- Status (Status editor): Visible or invisible field/block
- State of a group of controls
- State of a column in a Table control
- Tabs and controls in a tab pane
- Sidebar and controls in a tab pane
- Radio Button/Check Box controls and their options
- Active control made invisible or not
- Menu options
- Limitations
State (Property) In french: Etat
The State property gets and sets the state: - of a control in a window, page or report.
- of a block in a report,
- of a window.
STC_Static1.State = Active
New in version 2025Remarks Status (Status editor): Visible or invisible field/block In a report, the only possible state for a control or a block is visible or invisible. To set the visibility of a control, it is recommended to use the Visible property. This property optimizes the management of control visibility. State of a group of controls - Find out the status of a group of fields: the status returned corresponds to the status of the first field in the group.
- Modify the status of a group of fields: all the fields in the group are modified to match the new status.
State of a column in a Table control If the State property is applied to a column of a Table control, the state of the entire column is changed (and not only the state of the cell). Please note: the State property can only be used to restrict the column status defined in the description window.. For example, if the column is read-only, no column cell can become editable.
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