Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with reports and controls
  • Allowing the user to define the number of report copies
  • Limits
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Stored procedures
NbCopy (Property)
In french: NbCopie
The NbCopy property is used to determine and change the number of report copies to print.
WINDEVWINDEV Mobile Remarks:
  • The report viewer allows the end user to directly configure the number of copies to print.
  • This property operates during a print performed on a printer only.
  • If the user specifies a number of copies (iParameter or iParameterReport) before printing the report, this number of copies will take precedence over the one specified with the NbCopy property.
// Print 10 copies of the "RPT_Customer" report
RPT_Customer.NbCopy = 10

Finding out the number of identical copies for a report Hide the details

<Result> = <Report used>.NbCopy
<Result>: Integer
Number of copies to print.
<Report used>: Report name
Name of the report to be used.

Modifying the number of identical copies for a report Hide the details

<Report used>.NbCopy = <Number of copies>
<Report used>: Report name
Name of the report to be used.
<Number of copies>: Integer
Number of copies to print.

Allowing the user to define the number of report copies

Since the NbCopy property can only be used in the code of the report, the number of copies must be passed as parameter to the report in the print code.
For example:
  1. Code used to print the report.
    iPrintReport(RPT_MyReport, 3)
  2. Report opening code.
    PROCEDURE RPT_MyReport(nNbCopies)
    RPT_MyReport.NbCopy = nNbCopies


  • The NbCopy property applies only to reports (and not to controls or blocks in a report).
  • This property is taken into account when the print is performed on a printer.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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