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PageEndStick (Property)
In french: BasPageCollé
The PageEndStick property is used to manage the position of the Page Footer block. The Page Footer block can be:
  • stuck to the previous block, the page footer not being necessarily located at the bottom of the printed page. The page footer can be used to perform calculations and to display them at the bottom of the block displaying the table.
  • not stuck to the previous block, the page footer will be printed as usual (at the bottom of the page). This is the default management mode of the page footer.
The PageEndStick property is used to:
  • Find out whether the page footer must be stuck to the last block.
  • Modify the management mode of the Page Footer block.
// Find out how the page footer is managed
IF MyReport.PageEndStick = True THEN
Trace("Page footer stuck to the previous block")

Finding out the management mode of the page footer Hide the details

<Current management mode> = <Report used>.PageEndStick
<Current management mode>: Boolean
  • True if the page footer is stuck to the previous block,
  • False otherwise.
<Report used>: Report name
Name of the report used.

Modifying the management mode of the page footer Hide the details

<Report used>.PageEndStick = <New management mode>
<Report used>: Report name
Name of the report used.
<New management mode>: Boolean
  • True if the page footer must be stuck to the previous block,
  • False otherwise.
The PageEndStick property can be used anywhere in the code of the report, both in read and write mode.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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