New WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile SaaS feature!
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  • Overview
  • New WLanguage functions
  • Improved WLanguage functions
  • New WLanguage properties
  • Improved WLanguage properties
  • New advanced types of WLanguage
  • Improved advanced WLanguage types
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Version SaaS includes new and improved functions, properties and data types.
New WLanguage functions
Android New WLanguage functions for Android:
AuthLogoutDéconnexion d'un utilisateur.
AuthRevokeTokenDéconnecte un utilisateur.
ComboCloseCloses the drop-down list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column Combo Box control).
ControlRectangleReturns a rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
dpDriveConnectCreates a connection to Dropbox.
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
HExportJSONStringExports the records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to a JSON string.
HImportCSVRebond sur HImporteTexte.
PDFExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
RepeatedZoneAddFIDBeginAdds a repeat (or line) consisting of an internal window to the first repeat of a field Infinite Repeat Zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
RepeatedZoneAddStartAdds a repeat (or line) at the beginning of a field Infinite repeat zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
ScanDocumentFromCameraOpens a specific window for scanning one or more documents using the phone or tablet camera.
SMSDetectOneTimeCodeAutomatically populates an Edit control with a one-time code received by SMS.
TableAddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
telRecoverNumberDisplays the authorization and selection window for the user's phone number(s) registered on the device.
WinInHeightReturns the interior height of a window (without title bar and border).
WinInWidthReturns the internal width of a window (without border).
WinInXPosReturns the horizontal position of the top left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the top left corner of the screen.
WinInYPosReturns the vertical position of the top left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the top left corner of the screen.
WinOutHeightReturns the full height of a window.
WinOutWidthReturns the full width of a window.
WinOutXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinOutYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
xlsAddWorksheetAdds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document.
xlsCloseCloses an XLS file.
xlsColumnTitleRetrieves the title of a column found in an XLS file.
xlsColumnTypeReturns the type of data entered in a column of an XLS file.
xlsCoordinatesToNameRetrieves the name of a cell, XLS worksheet or Spreadsheet control according to its coordinates.
xlsCurrentWorksheetUsed to find out and modify the current worksheet in an XLS file.
xlsDataRetrieves the content of a cell found in an XLS file.
xlsDeleteWorksheetDeletes a worksheet from the Excel document.
xlsGetMergeDetermines if a cell is merged with other cells and gets the merged cell range.
xlsMergeCellMerges the specified cells in an Excel document.
xlsMsgErrorReturns the caption of the last error caused by an XLS function.
xlsNameToCoordinatesReturns the coordinates of a cell, XLS file or spreadsheet control according to its name.
xlsNbColumnReturns the number of columns found in a worksheet of an XLS file.
xlsNbRowReturns the number of rows found in an XLS file.
xlsNbWorksheetReturns the number of worksheets found in an XLS file.
xlsOpenOpens an Excel file (xls or xlsx files).
xlsRecalculateAllRecalculates all formulas in an Excel (XLSX) document.
xlsSaveSaves an XLS document.
xlsUnmergeCellUnmerges a range of cells.
xlsVersionReturns the Excel version that was used to save the file.
New WLanguage functions for Android (prefix syntax):
<ANSI string>.RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
<ANSI string>.RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<ANSI string>.RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<AuthToken>- DisconnectUser disconnection.
<AuthToken>RevokesRevokes a JWT token.
<Combo box>.CloseForces the closing of the drop-down list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column Combo Box).
<Control>.RectangleReturns the coordinates of the rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<HFSQL file>.ExportJSONStringExports the records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to a JSON string.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the analysis editor, or declared by the HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDecritFile functions).
<Table>.AddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
<Unicode string>.RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
<Unicode string>.RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<Unicode string>.RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<Window>.InHeightReturns the internal height of a window (without title bar and border).
<Window>.InWidthReturns the internal width of a window (without border).
<Window>.InXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.InYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.OutHeightReturns the full height of a window.
<Window>.OutWidthReturns the full width of a window.
<Window>.OutXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.OutYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<xlsDocument variable>.AddWorksheetAdds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.CloseCloses an XLS file.
<xlsDocument variable>.DeleteWorksheetDeletes a worksheet from the Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.GetMergeDetermines if a cell is merged with other cells and gets the merged cell range.
<xlsDocument variable>.MergeCellMerges the specified cells in an Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.RecalculateAllRecalculates all formulas in an Excel (XLSX) document.
<xlsDocument variable>.SaveSaves an XLS document.
<xlsDocument variable>.UnmergeCellUnmerges a given cell.
<Zone répétée>AddFIDbeginAdds a repeat (or line) consisting of an internal window to the first repeat of a field Infinite Repeat Zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
<Zone répétée>AddStartAdds a repeat (or line) at the beginning of a field Infinite repeat zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
Android Widget New WLanguage functions for Android widget mode:
AnimationSetModeChanges the type of animation:
  • for an image in an Image control.
  • for a text in a static control.
AuthLogoutDéconnexion d'un utilisateur.
AuthRevokeTokenDéconnecte un utilisateur.
ComboCloseCloses the drop-down list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column Combo Box control).
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
HImportCSVRebond sur HImporteTexte.
PDFExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
New WLanguage functions for Android widget mode (prefix syntax):
<ANSI string>.RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
<ANSI string>.RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<ANSI string>.RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<AuthToken>- DisconnectUser disconnection.
<AuthToken>RevokesRevokes a JWT token.
<Combo box>.CloseForces the closing of the drop-down list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column Combo Box).
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the analysis editor, or declared by the HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDecritFile functions).
<Unicode string>.RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
<Unicode string>.RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<Unicode string>.RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
iPhone/iPad New WLanguage functions for iPhone/iPad:
AnimationSetModeChanges the type of animation:
  • for an image in an Image control.
  • for a text in a static control.
AppointmentCreateDisplays the window for appointment creation of native application for managing appointments found on the Android device.
AuthRevokeTokenDéconnecte un utilisateur.
ControlRectangleReturns a rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
dpDriveConnectCreates a connection to Dropbox.
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
HImportCSVRebond sur HImporteTexte.
iAddBookmarkAdds a bookmark in the report viewer or when exporting to PDF.
PDFExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
RepeatedZoneAddFIDBeginAdds a repeat (or line) consisting of an internal window to the first repeat of a field Infinite Repeat Zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
RepeatedZoneAddStartAdds a repeat (or line) at the beginning of a field Infinite repeat zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
ScanDocumentFromCameraOpens a specific window for scanning one or more documents using the phone or tablet camera.
TableAddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
WinInHeightReturns the interior height of a window (without title bar and border).
WinInWidthReturns the internal width of a window (without border).
WinInXPosReturns the horizontal position of the top left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the top left corner of the screen.
WinInYPosReturns the vertical position of the top left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the top left corner of the screen.
WinOutHeightReturns the full height of a window.
WinOutWidthReturns the full width of a window.
WinOutXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinOutYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
xlsAddWorksheetAdds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document.
xlsCloseCloses an XLS file.
xlsColumnTitleRetrieves the title of a column found in an XLS file.
xlsColumnTypeReturns the type of data entered in a column of an XLS file.
xlsCoordinatesToNameRetrieves the name of a cell, XLS worksheet or Spreadsheet control according to its coordinates.
xlsCurrentWorksheetUsed to find out and modify the current worksheet in an XLS file.
xlsDataRetrieves the content of a cell found in an XLS file.
xlsDeleteWorksheetDeletes a worksheet from the Excel document.
xlsGetMergeDetermines if a cell is merged with other cells and gets the merged cell range.
xlsMergeCellMerges the specified cells in an Excel document.
xlsMsgErrorReturns the caption of the last error caused by an XLS function.
xlsNameToCoordinatesReturns the coordinates of a cell, XLS file or spreadsheet control according to its name.
xlsNbColumnReturns the number of columns found in a worksheet of an XLS file.
xlsNbRowReturns the number of rows found in an XLS file.
xlsNbWorksheetReturns the number of worksheets found in an XLS file.
xlsOpenOpens an Excel file (xls or xlsx files).
xlsRecalculateAllRecalculates all formulas in an Excel (XLSX) document.
xlsSaveSaves an XLS document.
xlsUnmergeCellUnmerges a range of cells.
xlsVersionReturns the Excel version that was used to save the file.
zipOpenRAROpens an existing archive in RAR format.
New WLanguage functions for iPhone/iPad (prefix syntax):
<AuthToken>RevokesRevokes a JWT token.
<Control>.RectangleReturns the coordinates of the rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<Etat>.InitEtatVersoInitializes the parameters of the report to be printed on the reverse side of another report.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the analysis editor, or declared by the HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDecritFile functions).
<Table>.AddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
<Window>.InHeightReturns the internal height of a window (without title bar and border).
<Window>.InWidthReturns the internal width of a window (without border).
<Window>.InXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.InYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.OutHeightReturns the full height of a window.
<Window>.OutWidthReturns the full width of a window.
<Window>.OutXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.OutYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<xlsDocument variable>.AddWorksheetAdds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.CloseCloses an XLS file.
<xlsDocument variable>.DeleteWorksheetDeletes a worksheet from the Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.GetMergeDetermines if a cell is merged with other cells and gets the merged cell range.
<xlsDocument variable>.MergeCellMerges the specified cells in an Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.RecalculateAllRecalculates all formulas in an Excel (XLSX) document.
<xlsDocument variable>.SaveSaves an XLS document.
<xlsDocument variable>.UnmergeCellUnmerges a given cell.
<zipArchive variable>.OpenRAROpens an existing archive in RAR format.
<Zone répétée>AddFIDbeginAdds a repeat (or line) consisting of an internal window to the first repeat of a field Infinite Repeat Zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
<Zone répétée>AddStartAdds a repeat (or line) at the beginning of a field Infinite repeat zone. The repeat is inserted before the first repeat in the Repeated zone field.. The scroll position of the Repeated zone field remains unchanged.
IOS Widget New WLanguage functions for iOS widget mode:
AuthRevokeTokenDéconnecte un utilisateur.
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
HImportCSVRebond sur HImporteTexte.
PDFExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
zipOpenRAROpens an existing archive in RAR format.
New WLanguage functions for iOS widget mode (prefix syntax):
<AuthToken>RevokesRevokes a JWT token.
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<Etat>.InitEtatVersoInitializes the parameters of the report to be printed on the reverse side of another report.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the analysis editor, or declared by the HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDecritFile functions).
<zipArchive variable>.OpenRAROpens an existing archive in RAR format.
Apple Watch New WLanguage functions for Apple Watch:
HImportCSVRebond sur HImporteTexte.
New WLanguage functions for Apple Watch (prefix syntax):
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the analysis editor, or declared by the HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDecritFile functions).
Mac Catalyst New WLanguage functions in Catalyst mode:
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
HImportCSVRebond sur HImporteTexte.
New WLanguage functions in Catalyst mode (prefix syntax):
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the analysis editor, or declared by the HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDecritFile functions).
Universal Windows 10 App New WLanguage functions for Universal Windows 10 apps:
HImportCSVRebond sur HImporteTexte.
New WLanguage functions for Universal Windows 10 apps (prefix syntax):
<Etat>.InitEtatVersoInitializes the parameters of the report to be printed on the reverse side of another report.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the analysis editor, or declared by the HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDecritFile functions).
Improved WLanguage functions
AndroidAndroid Widget The following functions have been improved in this version:
AppointmentAddIt is now possible to add an appointment directly to the device's default calendar application.
AppointmentCreateIt is now possible to use asynchronous syntax to determine if an appointment has been created.
DriveListFileThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
DriveListFileGglThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
ThreadPersistentA new parameter defines the use case of a persistent thread. Starting with Android 14, this information is mandatory. If this parameter is not set, a default use case is specified.
iPhone/iPad The following WLanguage functions have been improved:
AppointmentAddIt is now possible to add an appointment directly to the device's default calendar application.
DecryptStandardThe cryptAES192 constant allows you to use the AES-192 encryption algorithm.
DriveListFileThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
DriveListFileGglThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
EncryptStandardThe cryptAES192 constant allows you to use the AES-192 encryption algorithm.
iAddAttachmentNew constants for specifying the value of the AFRelationship key, required to use Factur-X.
InitRandomThis function now returns the random seed used.
IOS Widget The following WLanguage functions have been improved:
AppointmentAddIt is now possible to add an appointment directly to the device's default calendar application.
iAddAttachmentNew constants for specifying the value of the AFRelationship key, required to use Factur-X.
New WLanguage properties
Android New WLanguage properties for Android applications:
AutofillThe Autofill property indicates the type of information to be automatically entered in an Edit control.
InitialAnimationThe InitialAnimation property determines whether the animation of an Image, Button, Static or Carousel control is enabled when the control is created.
iPhone/iPad New WLanguage properties for iPhone/iPad applications:
New in version SaaS
The Autofill property indicates the type of information to be automatically entered in an Edit control.
InitialAnimationThe InitialAnimation property determines whether the animation of an Image, Button, Static or Carousel control is enabled when the control is created.
Improved WLanguage properties
Android The following WLanguage properties have been improved:
AnimationThis property is now available for Static controls.
iPhone/iPad The following WLanguage properties have been improved:
AnimationThis property is now available for Static controls.
New advanced types of WLanguage
Android New advanced types available for Android applications:
pdfControlThe pdfControl type is used to get all the characteristics and values of a control present in a PDF form.
pdfControlOptionThe pdfControlOption type is used to get and set the following characteristics of an option of a control present in a PDF form:
  • option caption.
  • selected or deselected state of the option.
xlsCellAn xlsCell variable is used to describe and modify a cell in an Excel document...
xlsColumnThe xlsColumn type is used to describe and modify a column in an Excel document...
xlsCommentThe xlsComment type is used to defined all the advanced characteristics of a comment in a cell of an XLS file or Spreadsheet control.
xlsDocumentAn xlsDocument variable is used to describe and modify an Excel document...
xlsLayoutThe xlsLayout type is used to define all the layout characteristics of a sheet of an XLSX document in a Spreadsheet control.
xlsRowThe xlsRow type is used to describe and modify a row in an Excel document...
iPhone/iPad New advanced types available for iOS applications:
xlsCellAn xlsCell variable is used to describe and modify a cell in an Excel document...
xlsColumnThe xlsColumn type is used to describe and modify a column in an Excel document...
xlsCommentThe xlsComment type is used to defined all the advanced characteristics of a comment in a cell of an XLS file or Spreadsheet control.
xlsDocumentAn xlsDocument variable is used to describe and modify an Excel document...
xlsLayoutThe xlsLayout type is used to define all the layout characteristics of a sheet of an XLSX document in a Spreadsheet control.
xlsRowThe xlsRow type is used to describe and modify a row in an Excel document...
Improved advanced WLanguage types
Android The following advanced types have been improved for Android applications:
  • New DateLastModified property: Date and time a Google file was last modified.
  • New Size property: Google file size.
  • New LogoutURL property: Web service logout URL (if supported).
  • New RevocationURL property: Web service revocation URL (if supported).
pdfPageThe new Control property lists the controls present in the page.
sshSessionThe new KeepAliveInterval property keeps a connection open and sets the interval between requests to check the connection is still active.
xmlNodeThe Exist property is now available in write mode and can be used to force the creation of an empty node.
iPhone/iPad The following advanced types have been improved for iOS applications:
  • New DateLastModified property: Date and time a Google file was last modified.
  • New Size property: Google file size.
  • New LogoutURL property: Web service logout URL (if supported).
  • New RevocationURL property: Web service revocation URL (if supported).
sshSessionThe new KeepAliveInterval property keeps a connection open and sets the interval between requests to check the connection is still active.
xmlNodeThe Exist property is now available in write mode and can be used to force the creation of an empty node.
Minimum version required
  • Version SaaS
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Last update: 07/18/2024

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