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Note: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (Window functions (prefix syntax)).
The following functions are used to manage WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile windows programmatically.
For more details:
AbandonCloses the current window by running the "Click" event of the CANCEL Button control.
ChangeSkinTemplateDynamically changes the skin template:
  • of all windows found in the current application,
  • of the windows found in the WINDEV components used by the application,
  • of a specific window found in the project.
CloseCloses a WINDEV window (and returns a value if necessary).
CurrentTitleModifies the title of the current window (returned by CurrentWin) and the title bar.
CurrentWinIdentifies the window currently in edit.
DelayBeforeClosingLimits the display duration of a window or dialog box.  If no user action is performed, when the specified amount of time is reached:
  • for a window, the code of a window button will be run. 
  • for a dialog box, the dialog box is automatically closed.
  • the name of nth option or sub-option found in the main menu of window.
  • the name of nth option or sub-option found in a custom context menu (created with WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile).
ExecuteRefreshUIImmediately executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the window, page, internal window, internal page, control template or supercontrol.
ExecuteRefreshUIElementImmediately executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the given element.
ExecuteRefreshUIParentImmediately executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the parent.
ExecuteUpdateUIImmediately executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the window, page, internal window, internal page, control template or supercontrol. This function is kept for backward compatibility.
ExecuteUpdateUIParentImmediately executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the parent. This function is kept for backward compatibility.
IconizeMinimizes a WINDEV window.
InitWindowInitializes (or not) the controls to zero and runs the initialization processes of the controls and the window.
MaximizeDisplays a WINDEV window in its maximum size.
MultitaskRedrawImmediately redraws the window controls that will be graphically refreshed.
NextTitleModifies the title of next window to open.
OpenOpens a modal WINDEV window.
OpenAsynchronousOpens a window whose result will be retrieved via a WLanguage procedure ("callback").
OpenChildOpens a non-modal child window.
OpenMainMenuOpens the main menu of the current window.
OpenMobileWindowOpens a window in a mobile application.
OpenPopupOpens a popup window and waits for this window to be closed.
OpenPopupAsynchronousOpens a popup window whose result will be retrieved via a WLanguage procedure ("callback").
OpenPopupPositionOpens a popup window by specifying its opening position and waits until it is closed.
OpenSisterOpens a non-modal sibling window.
PreviousWinIdentifies the window that was in edit before the window that is currently in edit (for the same project).
RequestRefreshUIRequests the execution of the "Request for refreshing the display" event (and gives back control without waiting for the execution of the event).
RequestRefreshUIElementRequests the execution of the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the specified element (and gives back control without waiting for the execution of the event).
RequestRefreshUIParentAsks to run the "Request for refreshing the display" process of parent.
RequestUpdateUIRequests the execution of the "Request for refreshing the display" event (and gives back control without waiting for the execution of the event). This function is kept for backward compatibility.
RequestUpdateUIParentAsks to run the "Request for refreshing the display" process of parent. This function is kept for backward compatibility.
RestoreDisplays a WINDEV window to its initial size.
UseOpens a WINDEV window and closes all other previously open windows.
WaitWindowEndCloses the waiting window of the application opened with WaitWindowStart.
WaitWindowStartOpens the loading window of application.
WinAdaptHeightAdapts the window height to the content of controls.
WinAdaptSizeAdapts the window size to the content of controls.
WinAdaptWidthAdapts the window width to the content of controls.
WinBackgroundImageModifies the background image of a window and specifies the display mode of this image.
WinChangeAliasModifies the alias of a window.
WinChangeLayoutApplies a specific layout to:
  • a window.
  • an internal window.
WinCopyFormCopies the content of a form to the clipboard.
WinCurrentLayoutReturns the index of the current layout:
  • in the current window.
  • in the specified window or internal window.
WinDisableEffectDisables the visual effects of the graphic engine of WINDEV (for a use in TSE mode for example).
WindowBitmapCreates the image of the specified window in a BMP file.
WinEnableDDWEnables or disables the DDW (Dim Disabled Window) feature:
  • for a specific window.
  • for all the application windows.
WinForceDDWForces the DDW (Dim Disabled Windows) feature on a window even if this window is not accessible.
WinGiveSuitableHeightReturns the height of a window, adapted to the content of controls.
WinGiveSuitableWidthReturns the width of a window, adapted to the content of controls.
WinIconBarHeightReturns or modifies the current height of the "Icon Bar" area in the current MDI parent window.
WinInactiveEffectEnables or disables the DDW (Dim Disabled Window) feature:
  • for a specific window.
  • for all the application windows.
WinInHeightReturns the interior height of a window (without title bar and border).
WinInitializedUsed to find out whether the "end of initialization" code was run for a window.
WinInputIdentifies the window containing the WLanguage code currently run.
WinInWidthReturns the interior width of a window (without borders).
WinInXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinInYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the internal area (without border and title bar) of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
New in version 2025
Changes the mode used to create and draw windows. All windows opened after calling this function will use the new mode.
WinOrientationModifies or retrieves the display orientation of the current window.
WinOutHeightReturns the outer height of a window.
WinOutWidthReturns the outer width of a window.
WinOutXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinOutYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinPasteFormPastes the content of a form stored in the clipboard.
WinRateDDWGets and sets the dimming rate for windows that use the DDW (Dim Disabled Windows) feature.
WinRedrawImmediately redraws the window controls for which a graphic update is required.
WinRefreshVisibleModifies or returns the visibility state of the refresh bar in a window.
WinScreenRectangleReturns the coordinates of the screen that contains a window.
  • returns or modifies the window display mode (maximized, minimized or normal),
  • modifies the window height and/or width,
  • moves the window and modifies a window's height and/or width.
WinSlidingVisibleDisplays or hides a sliding window (sliding menu).
WinStatusIdentifies or modifies the window status.
The following functions can also be used to handle windows:
DisableAAFDisables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, window or on the current application.
DrawingStyleAllows you to find out and modify:
  • the display mode of grayed buttons found in the windows of your application.
  • the display mode of translucent border for the windows of your application.
  • the mode for loading large images.
EnumElementEnumerates project elements: windows, pages, reports, queries, etc.
EnumSubElementUsed to enumerate the subelements of a project element.
ExecuteAAFRuns an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or window.
LargeFontFactorReturns the current enlargement ratio of a WINDEV window (only if Windows is in "large fonts" mode).
  • all the controls found in the current window or page (including the groups of controls, the supercontrols and the internal windows).
  • the controls found in a group of controls, a supercontrol, an internal window or an internal page.
WindowCountCalculates the number of windows currently opened in the current application.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 10/08/2024

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