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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with reports and controls
  • What is a query performed on a connection?
  • Properties used to manage reports based on data files accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector
  • Limit
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What is a query performed on a connection?

A query performed on a connection is a query performed on data files handled via a specific ODBC driver or a Native Connector.

When creating the connection, you have the ability to define:
  • the connection name
  • the name of the data source
  • the username and password
  • the name of the database accessed (if there is more than one).
The report editor allows you to print the data coming from a query performed on a connection. All the parameters of the connection to use can be defined in the report editor or through programming with the WLanguage properties.
The ODBCPassword property is used to:
  • Identify the password used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector. This password is associated with a user and it must be specified when printing a report based on a "query performed on a connection".
  • Specify the password used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector. This password is associated with a user and it must be specified when printing a report based on a "query performed on a connection".
Remark: This property must be used in the report opening code.
// -- Code d'ouverture de l'état
ETAT_Etat1.ODBCNomConnexion = "MaConnexion"
ETAT_Etat1.ODBCCodeSQL = "Select * from Produits"
ETAT_Etat1.ODBCNomUtilisateur = "DUPUIS"
ETAT_Etat1.ODBCMotDePasse = "PSW"

Identifying the password used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector Hide the details

<Result> = <Report used>.ODBCPassword
<Result>: Character string
Password defined in the report to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
<Report used>: Report name
Name of the report to be used.

Specifying the password to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector Hide the details

<Report used>.ODBCPassword = <New password>
<Report used>: Report name
Name of the report to be used.
<New password>: Character string
Password to connect to the database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector. This password must be the password defined when the connection was created.

Properties used to manage reports based on data files accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector

The following properties are used to manage reports based on data files accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector:
ODBCConnectionNameUsed to identify and change the name of the connection used to handle a database accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
ODBCDatabaseNameUsed to identify and change the name of the database used by the query executed on a database accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
ODBCPasswordUsed to identify and change the password associated with the user allowed to access a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
ODBCSQLCodeUsed to identify and change the SQL code of the query executed on a database accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
ODBCUserNameUsed to identify and change the name of the user allowed to access a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.


The ODBCPassword property applies only to the reports based on a "query performed on a connection".
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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