WinCurrentLayout (Function) In french: FenAgencementEnCours Returns the index of the current layout: - in the current window.
- in the specified window or internal window.
IF WinCurrentLayout(WIN_Details) = 2 THEN
Getting the layout of the current window Hide the details
<Result> = WinCurrentLayout()
<Result>: Integer - Index of the current layout.
- 0 if the window includes no layout.
Getting the layout of a specific window Hide the details
<Result> = WinCurrentLayout(<Window used>)
<Result>: Integer - Index of the current layout.
- 0 if the internal window includes no layout.
<Window used>: Window name Name of the window or internal window used. Remarks - Layouts are numbered in the order in which they were created.
- The layout changes if the device orientation changes or if WinChangeLayout is run.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
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