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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Window functions
  • Title of dialog boxes
  • Title presentation
  • Minimized window
  • Special case on Android and iOS: using the HourGlass function
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Modifies the title of next window to open.
Reminder: By default, the window title is the one defined in the editor.
WEBDEV - Server code Modifies the title of next dialog box opened.
Android Note: Executed in the project initialization code, the function NextTitle function updates the loading message displayed on the splash screen.
WINDEVReports and QueriesAndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadJavaUser code (UMC)Ajax
// Modify the title of next window to open
NextTitle("Modifying a customer form")
NextTitle(<New title>)
<New title>: Character string
New title of next window or dialog box to open.
WEBDEV - Server code New title of next dialog box to open.

Title of dialog boxes

By default, the windows opened by Warning, Confirm, Dialog, Error, ErrorInfo, Info, OKCancel or YesNo have the same title as the previous window. NextTitle is used to modify this title.
WEBDEV - Server code NextTitle is used to modify the title of the dialog boxes opened by Confirm, OKCancel or YesNo. The title of the dialog boxes displayed by Error and Info cannot be modified.
WINDEVReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)

Title presentation

The drawing functions in the list boxes (starting with the letter "g") are used to:
  • add drawings to the title,
  • modify the formatting of title (background color, text color, etc.) with gBackground and gPen.
For example: to change the text color and background color of a title:
NextTitle(EOT + gBackground(RGB(0, 255, 255)) + gPen(RGB(255, 0, 0)) + "Color test")
Special case under Windows Vista and higher Windows using the "Aero system" look cannot have a graphic title: the graphic part is ignored. If "Aero" is not enabled, the graphic title will be displayed as usual.
WINDEVReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)

Minimized window

When a window is minimized, the title of this window is displayed beside the icon in the taskbar.

Special case on Android and iOS: using the HourGlass function

Using Hourglass triggers the display of an infinite progress bar. The application interface can no longer be handled by the user as long as the hourglass is displayed.
By default, no message is displayed beside the progress bar.
The following actions can be performed:
  • To display a message, use NextTitle.
  • To modify the message while the progress bar is displayed, all you have to do is re-run NextTitle then Hourglass.
  • To hide the progress bar, use Hourglass with the <Enabled> parameter set to False as many times as Hourglass was used with the <Enabled> parameter set to True.
Remark: When executing long processes, it is advisable to add calls to function Multitask in the code to give the ProgressBar time to refresh its display..
Android Example:
// This example shows a copy of several HFSQL data files 
// from an HFSQL server to a local directory.
// In this example, an information is displayed for each copy. 
// sConnection is a connection defined programmatically.

gsMyLocalHFPath is string = SysDirStorageCard() + fSep() + "MyApplication Data" + fSep() 
sPassword is string = "My password"

NextTitle("Copying the Category file")
IF NOT HCopyFile("", ...
	gsMyLocalHFPath + Category..Name + ".fic", sConnection, Category..Name + ".fic", ...
	hCopyIndex, "", sPassword) THEN 
		Error("Error while copying the file " + Category..Name + " locally")

NextTitle("Copying the BankAccount file")
IF NOT HCopyFile("", gsMyLocalHFPath + BankAccount..Name + ".fic", ...
	sConnection, BankAccount..Name + ".fic", hCopyIndex, "", sPassword) THEN 
		Error("Error while copying the file " + Category..Name + " locally")

NextTitle("Copying the Operations file")
IF NOT HCopyFile("", gsMyLocalHFPath + Operations..Name + ".fic", ...
	sConnection, Operations..Name + ".fic", hCopyIndex, "", sPassword) THEN 
		Error("Error while copying the file " + Category..Name + " locally")

NextTitle("Copying the SubCategory file")
IF NOT HCopyFile("", gsMyLocalHFPath + SubCategory..Name + ".fic", ...
	sConnection, SubCategory..Name + ".fic", hCopyIndex, "", sPassword) THEN 
		Error("Error while copying the file " + Category..Name + " locally")

NextTitle("Copying the User file")
IF NOT HCopyFile("", gsMyLocalHFPath + User..Name + ".fic", ...
	sConnection, User..Name + ".fic", hCopyIndex, "", sPassword) THEN 
		Error("Error while copying the file " + Category..Name + " locally")
// Close the houglasses 

Info("The files have been copied onto the Smartphone.")
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 12/06/2024

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