Group (Property) In french: Groupe
The Group property is used to: - whether or not the field belongs to a field group. If the control belongs to one or more groups, the Group property can be used to identify these groups of controls.
- associating a control with a group of controls.
Reminder: The association of a field to a group of fields is done in the editor when describing the field ("UI" tab, "Group" button).
NomGroupeChamps = MyControl.Groupe
IF Position(BTN_Fermer.Groupe, "Btn_Défaut")>0 THEN
BTN_Fermer.Etat = Active
Finding out the name of the group associated with a control Hide the details
<Group name> = <Control used>.Group
<Group name>: Character string - Name of the groups to which the control belongs. If the control belongs to more than one group, the names of the different groups are separated by a comma (e.g., "GR_GROUP1,GR_GROUP2").
- Empty string ("") if the control belongs to no group.
<Control used>: Control name Name of the control for which the groups must be found.
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