FontAppointmentContent (Property) In french: PoliceContenuRendezVous
The FontAppointmentContent property is used to: - Get the characteristics of the font used for the content of appointments in Scheduler and Organizer reports.
- Set the characteristics of the font used for the content of appointments in Scheduler and Organizer reports.
// Characteristics of font used for the SCH_Scheduler control in the RPT_Scheduler report MyFont is Font MyFont = SCH_SCHEDULER.FontAppointmentContent Trace(MyFont.Name) Trace(MyFont.Bold) Trace(MyFont.Underline) Trace(MyFont.Size) Trace(MyFont.Color)
// Define the fonts MyFont is Font MyFont.Name = "Comic Sans MS" MyFont.Size = 18 MyFont.Color = PastelBlue MyFont2 is Font MyFont2.Name = "Courier new" MyFont2.Size = 14 MyFont2.Color = PastelGreen // Modify the fonts used in the report SCH_SCHEDULER.FontAppointmentTitle = MyFont SCH_SCHEDULER.FontAppointmentContent = MyFont2
Getting the font used for the content of appointments (Scheduler or Organizer report) Hide the details
<Result> = <Control used>.FontAppointmentContent
<Result>: Font Font variable containing the characteristics of the font used for the content of appointments. <Control used>: Control name Name of the Scheduler or Organizer control in a Scheduler or Organizer report.
Setting the font used for the content of appointments (Scheduler or Organizer report) Hide the details
<Control used>.FontAppointmentContent = <New font>
<Control used>: Control name Name of the Scheduler or Organizer control in a Scheduler or Organizer report. <New font>: Font Font variable containing the characteristics of the font that will be used for the content of appointments. Remarks The FontAppointmentContent property applies only to Organizer and Scheduler controls in reports.
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