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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Various properties
  • Image associated with a report control or block
  • Image scanned in a report
  • Image in a menu option
  • Image of a tab or tab pane
  • Images of checkmarks in the check boxes and radio buttons
  • Image of icon displayed in the Action Bar
  • Limitations
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
The Image property gets and sets the background image associated with an element.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesiPhone/iPadIOS Widget In a report, the Image property gets and sets the background image of a control or block.
WINDEVWINDEV Mobile In a window, the Image property gets and sets the image:
  • WINDEV displayed in the icon bar of an MDI parent window (WINDEV only),
  • associated with the caption of a button,
  • associated with a tab pane or with a tab,
  • associated with the toolbar panes or with the button of a toolbar pane,
  • associated with the caption of a menu option,
  • used as cursor in a progress bar or in a slider (except round sliders),
  • WINDEV used as checkmark for check boxes and radio buttons (WINDEV only),
  • used in the options of check boxes and radio buttons in Vista style,
  • used in background image of a Calendar control.
  • WINDEV used in a Rating control.
  • WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPadIOS Widget used for the markers of a Map control.
  • Android used in icon in an Action Bar (property available from Android version 4.0 (ice cream sandwich, API level 14)).
  • WINDEV used for a group when the group of a ribbon is closed.
  • WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPadIOS Widget used to represent an infinite progress bar.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP In a page, the Image property gets and sets the image associated with:
  • an Image control,
  • a Web Camera control (server code only),
  • a fixed-image button (browser code only),
  • a Thumbnail control,
  • a Calendar control (background image).
  • a Social Network control (whose image is customized).
  • the markers of a Map control.
Note: These images are defined in the editor in the field, window or page description ("General" or "Detail" tab).
WINDEVReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)
// Modify the image associated with the caption of the "Help" button
BTN_Help.Image = "C:\MyImages\Help.ICO"
WINDEVReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)
// Modify the image associated with a check box
CBOX_CheckBox.Image = "C:\MyImages\CheckBox_anim.gif"
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)Ajax
// Modify the background image of "CustomerName" control
CustomerName..Image ="C:\MyImages\Image.BMP"
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetAjax

Finding out the background image associated with a report element Hide the details

<Result> = <Element used>.Image
<Result>: Character string
Name and full path of the background image associated with the specified object.
<Element used>: Name of control or block.
Name of the element (control or block) to use.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetAjax

Modifying the background image associated with a report element Hide the details

<Element used>.Image = <New image>
<Element used>: Name of control or block.
Name of the element (control or block) to use.
<New image>: Character string
Name and full path of the new background image associated with the specified object. A UNC path can be used.
WINDEVReports and QueriesAndroidiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetJavaUser code (UMC)

Finding out the image associated with a control or with a window Hide the details

<Current image> = <Element used>.Image
<Current image>: Character string
Name and path of the image:
  • WINDEV displayed in the icon bar of an MDI parent window,
  • WINDEV associated with a check box or with a radio button,
  • associated with the caption of a button,
  • associated with a tab pane or with a tab,
  • associated with the toolbar panes or with the pane button
  • associated with the caption of a menu option,
  • used as cursor in a progress bar or in a slider (except round sliders).
  • associated with the option of a Radio Button or Check Box control in Vista style.
  • used in background image of a Calendar control.
  • WINDEV associated with a Rating control.
  • Android used for the markers of a Map control.
  • Android used in icon in an Action Bar.
  • WINDEV associated with a closed group in a ribbon.
  • WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPadIOS Widget used to represent an infinite progress bar.
<Element used>: Control name or window name
Name of the element to be used.
WINDEVReports and QueriesAndroidiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetJavaUser code (UMC)

Modifying the image associated with a control or with a window Hide the details

<Element used>.Image = <New image>
<Element used>: Control name or window name
Name of the element to be used.
<New image>: Character string
Name and path (full, relative or UNC) of the new image:
  • WINDEV displayed in the icon bar of an MDI parent window,
  • WINDEV associated with a check box or with a radio button,
  • associated with the caption of a button,
  • associated with a tab pane or with a tab,
  • associated with the toolbar panes or with the pane button
  • associated with the caption of a menu option,
  • used as cursor in a progress bar or in a slider (except round sliders).
  • associated with the option of a Radio Button or Check Box control in Vista style.
  • used in background image of a Calendar control.
  • WINDEV associated with a Rating control.
  • Android used for the markers of a Map control.
  • Android used in icon in an Action Bar.
  • WINDEV associated with a closed group in a ribbon.
  • WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPadIOS Widget used to represent an infinite progress bar.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHPAjax

Finding out the image associated with a page control Hide the details

<Current image> = <Control used>.Image
<Current image>: Character string
Name and path of the image.
  • In server code, the full image path is specified.
  • In browser code, the path of the image is specified in relation to the _WEB directory of the site (for example, http://localhost/REWALI7_WEB/AXP01020_4E97E1FF_FR.gif).
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control to be used.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHPAjax

Modifying the image associated with a page control Hide the details

<Control used>.Image = <New image>
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control to be used.
<New image>: Character string
Name and path (full, relative or UNC) of the new image:
  • Static image: Modification without effect
  • Dynamic image: path type "image2.gif" (with "image2.gif" in the project's "_WEB\" subdirectory)
  • Generated image: full path of type "c:\mes images\image2.gif".
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesiPhone/iPadIOS Widget

Image associated with a report control or block

  • The image associated with an Image control can be known and/or modified in the report editor, in the "General" tab of the control description.
  • The background image of a control or block can be known and/or modified in the report editor, in the "Style" tab of the description window. All you have to do is select the "Background image" element.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesiPhone/iPadIOS Widget

Image scanned in a report

The Image property cannot be used to change the scanned image of a report. Indeed, the scanned image of a report is used to:
  • easily position the different controls in the report,
  • view the result in the print preview.
WINDEVUser code (UMC)

Image in a menu option

If an image is associated with a marked menu option, the image replaces the checkmark.
WINDEVAndroidUser code (UMC)

Image of a tab or tab pane

To modify the image of a tab (which means the image of the tab buttons), use the following code:
TAB_Tab.Image = "Example.jpg"
To change the image displayed in the tab button (next to the text), simply specify the index of the tab to be modified:
TAB_Tab[1].Image = "Example.jpg"
WINDEVUser code (UMC)

Images of checkmarks in the check boxes and radio buttons

The Image property changes the checkmark in check boxes and radio buttons. This property corresponds to the "Check mark image" option in the "Detail" tab of the field description.
If the check mark image is not to be animated: the image used should be made up of the two or three states of the check mark: Checked, Unchecked and Undefined if necessary.
If the image of the checkmark is animated, the image used must be an image in GIF format containing the following images for each main status (Checked, Unchecked and Undefined):
  • Checkmark enabled (no animation)
  • Checkmark pressed (animation)
  • Checkmark grayed (no animation)
  • Checkmark hovered (animation)
Example of image used for an animated checkmark:
1. Images for the checked status.
2. Images for the unchecked status.
3. Images for the undefined status.

Image of icon displayed in the Action Bar

The Image property changes the icon displayed in the Action Bar of the window. If the Image property is set to an empty string (""), the application icon will be used (default behavior).
Attention: this property is only available from Android version 4.0 (Ice cream sandwich, api level 14).. The Image property will have no effect if it is used with an earlier version.


WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesiPhone/iPadIOS Widget In a report, the Image property cannot be used on:
  • a report.
  • a bar code.
  • a Check Box control.
Authorized image formats:
  • WINDEVWEBDEV - Server code The following image formats can be displayed: all those described in function fGraphicFilter.
  • WINDEV Mobile The following image formats can be displayed: BMP, ICO, JPEG and GIF.
WINDEV The Image property can only be used on:
  • an MDI window,
  • a button,
  • a tab or a tab pane,
  • a toolbar pane or a pane button,
  • a menu option,
  • a progress bar,
  • a slider (except round sliders),
  • a check box,
  • a radio button,
  • a Calendar control,
  • a Rating control.
  • a Map control marker.
  • an infinite Progress Bar control.
WEBDEV - Server code The Image property can only be used on:
  • an Image control.
  • a Web Camera control.
  • a Calendar control.
  • a Social Network control (whose image is customized).
  • a Map control marker.
WEBDEV - Browser code The Image property can only be used on:
  • a fixed-image button.
  • an Image control.
  • a Map control marker.
Java The Image property can only be used with the following elements:
  • Button.
  • Window.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 10/04/2024

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