Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Windows functions / Dialog Box functions
  • Features of the dialog box
  • Line break in the dialog box
  • Special cases
  • Emulation
  • Application in the background: Specific case from Android 10
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
Displays a custom message in a system information window.
Information window
  • This is a blocking information window. To continue running the application, the user must validate this window by clicking OK.
    WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPad To avoid blocking the application, use InfoAsynchronous.
  • WINDEV WINDEV allows you to apply the skin template of your project to this dialog box. For more details, see Customizing dialog boxes.
User_Name is string
User_Name = "Florence"
Info("Hello" + User_Name, "Welcome!")
Info(<Text> [, <Line 2> [... [, <Line n>]]])
<Text>: Character string
Text to display.
<Line 2>: Optional character string
Text displayed on the next line.
<Line n>: Optional character string
Text displayed in the following lines.

Features of the dialog box

  • The title of the dialog box corresponds to the title of the current window (or page).
    AndroidiPhone/iPad To comply with the system specifications, the title of dialog box is empty by default. To define this title, use NextTitle.
  • To modify or define the title of dialog box, use NextTitle.
  • The message is aligned to the left.
  • The captions of buttons depend on the runtime language of Windows.
  • The maximum number of characters cannot exceed 4096. If a larger string is passed as parameter, it will be truncated.
    Universal Windows 10 AppAndroidJava The entire string is displayed, regardless of its size.
  • The icon displayed (information tooltip) cannot be modified.
WINDEV To customize this dialog box (and all the system dialog boxes in your application), check "Customize system windows (Info, YesNo, Confirm, Dialog)" in the "Style" tab of the project description. For more details, see Customizing dialog boxes.

Line break in the dialog box

The CR string (Carriage Return) can be used to force a break to the next line. For example:
Info("The XXX form was modified." + CR + "This form will be saved.")
is equivalent to:
Info("The XXX form was modified.", "This form will be saved.")
You also have the ability to use the syntax of multiline strings. For example:
The XXX form has been modified.

This form will be saved.

Special cases

  • Timers (TimerSys) are not stopped when this function is called.
  • WINDEV Windows events are not stopped when this function is called.
  • PHP The call to Info is effective in the current page only. If PageDisplay is used after Info, the dialog box will not be displayed in the new page.
  • WINDEVJava DelayBeforeClosing limits how long the message is displayed. The dialog box is automatically closed. For question or confirmation dialog boxes, the default button corresponds to the expected answer.
    WINDEV To limit the display duration of an Info dialog box only, use InfoWithTimeout.
  • The text of the buttons is displayed in the system language.
  • iPhone/iPad This function should not be used. Use InfoAsynchronous instead:
    • in the "Resize" event of the window. Otherwise, the application will be locked.
    • in the "Change the orientation" event of the window.
    • in the "Move to the foreground" event associated with the project.
      Remark: However, the function can be used in the "Move to the foreground" event of a window.
    • in the "Select a row" event of List Box and Looper controls.
    • in a thread.


A system information window can be emulated by EmulateInfo.

Application in the background: Specific case from Android 10

From Android 10, it is no longer possible to open a window when the application is in the background.
Info can open a window. If this function is used while the application is in the background, a fatal error will occur.
  • It is possible to determine if the application is in the background using InBackgroundMode.
  • If an application needs to interact with the user while it is in the background, the solution is to display a notification (via the Notification type). The application will be brought back to the foreground when the notification is clicked, if the ActivateApplication property is set to True. You can also open a window from the procedure passed to the ActionClick property.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/13/2024

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