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Stored procedures
The following functions are used to manage dialog boxes:
ConfirmDisplays a message in a standard dialog box that proposes "Yes", "No", "Cancel" and returns the user's choice.
ConfirmAsynchronousDisplays a non-blocking message in a standard dialog box with the answers "Yes", "No", "Cancel" and calls a WLanguage procedure with the user's response.
DialogDisplays a message box and returns the value of the button clicked by the user.
DialogAsynchronousDisplays a non-blocking message box and calls a WLanguage procedure with the value of the button clicked by the user.
ErrorDisplays a custom error message in a system error window.
ErrorAsynchronousDisplays a custom error message in a non-blocking system error window.
ErrorBuildDisplays a custom error message in a system error window.
ErrorWithTimeoutDisplays a custom error message in a system error window for a set amount of time.
ErrorWithTimeoutAsynchronousDisplays a custom error message in a non-blocking system error window for a given amount of time.
InfoDisplays a custom message in a system information window.
InfoAsynchronousDisplays a non-blocking custom message in a system information window.
InfoBuildDisplays a custom message in a system information window.
InfoWithTimeoutDisplays an information message in a system information window for a set amount of time
InfoWithTimeoutAsynchronousDisplays a custom message in a non-blocking system information window for a given amount of time.
InputDisplays a message allowing the user to type an information.
MessageDisplays or removes a message from the status bar of the current window or browser.
OKCancelDisplays a message in a standard dialog box that proposes "OK" and "Cancel" and returns the user's choice.
OKCancelAsynchronousDisplays a message in a standard non-blocking dialog box with the answers "OK" and "Cancel" and calls a WLanguage procedure with the user's response.
ProgressBarDisplays a progress bar in the status bar of current window.
StatusBarAddCellAdds a new cell to the status bar of the current window.
StatusBarDeleteCellDeletes a cell from the status bar of the current window.
WarningDisplays a custom message in a system warning window.
WarningAsynchronousDisplays a custom message in a non-blocking system warning window.
YesNoDisplays a message in a standard dialog box that proposes "Yes" and "No" and returns the user's choice.
YesNoAsynchronousDisplays a message in a standard non-blocking dialog box with the answers "Yes" and "No" and calls a WLanguage procedure with the user's response.
Other functions are also available to manage the tootips:
ShowToolTipEnables or disables the mechanism for displaying the control tooltips.
ToolTipColorModifies the colors used for displaying the tooltips.
ToolTipDelayUsed to modify:
  • the timeout before displaying the tooltips.
  • the display duration of the tooltips.
Related Examples:
BalloonTip Unit examples (WINDEV): BalloonTip
[ + ] Displaying BalloonTip.
A BalloonTip is an advanced tooltip. In most cases, this BalloonTip is displayed above an icon in the taskbar.
A BalloonTip is used to display an information to the user without interrupting his work (when the application is in background or when it is minimized in the Windows "Systray" for example).
Unlike the dialog boxes displayed by the WLanguage functions such as Info, Warning or Error, a BalloonTip is not locking. It is used to display messages whose importance and type can be configured.
A BalloonTip contains:
- an icon used to identify the type of message
- a title
- a "Close" button
- a specific message.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 10/08/2024

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