • Find out the content of a Breadcrumb control.
CaptionPeriodHeaderThe CaptionPeriodHeader property gets and sets the caption of the time period displayed in the header of a Scheduler or Agenda control in a report.
CertificateThe Certificate property gets and sets the certificate used in a Signature control.
CollapsedThe Collapsed property is used to:
  • get or define the state (collapsed or expanded) that will be used when rows are added to a TreeView Table control.
  • know or modify the wound/unwound status for:
    • the breaks of a Table control,
    • the breaks of a Looper control,
    • the break headers and footers of Table and Looper controls,
    • a Drawer control,
    • a Ribbon control,
    • a Navigation Bar control.
    • a Pivot Table control in a report.
CollapsedImageThe CollapsedImage property is used to:
  • find out and/or modify the default image associated with a collapsed row in a TreeView Table control.
  • find out and/or modify the default image associated with a collapsed row in a TreeView control.
  • find out and/or modify the image associated with a specific collapsed row in a TreeView Table control.
  • find out and modify the image in a collapsed row of a TreeView item in a "TreeView table" type report.
ColorThe Color property gets or sets the font color of:
  • a Font variable.
  • text displayed in a Static or Calculated control of a report.
  • text displayed in a window control.
  • text displayed in a page control.
DisplayCurrencyThe DisplayCurrency property gets and sets the currency used when entering or displaying values in a "Currency + Euro" control.
DisplayedItemThe DisplayedItem property is used to:
  • Find out the item or the variable displayed by the control.
  • Modify the item or the variable displayed by the control.
EllipsisThe Ellipsis property is used to determine and change the truncation mode with ellipses in:
  • a window control (Static, edit control, List box, Button, Combo box or Static table column).
  • a Static Text control in a report.
EmptyThe Empty property is used to determine if:
  • a Looper, Table, List Box or Combo Box control is empty. The field can be a file or memory field.
  • a Chart control contains no series.
  • a report control is empty (control linked to an item).
  • an array (or an associative array) contains no element.
  • an element of an associative array exists or not.
  • a queue, a list or a stack contains no element.
EndDatePeriodDisplayedThe EndDatePeriodDisplayed property gets the end date of the range displayed in a Scheduler or Organizer control of a report.
ExpandedImageThe ExpandedImage property is used to:
  • find out and modify the default image associated with an expanded row in a TreeView Table control.
  • find out and/or modify the default image associated with an expanded row in a TreeView control.
  • find out and modify the image associated with a specific expanded row in a TreeView Table control.
  • find out and modify the image associated with an expanded row in a treeview item of a "TreeView table" report.
FontThe Font property is used to
  • Get the identifier of the font used in a control in a report, page or window.
  • Change the font used in a control in a report, page or window.
FontAppointmentContentThe FontAppointmentContent property is used to:
  • Get the characteristics of the font used for the content of appointments in Scheduler and Organizer reports.
  • Set the characteristics of the font used for the content of appointments in Scheduler and Organizer reports.
FontAppointmentTitleThe FontAppointmentTitle property is used to:
  • Find out the characteristics of the font used for the title of appointments in the Scheduler and Organizer reports.
  • Modify the characteristics of the font used for the title of appointments in the Scheduler and Organizer reports.
FontBoldThe FontBold property is used to:
  • Determine if the text is bold.
  • Change the weight of the text.
FontCharsetThe FontCharset property is used to:
  • Find out the character set used by the screen fonts of a control.
  • Modify the character set used by the screen fonts of a control.
FontCondensedThe FontCondensed property is used to:
  • Determine if characters in a text are condensed.
  • Condense (or not) the characters in a text.
FontExtendedThe FontExtended property is used to:
  • Find out whether the spacing between characters in a text is increased.
  • Increase the spacing between characters in a text.
FontItalicThe FontItalic property is used to:
  • Determine if the text is italicized.
  • Apply or remove italic formatting from the text.
FontLargeThe FontLarge property is used to:
  • Determine if the text is expanded.
  • Expand the text.
FontNameThe FontName property is used to:
  • Identify the font used in a control.
  • Change the font used in a control.
FontSizeThe FontSize property is used to:
  • Identify the size of the font used in a control.
  • Change the size of the font used in a control.
FontStrikeOutThe FontStrikeOut property is used to:
  • Determine if the text displayed is struck through.
  • Apply strikethrough formatting (or not) the text displayed in a control.
FontUnderlinedThe FontUnderlined property is used to:
  • Determine if the text is underlined.
  • Underline (or not) a text.
FutureHeightThe FutureHeight property is used to determine how high an auto-resizing control in a report will be after being enlarged.
GranularityGridlinesThe GranularityGridlines property gets and changes the size of the grid that defines the gridlines in a Scheduler or Organizer control in a report.
GridlinesVisibleThe GridlinesVisible property is used to:
  • Determine whether or not gridlines are visible in a control.
  • Show or hide gridlines in a control.
GroupThe Group property is used to:
  • find out whether the control belongs to a group of controls. If the control belongs to one or more groups, the Group property can be used to identify these groups of controls.
  • associate a control with a group of controls.
HeaderVisibleThe HeaderVisible property is used to:
  • Determine if the row and column headers are displayed in a Spreadsheet control.
  • Show or hide the row and column headers in a Spreadsheet control.
HeightThe Height property gets and sets the height:
  • of a control or block in a report.
  • of a control (in a window), window, row of a Table, List Box or ListView control, option of a Radio Button or Check Box control, break header or footer of a Table or Looper control.
  • of a control (in a page), break header or footer in a Table or Looper control. The control can be overlayable or not.
  • of a break cell in a Table or Looper control.
HeightInPixelThe HeightInPixel property is used to get the height in pixels of a control in a report.
HiddenThe Hidden is used to:
  • Determine if a control in a report is hidden.
  • Redact or blur a control in a report.
HierarchicalDepthThe HierarchicalDepth property is used to:
  • Find out the depth of a hierarchical control in a report.
  • Modify the depth of a hierarchical control in a report (only if the report uses a data source through programming).
HorizontalAlignmentThe HorizontalAlignment property gets and changes the horizontal alignment of a control.
HSpaceThe HSpace property is used to determine and modify the horizontal spacing between labels in a report. This spacing was defined when creating the Label report.
HTMLThe HTML property is used to:
  • find out whether the current report is printed in HTML mode.
  • manage the HTML type of a Static Text control found in a report.
ImageThe Image property gets and sets the background image of a control or block.
InitialHeightThe InitialHeight property is used to:
  • Find out the creation height of a control or window.
  • Modify the base height used to anchor the controls "in height".
  • Find out the creation height of a block or control in a report.
InitialWidthThe InitialWidth property is used to:
  • Find out the initial width of a control or window.
  • Modify base width used for anchoring "width" fields.
  • Find out the initial width of a report control.
InputMaskThe InputMask property is used to:
  • get the input mask.
  • set the input mask (from the masks available for the type).
InterfaceModifiableWithReportsAndQueriesThe InterfaceModifiableWitReportsAndQueries property is used to determine if the interface of a report can be modified in Reports & Queries.
InternalReportNameThe InternalReportName property is used to:
KeepVisibleHierarchyThe KeepVisibleHierarchy property is used to:
  • Know which elements of the hierarchical table are printed: print the complete hierarchy or print the hierarchy visible in the field.
  • Modify hierarchy print mode: print complete hierarchy or print hierarchy visible in field.
LabelHeightThe LabelHeight property is used to:
  • Find out the height of labels in a Label report.
  • Modify the height of labels in a Label report.
LabelNumberToStartThe LabelNumberToStart property is used to:
  • Find out the number of the label on the label sheet from which the print will be performed.
  • Modify the number of the label from which the print will be performed on the label sheet.
LabelWidthThe LabelWidth property is used to:
  • Find out the width of labels in a "Label" report.
  • Modify the width of labels in a "Label" report.
LeftMarginThe LeftMargin property is used to:
  • Find out the left margin of a report.
  • Modify the left margin of a report.
MarkdownThe Markdown property is used to enable or disable Markdown formatting in the controls of a window or a report.
MaxValueThe MaxValue property is used to:
  • get and set the top value of a report based on a data file.
  • get the maximum value of the current filter.
  • get the maximum value of a data series in a chart.
  • get and set the maximum value for some types of controls.
MemoryCurrencyThe MemoryCurrency property gets and sets the currency used when manipulating a "Currency + Euro" control programmatically.
MemZoneNameThe MemZoneName property is used to:
  • find out the name of the memory area used as data source for a report.
  • modify the name of the memory area used as data source for a report.
MinValueThe MinValue property is used to:
  • get and set the bottom value of a report based on a data file.
  • get the minimum value of the current filter.
  • get the minimum value of a data series in a chart.
  • get and set the minimum value for some types of controls.
MsgSortSelThe MsgSortSel property is used to:
  • Find out the wait message displayed when sorting and selecting the report records.
  • Modify the wait message displayed when sorting and selecting the report records.
MultilineIn a window or page, the Multiline property is used to:
  • find out and modify the "Multiline" option of an Edit control.
  • find out and modify the "Multiline" option of a column in a Table control.
In a report, the Multiline property is used to determine and change the "Multiline" option of a control.
NameThe Name property is used to get:
  • the name of the font associated with a Font variable.
  • the name of a control, report or report block.
  • the name of a control, group of controls or window.
  • the name of a control, group of controls or page.
NbColumnThe NbColumn property is used to get the number of columns in a report.
NbCopyThe NbCopy property is used to determine and change the number of report copies to print.
NbDayDisplayedThe NbDayDisplayed property is used to:
  • get and change the number of days displayed in an Organizer or Scheduler control.
  • get the number of days displayed in a Gantt Chart control in a report.
NbLabelThe NbLabel property is used to:
  • Find out the number of labels printed across the page width.
  • Modify the number of labels printed across the page width.
NbLabelCopyThe NbLabelCopy property is used to:
  • Get the number of copies of identical labels.
  • Change the number of copies of identical labels.
NbPrintedRecThe NbPrintedRec property is used to determine the number of records already printed.
NbRecReadThe property NbRecRead property indicates the number of records read: selected by both the report source AND the filter code (if any).
NoteThe Note property is used to:
  • Find out the notes associated with a control, a window, a page or a report.
  • Modify the notes associated with a control, a window a page or a report.
NoteTitleThe NoteTitle property is used to:
  • Get the title of the notes used in the technical documentation of a control, window, page or report.
  • Change the title of the notes used in the technical documentation of a control, window, page or report.
ODBCConnectionNameThe ODBCConnectionName property is used to:
  • Identify the name of the ODBC connection used when printing a report based on a "query performed on a connection".
  • Specify the name of the ODBC connection used when printing a report based on a "query performed on a connection".
ODBCDatabaseNameThe ODBCNomBase property allows you to:
  • Find out the name of the database used when printing a report based on a "query performed on a connection".
  • Specify the name of the database used when printing a report based on a "query performed on a connection".
ODBCPasswordThe ODBCPassword property is used to:
  • Identify the password used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
  • Specify the password used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
ODBCSQLCodeThe ODBCCodeSQL property allows you to:
  • Find out the SQL code of the "query performed on a connection" (data source of report).
  • Modify the SQL code of the "query performed on a connection" (data source of report).
ODBCUserNameThe ODBCUserName property allows you to:
  • Identify the username used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
  • Specify the username used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
OptionThe Option property is used to configure how a Bar Code control is displayed.
PageByPagePrintThe PageByPagePrint property is used to:
  • Ask a report to be printed page by page. Each page of the report will be sent separately to the printer spooler.
  • Find out the print mode of the report (page by page or all at once).
PageEndStickThe PageEndStick property is used to:
  • Determine the page footer should be right below the last block.
  • Change the page footer block options.
PageNumberThe PageNumber property is used to:
  • get and change the number of the page displayed in an Image control ("multi-page" image files)
  • get and change the page number of a PDF file displayed in an image control of a window
  • get and change the page number of a PDF file displayed in the background of a report.
PlaneThe Plane property is used to:
  • Know:
    • the active plane of a window (or report) or the plane to which a control belongs.
    • the active plane of a WEBDEV element.
  • Edit:
    • the active plane of a window (or report) or associate a control with another plane.
    • the active plane of a WEBDEV element.
PrintAreaThe PrintArea property gets and sets the print area of a Spreadsheet control in a report.
PrintedSheetWithin a report, the PrintedSheet property is used to get and change the sheet of a Spreadsheet control to be printed.
ProcessThe Process property is used to modify the processes to be executed by the events available on a control, window, page, report, etc.
ReturnedValueThe ReturnedValue property is used to:
  • Get and change the value returned by a window, page or report.
  • Get and change the value returned by an option in a Radio Button control.
RightMarginThe RightMargin property is used to:
  • Find out the right margin of a report.
  • Modify the right margin of a report.
RightToLeftThe RightToLeft property is used to get the writing direction on a control, column, window or report.
RTFWithImagesAndTablesThe RTFWithImagesAndTables property is used to manage images and tables in RTF Static Text controls in a report.
SelectionOnlyThe SelectionOnly property is used to:
  • Know which records in the TreeView Table control or Hierarchical Table are printed: print all records or only selected records..
  • Modify print mode for Table or Hierarchical Table field rows: print all records or selected records only.
SignatureTypeThe SignatureType property is used to get and define the type of signature to be used in a Signature control.
SizeThe Size property is used to determine and change the size of an element.
SourceNameThe SourceName property is used to:
  • Get the name of the report data source.
  • Change the report data source.
StartDatePeriodDisplayedThe StartDatePeriodDisplayed property gets the start date of the range displayed in a Scheduler or Organizer control of a report.
StateThe State property gets and sets the state of an element.
TextDirectionThe TextDirection property is used to determine and change the writing direction in a window, report or control (useful for languages such as Arabic or Hebrew).
TitleThe Title property is used to:
  • Get the title of a Table control column, a Chart control, a window or a page
  • Change the title of a Table control column, a Chart control, a window or a page.
TopMarginThe TopMargin property is used to:
  • Find out the top margin of a report.
  • Modify the top margin of a report.
TotalNbRecThe TotalNbRec property is used to:
  • Get the number of records to be printed.
  • Change the number of records to be printed.
URLThe URL property is used to:
  • Get the address associated with a control.
  • Change the address associated with a control.
ValueThe Value property is used to:
  • Find out and modify the value of a report control.
  • Find out and modify the value of a control or the title of a window.
  • Find out the identifier of a stream.
  • Find out and modify the value of a control or the title of a page.
VerticalAlignmentThe VerticalAlignment property gets and changes the vertical alignment of a control.
ViewNameThe ViewName property is used to:
  • find out the name of the HFSQL view, data source of a report
  • modify the name of the HFSQL view, data source of a report.
VisibleThe Visible property is used to:
  • Find out whether an element is visible.
  • Make an element visible or invisible.
VSpaceThe VSpace property gets and sets the vertical spacing between the labels in a report. This spacing was defined when creating the Label report.
WidthThe Width property gets and changes the width:
  • of a control or block in a report.
  • of a control (found in a window), window, column found in a table or column found in a list box (including listview).
  • of a control (found in a page), column found in a table or column found in a list box. The control can be overlayable or not.
WidthInPixelThe WidthInPixel property is used to get the width in pixels of a control in a report.
XThe X property is used to:
  • Get the X-coordinate of a control, Table control column or window (position on the X-axis).
  • Get the X-coordinate of a control or window (position on the X-axis).
XInitialThe XInitial property is used to:
  • Get the X-coordinate:
    • of a control (position on the X-axis) when opening the window or the page.
    • of a window (position on X-axis) when opening the window.
  • Change the X-coordinate of a control anchored "to the right" (position on the X-axis) when opening the window.
  • Get the X-coordinate of a control in relation to its block (position in millimeters on the X-axis) when opening the report.
YThe Y property is used to:
  • Find out the Y-coordinate of a control or window (position on Y-axis).
  • Modify the Y-coordinate of a control or window.
YInitialThe YInitial property is used to:
  • Find out the Y-coordinate:
    • of a control (position on Y-axis) when opening the window or the page.
    • of a window (position on Y-axis) when opening the window.
  • Modify the Y-coordinate of a control anchored "to bottom" (position on the vertical axis) when opening the window.
  • Find out the Y-coordinate of a control in relation to its block (position in millimeters on the vertical axis) when opening the report.
ZOrderThe ZOrder property defines the Z-order of an element.
See also
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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