- Features of the dialog box
- Line break in the dialog box
- Special cases
- Application in the background: Specific case from Android 10
InfoAsynchronous (Function) In french: InfoAsynchrone Displays a non-blocking custom message in a system information window.
Remarks: - This is a non-blocking information window. The WLanguage code that follows the call to InfoAsynchronous continues to run. To close the window, the user must click the OK button to validate. When the user clicks "OK", the code of a WLanguage procedure can be run.
- In the WLanguage code following the call to the function, another modal window cannot be opened before closing the dialog box.
- WINDEV allows you to apply the skin template of your project to this dialog box. For more details, see Customizing dialog boxes.
User_Name is string
User_Name = "Florence"
InfoAsynchronous("Hello" + User_Name + CR + "Welcome!", MyProcedure_Info)
ToastDisplay("Close info")
InfoAsynchronous(<Text> [, <WLanguage procedure>])
<Text>: Character string Text to display. <WLanguage procedure>: Optional name of procedure or lambda procedure Name of the WLanguage procedure ("callback") called when the user clicks "OK" in the information window. This WLanguage procedure can correspond to: - a name of a global procedure,
- a name of an internal procedure,
- a lambda procedure.
If this parameter is not specified, no procedure is run when the user clicks "OK" in the information window. Remarks Line break in the dialog box The CR string (Carriage Return) can be used to force a break to the next line. For example:
InfoAsynchronous("The XXX form was modified." + CR + "This form will be saved.")
You also have the ability to use the syntax of multiline strings. For example:
The XXX form has been modified.
This form will be saved.
Special cases - Timers (TimerSys) are not stopped when this function is called.
- Windows events are not stopped when this function is called.
- The text of the buttons is displayed in the system language.
- This function must not be used:
- in the "Resize" event of the window. Otherwise, the application will be locked.
- in the "Change the orientation" event of the window.
- in the "Move to the foreground" event associated with the project.
Remark: However, the function can be used in the "Move to the foreground" event of a window. - in a thread.
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