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Stored procedures
Merges the specified cells in an Excel document.
New in version SaaS
Android This function is now available for Android applications.
Android Widget This function is now available in Android widget mode.
iPhone/iPad This function is now available for iPhone/iPad applications.
MyXLSDocument is xlsDocument

// Merges the cells from B2 at the top-left to D4 at the bottom-right
xlsMergeCell(MyXLSDocument, "B2", "D4")

Merging a range of cells identified by row and column Hide the details

<Result> = xlsMergeCell(<Excel document> , <Start row> , <Start column> , <End row> , <End column> [, <Type of merge>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the cells were merged,
  • False otherwise.
<Excel document>: xlsDocument variable
Name of the variable of type xlsDocument to be used.
<Start row>: Integer
Row number of the upper-left cell in the range of cells to merge.
<Start column>: Integer
Column number of the upper-left cell in the range of cells to merge.
<End row>: Integer
Row number of the lower-right cell in the range of cells to merge.
<End column>: Integer
Column number of the lower-right cell in the range of cells to merge.
<Type of merge>: Optional Integer constant
Type of merge to be performed:
(default value)
Merges the cells and centers the contents.
xlsMergeSimpleMerges the cells without centering the contents.

Merging a range of cells identified by name Hide the details

<Result> = xlsMergeCell(<Excel document> , <Start cell> , <End cell> [, <Type of merge>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the cells were merged,
  • False otherwise.
<Excel document>: xlsDocument variable
Name of the variable of type xlsDocument to be used.
<Start cell>: Character string
Name of the upper-left cell in the range of cells to merge. This parameter has the following syntax: <Column letter><Row number>. For example: "A32".
<End cell>: Character string
Name of the lower-right cell in the range of cells to merge. This parameter has the following syntax: <Column letter><Row number>. For example: "A32".
<Type of merge>: Optional Integer constant
Type of merge to be performed:
(default value)
Merges the cells and centers the contents.
xlsMergeSimpleMerges the cells without centering the contents.
Component: wd300xls.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 28
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Last update: 06/06/2024

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