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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
  • Finding out the value returned by a child window
  • Limits
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
The ReturnedValue property is used to:
  • Get and change the value returned by a window, page or report.
  • Get and change the value returned by an option in a Radio Button control.
WINDEV Reminder: A window opened by function Open up can return a result when closed.. This value is returned:
  • by the Resend keyword in the window closing code,
  • by the Farm function,
    Remark: The Farm function can be used to return several values.
  • by the ReturnedValue property used before closing the window.
WEBDEV - Server code Reminder A page opened by function PageDisplayDialog may return a result when closed. This value is returned:
  • by the Resend keyword in the page closing code,
  • by the PageCloseDialog function,
  • by the ReturnedValue property used before closing the page,
  • by the ContextClose function.
AndroidiPhone/iPadIOS Widget Used on the MyChildWindow keyword, the ReturnedValue property is used to get the value returned by a child window in a mobile application.
WINDEViPhone/iPadIOS Widget Reminder: A report printed by function iPrintReport can return a result at the end of its printing.. This value is returned:
  • by the Resend keyword in the report closing code,
  • by the ReturnedValue property used before closing the report.
WEBDEV - Browser code The ReturnedValue property gets and sets the value returned by a popup in a Combo Box Popup control.
// Code used to open the "WIN_EditPassword" window
MyPassword = Open(WIN_EditPassword)
IF MyPassword <> "" THEN
Info("Wrong password")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Click code on the "OK" Button control in "WIN_EditPassword"
// The user types his password in the "EDT_Password" control
// and validates the window
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Closing code of the window
WIN_EditPassword.ReturnedValue = EDT_Password
AndroidiPhone/iPadIOS Widget
// Evénement "Fermeture d'une fenêtre fille de FEN_Liste_Clients"
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Actualise la liste des clients
LooperDisplay(ZR_Clients, taReExecuteQuery)

// Pour tout retour (sauf la suppression)
IF MyChildWindow.ValeurRenvoyée <> -1 THEN
	nIndice is int
	// Recherche la ligne du client
	nIndice = LooperSearch(ATT_NumClient, Client.NumClient)
	IF nIndice > 0 THEN
		// Positionne sur la ligne du client
		LooperPosition(ZR_Clients, nIndice)

Finding out the returned value Hide the details

<Result> = <Element used>.ReturnedValue
<Result>: Any type
Value that will be returned:
  • when closing the current window, page or report.
  • if the option is selected in the radio button.
<Element used>: Name of window, page, report, option
Name of element used:
  • Name of the window, page, report or internal report used. This window, page or report must be opened.
  • Name of the option in the radio button. This name is in the form: <Selector Field>[<Option Number>].

Modifying the returned value Hide the details

<Element used>.ReturnedValue = <New value>
<Element used>: Name of window, page, report, option
Name of element used:
  • Name of the window, page or report used. This window, page or report must be opened.
  • Name of the option in the radio button. This name has the following format: <Radio Button control>[<Option number>].
<New value>: Any type
New value to return. The following types can be used:
  • structure
  • dynamic structure
  • class
  • advanced type
  • array
  • associative array
  • queue
  • stack
  • list
AndroidiPhone/iPadIOS Widget

Finding out the value returned by a child window

In the mobile applications, the windows are opened by OpenMobileWindow (or OpenChild) instead of Open up.
You can get the value returned by a child window in the "Close a child window" event of the window that opened it (the one that called OpenMobileWindow or OpenChild).
For example:
  • In the closing code of the child window, Farm is used to return a parameter:
    Close("", MyParameter)
  • The name of the child window as well as the returned value can be retrieved in the "Close a child window" event of the calling window, using the MyChildWindow keyword:
    // Close a child window
    NameChildWindow = MyChildWindow.Name
    ValueChildWindow = MyChildWindow.ReturnedValue


The ReturnedValue property is applied:
  • WINDEVAndroidAndroid Widget Java windows,
  • WEBDEV - Server code pages,
  • WINDEVAndroidJava options in Radio Button controls.
  • WINDEV internal windows only if they are opened with Open up.
  • WINDEVReports and QueriesiPhone/iPadIOS Widget reports.
  • WINDEVReports and QueriesiPhone/iPadIOS Widget internal reports (in read-only).
  • WEBDEV - Browser code popups used via a Popup Combo Box control.
Related Examples:
Popup calendar Unit examples (WINDEV): Popup calendar
[ + ] Using a calendar that can be used by the OpenPopup function.
The PopCalendar window is very useful in the applications containing date controls.
Indeed, the PopCalendar window allows you to choose a date visually.
The risk of error is reduced as the user can see the day of the week corresponding to the selected date.
Then, the date control is filled with the value returned by the PopCalendar window.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 10/04/2024

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