Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Chart functions
  • Chart parameters
  • Miscellaneous
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Stored procedures
Retrieves or modifies a chart parameter.
  • This function proposes all the options of gr3DSParameter.
  • This function must not be used on the Chart controls found in the report editor.
Linux Caution: A specific configuration is required to use this function in Linux. For more details, see The charts.
// Disables the optimization of marks on the X-axis of CHART_Chart1
grParameter(CHART_Chart1, grOptimizedMarksX, False)

Retrieving the value of a chart parameter Hide the details

<Result> = grParameter(<Chart name> , <Parameter>)
<Result>: Integer, real or boolean
Parameter value. The type depends on the specified parameter (see the notes).
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the chart name defined through programming with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control (in the window or page editor).
PHP Only the interactive Chart controls are available.
<Parameter>: Integer constant
Chart parameter whose value is requested:
gr3DSPropAnimationType of animation played when displaying the chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropAutoZoomAutomatic zoom of chart
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropColorPlaneXColor of vertical plane (axis to right or to left)
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropColorPlaneYColor of horizontal plane (axis above or below)
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropColorPlaneZColor of background plane
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropDistanceChart zoom
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropElevationRotation angle of chart around the vertical axis (Y-axis)
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropLegendOverlapThe legend and title overlap the chart
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropLightXX-coordinate of the light that is lighting the chart
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropLightYY-coordinate of the light that is lighting the chart
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropRotationRotation angle of chart around the horizontal axis (X-axis)
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropTransparencyTransparency level for the bars or sections of chart
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
grAlgoFunnelMode for representing the data in a Funnel chart.
Universal Windows 10 App This constant is not available.
grAlgoPyramidMode for representing the data in a Pyramid chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinuxiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux and in applications for iPhone or iPad.
grHMDisplayColorMode for displaying colors in a Heatmap chart.
grInfiniteZoomOutEnable the infinite zoom out mode. If the infinite zoom out is enabled, you have the ability to unzoom a chart even if this one is displayed at 100%.
WINDEVWindows This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows.
grInteractiveSunburstEnable the interactive mode in a Sunburst chart.
Universal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
grOptimizedLocationEnable the optimization used to populate the available space for the Pie, Semi-circular and Donut charts displayed in a control or in a window.
PHP This constant is not available.
grOptimizedMarksXEnable the optimization of marks on the horizontal axis (X axis).
PHP This constant is not available.
grOptimizedMarksYEnable the optimization of marks on the vertical axis (Y axis).
PHP This constant is not available.
grProjection3DScatterMode for displaying the projections on a 3D Scatter chart.
WINDEVWindows This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows.
grSamplingEnabledManagement of downsampling.
grScrollbarZoomAlwaysVisibleManagement of scrollbars during a zoom on the chart.
PHP This constant is not available.
grSunburstCaptionPerpendicularSectionMode for displaying the caption of the section in a Sunburst chart.
WINDEVWindows This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows. This constant is ignored for a Chart control found in a report.
grSunburstMaxLevelMaximum number of levels displayed in a Sunburst chart.
Universal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available.

Modifying the value of a chart parameter Hide the details

grParameter(<Chart name> , <Parameter> , <Value>)
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the chart name defined through programming with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control (in the window or page editor).
PHP Only the interactive Chart controls are available.
<Parameter>: Integer constant
Chart parameter to modify:
gr3DSPropAnimationType of animation played when displaying the chart
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropAutoZoomAutomatic zoom of chart
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropColorPlaneXColor of vertical plane (axis to right or to left)
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropColorPlaneYColor of horizontal plane (axis above or below)
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropColorPlaneZColor of background plane.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropDistanceChart zoom
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropElevationRotation angle of chart around the vertical axis (Y-axis).
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropLegendOverlapThe legend and title overlap the chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropLightXX-coordinate of the light that is lighting the chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropLightYY-coordinate of the light that is lighting the chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropRotationRotation angle of chart around the horizontal axis (X-axis).
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPropTransparencyTransparency level for the bars or sections of chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
grAlgoFunnelMode for representing the data in a Funnel chart.
Universal Windows 10 App This constant is not available.
grAlgoPyramidMode for representing the data in a Pyramid chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinuxiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux and in applications for iPhone or iPad.
grHMDisplayColorMode for displaying colors in a Heatmap chart.
grInfiniteZoomOutEnable the infinite zoom out mode. If the infinite zoom out is enabled, you have the ability to unzoom a chart even if this one is displayed at 100%.
WINDEVWindows This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows.
grInteractiveSunburstEnable the interactive mode in a Sunburst chart.
Universal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
grOptimizedLocationEnable the optimization used to populate the available space for the Pie, Semi-circular and Donut charts displayed in a control or in a window.
PHP This constant is not available.
grOptimizedMarksXEnable the optimization of marks on the horizontal axis (X axis).
PHP This constant is not available.
grOptimizedMarksYEnable the optimization of marks on the vertical axis (Y axis).
PHP This constant is not available.
grProjection3DScatterMode for displaying the projections on a 3D Scatter chart.
WINDEVWindows This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows.
grSamplingEnabledManagement of downsampling.
grScrollbarZoomAlwaysVisibleManagement of scrollbars during a zoom on the chart.
PHP This constant is not available.
grSunburstCaptionPerpendicularSectionMode for displaying the caption of the section in a Sunburst chart.
WINDEVWindows This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows.
grSunburstMaxLevelMaximum number of levels displayed in a Sunburst chart.
Universal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
<Value>: Integer, real or boolean
Parameter value. The type depends on the specified parameter (see the notes).

Chart parameters

The different chart parameters are as follows:
ConstantEffectParameter value
gr3DSPropAnimationType of animation played when displaying the chartInteger
The possible values are:
  • 0: no animation
  • 1: zoom in
  • 2: rotating effect
  • 4: progressive drawing of bars/sections
  • 8: progressive display of colors
These values can be added.
The default value is 15.
gr3DSPropAutoZoomAutomatic zoom of chartBoolean
  • True (by default) if the zoom must be automatically calculated,
  • False otherwise.
If the zoom is automatically calculated, the value of gr3DSPropDistance constant is ignored.
gr3DSPropColorPlaneXColor of vertical plane (axis to right or to left)Integer
To avoid drawing this axis, use the Transparent constant.
This constant is taken into account by the bar charts and by the line charts only.
The default value is LightGray.
gr3DSPropColorPlaneYColor of horizontal plane (axis above or below)Integer
To avoid drawing this axis, use the Transparent constant.
This constant is taken into account by the bar charts and by the line charts only.
The default value is LightGray.
gr3DSPropColorPlaneZColor of background planeInteger
To avoid drawing this axis, use the Transparent constant.
This constant is taken into account by the bar charts and by the line charts only.
The default value is LightGray.
gr3DSPropDistanceChart zoomReal
The possible values are included between 0 and infinity.
This constant is taken into account only if the gr3DSPropAutoZoom constant is set to False.
The default value is 189.
gr3DSPropElevationRotation angle (in degrees) of the chart around the vertical axis (Y-axis)Real
The possible values are included between 0 and 360.
The value 0 displays a frontal view of chart.
The value 90 displays the chart from above.
The best rotation angle is automatically calculated by default.
gr3DSPropLegendOverlapThe legend and title overlap the chartBoolean.
  • True if the legend and title overlap the chart,
  • False (by default) otherwise.
gr3DSPropLightXX-coordinate of the light that is lighting the chart.Real
The possible values are included between 0 and infinity.
The default value is 78.
gr3DSPropLightYY coordinate of the light that is lighting the chart.Real
The possible values are included between 0 and infinity.
The default value is 80.
gr3DSPropRotationRotation angle (in degrees) of the chart around the horizontal axis (X-axis).Real
The possible values are included between 0 and 360.
The value 0 displays a frontal view of chart.
The value 90 displays a right view of chart.
The best rotation angle is automatically calculated by default.
gr3DSPropTransparencyTransparency level (in percentage) for the bars or chart sectionsInteger
The possible values are included between 0 (opaque) and 100 (transparent/invisible).
The default value is 27%.
grAlgoFunnelMode for representing the data in a Funnel chart.Integer constant:
  • grFunnelArea: The value is symbolized by the area of funnel section.
  • grFunnelHeight: The value is symbolized by the height of funnel section.
grAlgoPyramidMode for representing the data in a Pyramid chart.Integer constant:
  • grPyramidHeight: The value is symbolized by the height of the pyramid section.
  • grPyramidVolume: The value is symbolized by the volume of the pyramid section.
grHMDisplayColorMode for displaying colors between two values in a Heatmap chart. The possible values are:
  • grColorGradient (by default): A linear gradient is applied to the intermediate values.
  • grLowerLevel: The display of colors is done by level. All the values less than or equal to the level will take the color given by grHMColor.
  • grHigherLevel: The display of colors is done by level. All the values greater than or equal to the level will take the color given by grHMColor.
grInfiniteZoomOutManagement of zoom out (unzoom)Boolean.
  • True to allow the zoom out in a chart (which means to use a negative zoom when the chart is displayed at 100%)
  • False (by default) to forbid the zoom out.
grInteractiveSunburstMode for managing the interactivity of Sunburst chart. Boolean.
  • True (default option): the Sunburst chart is interactive: a click on a section is used to display the sections of sub-levels.
  • False: the Sunburst chart is not interactive.
grOptimizedLocationEnable the optimization used to populate the available space for the Pie, Semi-circular and Donut charts displayed in a control or in a window.Boolean.
If the optimization of the fill is enabled, the Pie, Semi-circular and Donut charts will occupy the entire available space when they are displayed in a control or in a window.
The optimization of the fill is enabled by default.
grOptimizedMarksXEnable the optimization of marks on the horizontal axis (X axis).Boolean.
If the optimization of marks is enabled, only some marks are displayed to avoid the overlapping effects.
Marks are optimized by default ("Mark" option set to "Default" in the Chart control description window).
grOptimizedMarksYEnable the optimization of marks on the vertical axis (Y axis).Boolean.
If the optimization of marks is enabled, only some marks are displayed to avoid the overlapping effects.
Marks are optimized by default ("Mark" option set to "Default" in the Chart control description window).
grProjection3DScatterMode for displaying the projections on a 3D Scatter chart.The projections have been defined by grScatter3DProjection.
The possible values are:
  • grProjectionNone: No projection is performed.
  • grProjectionClick: The projections are visible during the click on the point.
  • grProjectionAlwaysVisible (by default): These projections are always visible.
grSamplingEnabledManagement of data sampling. Boolean.
  • True if the data sampling is enabled.
  • False if the data sampling is disabled.
grScrollbarZoomAlwaysVisibleManagement of scrollbars during a zoom. Boolean.
  • True (by default) if the zoom scrollbars must always be visible, even when the chart is displayed at 100%.
  • False if the zoom scrollbars must become invisible when the chart is displayed at 100%.
grSunburstCaptionPerpendicularSectionEnable the display of captions perpendicular to sections.Boolean.
By default, labels are displayed in a circular orientation. If this option is enabled (True), the label will be displayed in a circular orientation.
WEBDEV - Server codePHP The label is always displayed in a radial orientation.
grSunburstMaxLevelMaximum number of levels displayed in a Sunburst chart. Integer.
Default value: 0 (corresponds to no limit).
WINDEVReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)


No error is returned if grParameter is used on a type of chart other than 3D Spatial. If the options for drawing in 3 dimensions are not available, the information is stored and it will be used when the type of chart is modified (by grType or with the context menu of the chart).
Related Examples:
WD Chart Training (WINDEV): WD Chart
[ + ] This example presents the different uses of the Chart control.
Different types of charts are presented:
- Pie
- Sunburst
- Line
- Scatter
- Column
- Area
- etc.

The main features presented here are the possibility to customize of charts from the code, as well as to fill the chart from an HFSQL data file, or in the editor.
Component: wd300grf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 14
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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