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Stored procedures
Constants used by properties associated with windows, reports, pages and controls
ConstantDescriptionUsed by these properties/functions
ActiveElement state: The element is active/visibleState property
InitialState property
adjustmentModeColumnsSpreadsheet control adjustment mode: All the columns are adjusted to the control width.
AdjustmentMode property
adjustmentModeNoneSpreadsheet control adjustment mode: No scaling is performed.
AdjustmentMode property
adjustmentModeRowsSpreadsheet control adjustment mode: All the rows are adjusted to the control height.
AdjustmentMode property
adjustmentModeRowsAndColumnsSpreadsheet control adjustment mode: The worksheet is adjusted to the dimensions of the Spreadsheet control.
AdjustmentMode property
anchorBottomControl anchoring options: Anchor to the bottom.Anchor property
anchorHeightControl anchoring options: Vertical anchors.Anchor property
anchorRightControl anchoring options: Anchor to the right.Anchor property
anchorTopLeftControl anchoring options: Anchor to the top left.Anchor property
anchorWidthControl anchoring options: Anchor to the left and right.Anchor property
atcAdaptInHeightWhen the control content changes, it adapts to the new content vertically. AnchorToContent property
atcAdaptInWidthWhen the control content changes, it adapts to the new content horizontally. AnchorToContent property
atcNoneWhen the control content changes, the control is not resized. AnchorToContent property
BlurMode used to hide a control in a report: the control is blurred.Hidden property
BottomToTopOrientation of the Organization chart: The root element of the organization chart is at the bottom of the control, and its children are at the top.ElementOrientation property
btnCancelType of button: Cancel button.ButtonType property
btnHelpType of button: Help button.ButtonType property
btnInterruptionType of button: Interruption button.ButtonType property
btnNormalType of button: Normal button.ButtonType property
btnValidateType of button: Validation button.ButtonType property
camBackCameraCamera used: Back camera of the phoneCamera property
camFlashAutoPhone camera flash management mode: Flash fired automatically according to the light conditions.Flash property
camFlashOffPhone camera flash management mode: Flash is always off.Flash property
camFlashOnPhone camera flash management mode: Flash is always on.Flash property
camFrontCameraCamera used: Front camera of the phoneCamera property
camHomotheticPreview display mode: Scales the preview, respecting the aspect ratio of the source image, so that the preview is fully contained and aligned to the top-left corner of the control.DisplayModePreview property
camHomotheticCenteredPreview display mode: Scales the preview, respecting the aspect ratio of the source image, so that the preview is fully contained and centered in the control.DisplayModePreview property
camHomotheticCenteredExtendedPreview display mode: Scales the preview, respecting the aspect ratio of the source image, so that the preview is centered and fills the entire control.DisplayModePreview property
camHomotheticExtendedPreview display mode: Scales the preview, respecting the aspect ratio of the source image, so that the preview is aligned to the top-left corner and fills the entire control.DisplayModePreview property
camTorchAutoPhone camera torch management mode: Torch turned on automatically according to the light conditions.Torch property
camTorchOffPhone camera torch management mode: The torch is always off.Torch property
camTorchOnPhone camera torch management mode: The torch is always on.Torch property
contextMenuDisabledDisables the system and Euro context menus.
ContextMenu property
contextMenuSystemDisables the menu options specific to the AAFs (Automatic Application Features). Only the Windows context menu is displayed.
It also allows access to the Unicode options available for some Windows systems ("Right to left reading order, Show Unicode control characters, etc.").
ContextMenu property
csCircleStyle of the checkmark of a menu option: Round check icon. CheckMarkStyle property
csDefaultStyle of the checkmark of a menu option: Default checkmark. CheckMarkStyle property
curArrowPreset cursor: Standard arrowMouseCursor property
curArrowForbiddenPreset cursor: Arrow and sign not allowedMouseCursor property
curArrowWaitPreset cursor: Arrow and hourglassMouseCursor property
curAutomaticPreset cursor: Automatic cursor: the cursor is inherited if a parent element is associated with a specific cursor, otherwise the control's default cursor is used.MouseCursor property
curCrossPreset cursor: Standard crossMouseCursor property
curDefaultDefault cursor associated with the controlMouseCursor property
curForbiddenPreset cursor: Sign not allowedMouseCursor property
curHandPreset cursor: HandMouseCursor property
curHelpPreset cursor: Help about an elementMouseCursor property
curIbeamPreset cursor: Input cursorMouseCursor property
curSizePreset cursor: Cross arrow cursorMouseCursor property
curSizeColumnPreset cursor: Cursor for resizing columnsMouseCursor property
curSizeNESWPreset cursor: North East/South West arrowMouseCursor property
curSizeNSPreset cursor: North/South arrowMouseCursor property
curSizeNWSEPreset cursor: North West/South East arrowMouseCursor property
curSizeRowPreset cursor: Cursor for resizing rowsMouseCursor property
curSizeWEPreset cursor: East/West arrowMouseCursor property
curSystemHandPreset cursor: System hand
In NT4, this cursor is identical to curHand.
MouseCursor property
curUpArrowPreset cursor: Up arrowMouseCursor property
curWaitPreset cursor: HourglassMouseCursor property
dbAlwaysVisiblePosition of the delete button: The delete button is always displayed.DeleteButton property
dbinEditPosition of the delete button: The delete button is displayed when the Edit control is in edit mode.DeleteButton property
dbNonePosition of the delete button: The delete button is not displayed.DeleteButton property
dbOffEditPosition of the delete button: The delete button is displayed when the Edit control is not in edit mode.DeleteButton property
dfMarkdownMarkdown text.DisplayFormat property
dfPlainTextText without specific format.DisplayFormat property
dfRTFText in RTF.DisplayFormat property
diagModeFreehandDrawingThe Diagram Editor control is in "Freehand drawing" mode. EditMode property
diagModeSelectionThe Diagram Editor control is in "Selection" mode. EditMode property
displayModeContinuousDisplay mode: The white space between pages is hidden. DisplayMode property
displayModeHtmlSourceCodeDisplay mode: The HTML source code is displayed in the HTML Editor control. DisplayMode property
Display mode: Only one list will be displayed in the Kanban control. The other lists can be accessed by scrolling horizontally. DisplayMode property
Display mode: Multiple lists can be displayed simultaneously in the Kanban control. DisplayMode property
displayModeOnePageDisplay mode: The document is displayed as it will be printed. DisplayMode property
Display mode: The document pages are displayed side by side. The first page is set as cover page and is displayed on the right. DisplayMode property
displayModeTwoPagesDisplay mode: The document pages are displayed side by side. DisplayMode property
displayModeWebDisplay mode: The document is displayed as a Web page.DisplayMode property
DisplayOnlyElement state: non-modifiable element.
For Table controls, the user will be able to select a table row. It can also be selected programmatically with TableSelectPlus.
State property
InitialState property
dndAutoBehavior of the source and target controls for a drag-and-drop operation: Drag-and-drop operations are handled automaticallyDndTarget property
DndSource property
dndInactiveBehavior of the source and target controls for a drag-and-drop operation: Drag-and-drop operations are disabledDndTarget property
DndSource property
dndProgramBehavior of the source and target controls for a drag-and-drop operation: Drag-and-drop operations are managed by the developerDndTarget property
DndSource property
doAlwaysOrphan display mode: All the elements will be displayed, even the ones with no parent. For example, all products will be displayed, even those associated with no category.DisplayOrphan property
doAutoOrphan display mode: The display mode is automatic according to the cardinality of the link defined in the analysis.DisplayOrphan property
doNeverOrphan display mode: Only the elements with a parent are displayed. For example, only the products associated with a category will be displayed.DisplayOrphan property
ellipsisDisabledThe "..." characters are not used. The ellipsis is not displayed.Ellipsis property
ellipsisEndAn ellipsis ("...") replaces the characters that cannot be displayed at the end of the control.Ellipsis property
ellipsisPathAn ellipsis ("...") replaces the characters in the middle of the text. This constant should be used to display a path to a file.Ellipsis property
fbacCenterItems of all the lines are centered along the cross axis, taking into account the total height or width of the lines.FlexAlignContent property
fbacEndDepending on the direction of the Flexbox control:
  • items in the last line (N) are aligned to the bottom or right edge of the Flexbox control.
  • items in the second to last line (N-1) are aligned to the top or left edge of the items in the last line (N), etc.
FlexAlignContent property
fbacSpaceAroundItems in each line are distributed from start to end along the cross axis. Items in each line are distributed with equal space around them, taking into account both the other items and the edges of the Flexbox control.FlexAlignContent property
fbacSpaceBetweenDepending on the direction of the Flexbox control:
  • items in the first line are aligned to the top or left edge of the Flexbox control.
  • items in the last line (N) are aligned to the bottom or right edge of the Flexbox control.
Items in the inner lines are aligned and distributed at equal distance from the items in the first and last line.
FlexAlignContent property
fbacStartDepending on the direction of the Flexbox control:
  • items in the first line are aligned to the top or left edge of the Flexbox control.
  • items in the second line are aligned to the bottom or right edge of the items in the first line, etc.
FlexAlignContent property
fbacStretchItems will stretch horizontally and vertically to take up the remaining space in the Flexbox control. This is the default value ("undefined").FlexAlignContent property
fbaiBaselineAll the text of the controls is aligned.FlexAlignItems property
fbaiCenterAll controls are centered. Depending on the direction of the Flexbox control, each item is centered according to its height or width.FlexAlignItems property
fbaiEndDepending on the direction, items are aligned to the bottom or right edge of the Flexbox control.FlexAlignItems property
fbaiStartDepending on the direction, items are aligned to the top or left edge of the Flexbox control.FlexAlignItems property
fbaiStretchDepending on the direction of the Flexbox control, items stretch vertically or horizontally.FlexAlignItems property
fbasAutoThe alignment of the item along the cross axis is defined by the Flexbox control.FlexAlignSelf property
fbasBaselineAlignment is set based on the text baseline.FlexAlignSelf property
fbasCenterThe item is centered along the cross axis.FlexAlignSelf property
fbasEndThe item is positioned at the end of the line.FlexAlignSelf property
fbasStartThe item is positioned at the start of the line.FlexAlignSelf property
fbasStretchThe item will stretch to fill the Flexbox control along the cross axis.FlexAlignSelf property
fbdColumnItems are laid out vertically, from top to bottom.FlexDirection property
fbdColumnReverseItems are laid out vertically, from bottom to top.FlexDirection property
fbdRowItems are laid out horizontally, from left to right.FlexDirection property
fbdRowReverseItems are laid out horizontally, from right to left.FlexDirection property
fbjcCenterItems are centered along the main axis. There is no space between them. The same spacing value is generated at each end of the group of items.FlexJustifyContent property
fbjcEndThe last item is aligned to the end of the main axis. Depending on the direction of the Flexbox control, the other items are positioned from right to left or bottom to top.FlexJustifyContent property
fbjcSpaceAroundDepending on the direction of the Flexbox control, items are distributed along the main axis. Items are distributed with equal space around them, taking into account both the other items and the edges of the Flexbox control.FlexJustifyContent property
fbjcSpaceBetweenDepending on the direction of the Flexbox control, items are distributed along the main axis. The first item is aligned to the start of the main axis. The last item is aligned to the end of the main axis. The other items are distributed in the remaining space and the same spacing value is used between the items.FlexJustifyContent property
fbjcStartThe first item is aligned to the start of the main axis. Depending on the direction of the Flexbox control, the other items are positioned from left to right or top to bottom.FlexJustifyContent property
fbwNoWrapItems are laid out in a single line. The Flexbox control stretches horizontally or vertically, or a scrollbar is displayed.FlexWrap property
fbwWrapItems that do not fit in the line are positioned on the next line.FlexWrap property
fbwWrapReverseItems that do not fit in the line are positioned on the next line going up or left.FlexWrap property
filDirectAccessFileControl fill mode: Control with direct access to the data source.FillType property
filFileLoadedInMemoryControl fill mode: Control with in-memory data source.FillType property
filMemoryControl fill mode: Control populated programmatically.FillType property
filVariableControl fill mode: Control based on a WLanguage variable.FillType property
GrayedElement state: Grayed out elementState property
InitialState property
haCenterHorizontal alignment of a control: Centered textHorizontalAlignment property, docNumberingLevel variable,
docParagraph variable
haJustifiedHorizontal alignment of a control: Text justifiedHorizontalAlignment property, docParagraph variable
haLeftHorizontal alignment of a control: Text aligned leftHorizontalAlignment property, docNumberingLevel variable,
docParagraph variable
haNotDefinedHorizontal alignment of a control: Alignment inherited from CSSHorizontalAlignment property
haRightHorizontal alignment of a control: Text aligned rightHorizontalAlignment property, docNumberingLevel variable,
docParagraph variable
imgAlignHCenteredAlignment mode: Horizontally centeredImageMode property
imgAlignHRightAlignment mode: Bottom vertical alignmentImageMode property
imgAlignVBottomAlignment mode: Vertically centeredImageMode property
imgAlignVCenteredAlignment mode: Horizontal alignment to rightImageMode property
imgCenteredDisplay mode: Image centered in the controlImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgHDisplay mode: The image stretches or shrinks while maintaining its aspect ratio to fit the controlImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgHCDisplay mode: The image stretches or shrinks while maintaining its aspect ratio to be centered and fit the controlImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgHCEDisplay mode: The image stretches or shrinks while maintaining its aspect ratio so that the image is centered and its smaller side fits the controlImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgHCWISDisplay mode: If the full image fits the control, it is displayed at its original size (100%) and centered in the control. Otherwise, it is downsized, while maintaining its aspect ratio to fit and appear centered in the control.ImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgHEDisplay mode: The image stretches or shrinks while maintaining its aspect ratio so that the smaller side of the image fits the controlImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgHQImage quality: In homothetic mode, improves the image quality when it is downsizedImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgHWISDisplay mode: If the full image fits the control, it is displayed at its original size (100%). Otherwise, it is downsized, while maintaining its aspect ratio to fit the control.ImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgNormalDisplay mode: The image is displayed at its original size (100%) in the upper-left corner of the controlImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgNoScaleDisplay mode: In "Large fonts" mode, the image displayed in an Image control is automatically enlarged.
It prevents the image from being enlarged in "Large fonts" mode.
This constant is useful for drawing in controls that contain a bitmap screenshot.
ImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgStretchedDisplay mode: The image stretches to fill the controlImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
imgTiledDisplay mode: The image is repeated while maintaining its original size (100%) to fit the control (tile design)ImageMode property,
FolderModeImage property
InvisibleElement state: Invisible elementState property
InitialState property
iSignature_CAdES_BCAdES Basic electronic signature. SignatureMode property, iPrintSignature, PDFSign
iSignature_CAdES_CCAdES C electronic signature. SignatureMode property, iPrintSignature, PDFSign
iSignature_CAdES_TCAdES Trust token electronic signature. SignatureMode property, iPrintSignature, PDFSign
iSignature_CAdES_XCAdES-X Type 2 electronic signature. SignatureMode property, iPrintSignature, PDFSign
iSignature_CAdES_XLCAdES-XL Type 2 electronic signature. SignatureMode property, iPrintSignature, PDFSign
iSignature_PKCS7PKCS7 signature. This is an Adobe standard format not approved by the ETSI and Chorus standards. SignatureMode property, iPrintSignature, PDFSign
layoutHorizontalStackingThe Layout control displays a cell per row, one below the other. Layout property
layoutVerticalStackingThe Layout control displays one cell per column, one next to the other. Layout property
LeftToRightOrientation of the Organization chart: The root element of the organization chart is to the left of the control, and its children are to the right.ElementOrientation property
lldAutomaticDetails of a row in a table based on a data file: The links defined in the analysis are used to find the data from the linked data files to be displayed. RowDetailsBinding property
lldNoneDetails of a row in a table based on a data file: No binding was defined. No details are displayed in the Table control based on a data file when clicking the + sign or when double-clicking a row. RowDetailsBinding property
lvmListViewListView control display mode: ListView.ListViewMode property
lvmPanoramaListView control display mode: panorama.ListViewMode property
lvmSimpleListListView control display mode: standard List Box.ListViewMode property
mapModePlanDisplay mode of a Map control: road mapMapMode property
mapModeSatelliteDisplay mode of a Map control: satellite modeMapMode property
maskAAlphaNumInput mask: Letter, then letters + digitsDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskAAlphaNumUpperInput mask: Uppercase letter, then uppercase letters + digitsDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskAddressIPIP address (e.g.: property,
InputMask property
maskAddressIPv6New format for the IP addresses of the following type: aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:gggg:hhhh:iiii:jjjjDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskAddressMACMAC address in the following format: "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff".DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskAlphaInput mask: LettersDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskAlphaNumInput mask: Letters + digitsDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskAlphaNumUpperInput mask: Letters in uppercase characters + digitsDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskAlphaUpperInput mask: Letters in uppercase charactersDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskBankAccountNumberBank account number according to the IBAN standard: two letters (country code) + two check digits + 11 to 30 digits/lettersDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskBitcoinBitcoin input mask. DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskCardNumberAmericanExpress15-digit American Express credit card number.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskCardNumberMasterCard16-digit Mastercard credit card number.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskCardNumberVisa16-digit Visa credit card number.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskDateEmailThe format used corresponds to the date format of the RFC-5322 standard used for encrypting emails, RSS feeds, etc. The result is expressed in the local time zone.DateToString
DisplayMask property
maskDateEmailUTCThe format used corresponds to the date format of the RFC-5322 standard used for encrypting emails, RSS feeds, etc. The result is expressed in universal time (UTC).DateToString
DisplayMask property
maskDateInternetThe format used corresponds to the date format of the RFC-3339 standard used for international communications. The result is expressed in the local time zone.DateToString
DisplayMask property
maskDateInternetUTCThe format used corresponds to the date format of the RFC-3339 standard used for international communications. The result is expressed in universal time (UTC).DateToString
DisplayMask property
maskDateRelativeDurationThis format expresses the time elapsed (or to elapse) between today's date and the specified date.DateToString
maskDateSystemThe format used corresponds to the format defined in the project description for the current language.DateToString
maskEmailInput mask: Email addressDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskEmailMultipleEmail addresses separated by the ";" character.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskEmailRFC2822Email address that is RFC2822 compliant and uses a correct top level domain, checked when exiting the control.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskEmailRFC2822MultipleEmail addresses separated by the ";" character. These email addresses are RFC2822 compliant and use a correct top level domain.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskFileNameInput mask: File name and pathDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskFileNoFolderInput mask: File name (without its directories)DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskFileSizeNumeric mask for file and disk sizes.DisplayMask property
InputMask property
maskFUpperInput mask: Capitalize first letterDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskINSEEInput mask: INSEE numberDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskINSEEKeyInput mask: INSEE number + KeyDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskISBN1010-digit ISBN number.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskISBN1313-digit ISBN number.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskLowerInput mask: All in lowercase lettersDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskNoneInput mask: No input maskDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskNumInput mask: DigitsDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskNumPlusInput mask: Digits, '+', ' ', '.', '-', ','DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPatronymicLetters + Digits + Space + Apostrophe + DashDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPatronymicUpperUppercase Letters + Digits + Space + Apostrophe + DashDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_AustraliaAustralian social security number (Tax File Number - TFN).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_BelgiumBelgium social security number (National number).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_BrazilBrazilian social security number (Cadastro de Pessoas fisicas).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_CanadaCanadian social security number (Social insurance number).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_GreeceGreek social security number (Identity card).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_ItalyItalian social security number (Codice fiscale).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_NetherlandsDutch social security number (Sofinummer).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_SingaporeSingaporean social security number (National Registration Identity Card).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_SpainSpanish social security number (Numero de identificacion de Extranjeros).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_UKBritish social security number (National Insurance Number).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPersonID_USAmerican social security number (Social Security Number).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPhoneInput mask: Phone numberDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPhoneBelgiumBelgium phone number (dial codes, national and international numbers).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPhoneCanadaCanadian phone number (XXX CCC-CCCC or +1 XXX CCC-CCCC, where XXX is the regional code and CCC-CCCC the local number).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPhoneFranceFrench telephone number (10 digits, grouped by 2). For example: "04 67 69 40 23" or "36 99".DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskPhoneSwitzerlandSwiss phone number (0CC CCC CC CC or +41 CC CCC CC CC).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskRIBRIB number.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskRomanNumeralRoman numeral (for example: MCMLXXIV).DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskScientificInput mask: Scientific notation. DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskSIRENSIREN number attributed to a French business: 9-digit number made up of eight digits + one check digit calculated using the Luhn algorithm.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskSIRETSIRET number attributed to a establishment: the first part is a SIREN code followed by 4 digits + one check digit calculated using the Luhn algorithm.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskSystemCurrencyInput/Display mask: Currency mask used by the system. Corresponds to the mask defined in the system regional settings ("Regional options" in the control panel).DisplayMask property
InputMask property
NumToString function
maskSystemNumeralInput/Display mask: Numeric mask used by the system. Corresponds to the mask defined in the system regional settings ("Regional options" in the control panel).DisplayMask property
InputMask property
NumToString function
maskSystemTimeInput/Display mask: Mask defined in the system regional settings ("Regional options" in the control panel)DisplayMask property
InputMask property
TimeToString function
maskUpperInput mask: All in uppercase lettersDisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskUUID128128-bit UUID without dashes. For example: "29ea9852143a46a4842aca811e5f8597".DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskUUID128Raw128-bit UUID with dashes. For example:
DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskUUID128WithBrace128-bit UUID with braces. For example:
DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskUUID256128-bit UUID without dashes. For example:
DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeFrench postal code (including overseas departments): 5-digit number.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeAustraliaAustralian postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeAustriaAustrian postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeBelgiumBelgium postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeBrazilBrazilian postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeCanadaCanadian postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeGermanyGerman postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeGreeceGreek postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeItalyItalian postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeNetherlandsDutch postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodePortugalPortuguese postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeSingaporeSingapore postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeSpainSpanish postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeSwitzerlandSwiss postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeUKUK postal code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
maskZipCodeUSUS zip code.DisplayMask property,
InputMask property
mergeNextCellMerge table cells: merge the cell with the next cell (on the same row)Merge property
mergeNextLineMerge table cells: merge the cell with the cell on the next rowMerge property
mergeNextTitleMerge table cells: merge the title of the next columnMerge property
mergeNoneMerge table cells: no merge is performedMerge property
MultimediaReaderAutomaticThe Video control chooses the best media player according to the file extension.MultimediaReader property
MultimediaReaderFlashThe Video control will use the MacroMedia Flash player (adapted for files whose extension is .FLV, .MP4, etc.)MultimediaReader property
MultimediaReaderNativeBrowserThe Video control will use the native HTML 5 player.MultimediaReader property
MultimediaReaderQuicktimeThe Video control will use the Apple QuickTime player (adapted for files whose extension is .MOV, .MP4, etc.)MultimediaReader property
MultimediaReaderWindowsMediaThe Video control will use the Windows Media player (adapted for files whose extension is .WMV, .ASF, .AVI, etc.)MultimediaReader property
NotFoundElement state: The window is closedState property
OutsideScreenActive window displayed outside the visible areaState property
ProgressBarDefaultSystem progress bar used by Windows 7: Restores the default behavior.ProgressBarSystem property
ProgressBarNoneSystem progress bar used by Windows 7: The progress bar is disabled.ProgressBarSystem property
ProgressBarStatusBarSystem progress bar used by Windows 7: The taskbar progress bar is used.ProgressBarSystem property
ptAutomaticWINDEV automatically chooses the best connection point for the Wire control.AttachPointEnd property,
AttachPointStart property
ptBottomCenterThe connection point of the Wire control is centered on the bottom edge of the control.AttachPointEnd property,
AttachPointStart property
ptMiddleLeftThe connection point of the Wire control is centered on the left edge of the control.AttachPointEnd property,
AttachPointStart property
ptMiddleRightThe connection point of the Wire control is centered on the right edge of the control.AttachPointEnd property,
AttachPointStart property
ptTopCenterThe connection point of the Wire control is centered on the top edge of the control.AttachPointEnd property,
AttachPointStart property
pvtAllCollapsedLevel of detail in a Pivot Table control in a report: displays the first level of data detail of the Pivot Table control used as data source.Collapsed property
pvtAllExpandedLevel of detail in a Pivot Table control in a report: displays all the data from the Pivot Table control used as data source.Collapsed property
pvtLikeTheControlLevel of detail in a Pivot Table control in a report: same level of detail as in the PVT control used as data source.Collapsed property
ReadOnlyNoSelectionFor Table controls only: The control is read-only, no input is allowed.
In this case, the user will not be able to select a row from the table using the mouse or the arrow keys. A row can only be selected programmatically with TableSelectPlus. This row will be selected with the selection bar.
State property
InitialState property
RedactionMode used to hide a control in a report: the control is replaced by a black rectangle.Hidden property
secHtmlMaxiNo scripts are run (javascript, vbscript, etc.). No ActiveX control or plugin is displayed or run.SecurityHtml property
secHtmlNoneThe scripts are run. The ActiveX controls or plugins are displayed and run.
Remark: Scripts will not run in the control if the State property of the control is set to Inactive or Grayed.
SecurityHtml property
shapeArrowShape of the wire ends: ArrowShapeExtremityEnd property, ShapeExtremityStart property
  • Shape of the wire ends: Circle
  • Shape of the marker or marker cluster: Circle.
shapeDiamondShape of the wire ends: DiamondShapeExtremityEnd property, ShapeExtremityStart property
shapeNoneShape of the wire ends: NoneShapeExtremityEnd property, ShapeExtremityStart property
  • Shape of the marker or marker cluster: Rounded square.
MarkerImage type
  • Shape of the wire ends: Square
  • Shape of the marker or marker cluster: Square.
shapeTriangleShape of the wire ends: TriangleShapeExtremityEnd property, ShapeExtremityStart property
skAltControl key: Alt keyShortcutKey property
skControlControl key: Ctrl keyShortcutKey property
skShiftControl key: Shift keyShortcutKey property
slLinkAllGantt Chart column: All the links are displayed.DisplayLink property
slLinkNoneGantt Chart column: No link is displayed.DisplayLink property
slLinkSelectionGantt Chart column: Only the links of the selected task are displayed.DisplayLink property
styleCrossHatchBackground style of the cells, rows and columns in tables and TreeView tables: Hatches that use a '+++++' patternBackgroundStyle property
styleDefaultBackground style of the cells, rows and columns in tables and TreeView tables: default styleBackgroundStyle property
styleDiagonalCrossHatchBackground style of the cells, rows and columns in tables and TreeView tables: Hatches that use a 'xxxxx' patternBackgroundStyle property
styleGradientBackground style of the cells, rows and columns in tables and TreeView tables: default styleBackgroundStyle property
styleHorizontalHatchBackground style of the cells, rows and columns in tables and TreeView tables: Hatches that use a '-----' patternBackgroundStyle property
styleLeftDiagonalHatchBackground style of the cells, rows and columns in tables and TreeView tables: Hatches that use a '/////' patternBackgroundStyle property
styleRightDiagonalHatchBackground style of the cells, rows and columns in tables and TreeView tables: Hatches that use a '\\\\\\' patternBackgroundStyle property
styleTubeBackground style of the cells, rows and columns in tables and TreeView tables: default styleBackgroundStyle property
styleVerticalHatchBackground style of the cells, rows and columns in tables and TreeView tables: Hatches that use a '| | | | |' patternBackgroundStyle property
swDisabledBottom sliding windows are not displayed.HeightCollapsed property,HeightHalfExpanded property,HeightExpanded property
swFitToContentThe height of the bottom sliding window corresponds to the height of the internal window. HeightCollapsed property,HeightHalfExpanded property,HeightExpanded property
swSysMediumThe height of the bottom sliding window corresponds to half the height of the host window.HeightCollapsed property,HeightHalfExpanded property,HeightExpanded property
syncAdditionAutomatic synchronization of Table controls based on a data file: Synchronization when adding a record to the HFSQL Client/Server data file. SynchroHFSQL property
syncDeletionAutomatic synchronization of Table controls based on a data file: Synchronization when deleting a record from the HFSQL Client/Server data file.SynchroHFSQL property
syncModificationAutomatic synchronization of Table controls based on a data file: Synchronization when modifying a record in the HFSQL Client/Server data file. SynchroHFSQL property
syncNoneAutomatic synchronization of Table controls based on a data file: No synchronization is performed. SynchroHFSQL property
tdDefaultDefault writing direction, defined for the current language in the editorTextDirection property
tdLeftToRightLeft-to-right writing directionTextDirection property
tdRightToLeftRight-to-left writing directionTextDirection property
toolArrowThe arrow tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolBlurThe blur tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolCropThe crop tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolEllipseThe pencil tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolEraserThe eraser tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolFillThe fill tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolLineThe line tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolOCRThe OCR tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolPencilThe pencil tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolRectangleThe rectangle tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolTextThe text tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
toolWatermarkThe watermark tool is selected by default in the Image Editor control.InitialTool property
TopToBottomOrientation of the Organization chart: The root element of the organization chart is at the top of the control, and its children are at the bottom.ElementOrientation property
trsImageTransparency mode: Image transparency is preserved.TransparencyMode property
trsMagentaTransparency mode: Magenta in the image will be transparent when displayed.TransparencyMode property
trsTopLeftCornerTransparency mode: Points of the same color as the top left point of the image will be transparent.TransparencyMode property
typActiveXType of element: ActiveX controlType property,
typAttributeType of element: Looper attributeType property,
typBarCodeType of element: Bar Code controlType property,
typBreadcrumbType of element: BreadcrumbType property,
typBreakType of element: Break in a Looper controlType property,
typButtonType of element: Button controlType property,
typCalendarType of element: Calendar controlType property,
typCaptchaType of element: Captcha controlType property,
typCarouselType of element: CarouselType property,
typCellType of element: Cell controlType property,
typCellFlexBoxType of element: Cell of a FlexBox controlType property,
typCellLayoutType of element: Cell in a Layout controlType property,
typCellPageLayoutType of element: Cell control used for the Zoning layout.Type property,
typChartType of element: Chart controlType property,
typCheckBoxType of element: Check Box controlType property,
typClickType of element: Clickable Image control (Image control with the "This image is a clickable area" option).Type property,
typCodeEditorType of element: Code Editor controlType property,
typColumnType of element: Table columnType property,
typComboNEType of element: Non-editable Combo Box controlType property,
typComboWEType of element: Editable Combo Box controlType property,
typConferenceType of element: Conference controlType property,
typContextMenuControlType of element: Context Menu control of a WEBDEV pageType property,
typControlTemplateType of element: Control templateType property,
typCubeType of element: Cube controlType property,
typCurrencyType of element: Currency Edit controlType property,
typDashboardType of element: Dashboard controlType property,
typDateType of element: Date Edit controlType property,
typDiagramEditorType of element: Diagram Editor controlType property,
typDrawerType of element: Drawer controlType property,
typDurationType of element: Duration Edit controlType property,
typeSignatureApprovalType of signature: Approval signature.SignatureType property
typeSignatureCertificationType of signature: Certification signature.SignatureType property
typFlashType of element: Flash controlType property,
typFlexType of element: Flex controlType property,
typFormattedControlType of element: Formatted display controlType property,
typGanttType of element: Gantt Chart columnType property,
typGrpType of element: Group of controlsType property,
typHorizontalRuleType of element: Line controlType property,
typHTMLType of element: HTML Static controlType property,
typHTMLControlType of element: HTML controlType property,
typHtmlEditorType of element: HTML Editor controlType property,
typHTMLStaticType of element: HTML Static controlType property,
typIFrameType of element: iFrame controlType property,
typImageType of element: Image controlType property,
typImageEditorType of element: Image Editor controlType property,
typInfiniteProgressBarType of element: Infinite Progress Bar controlType property,
typInputCurrencyType of element: Currency Edit controlInputType property
typInputDateType of element: Date Edit controlInputType property,
typInputDurationType of element: Duration Edit controlInputType property
typInputNumType of element: Numeric Edit control (real, integer, etc.)InputType property
typInputNumericPreciseType of element: Numeric Edit controlInputType property
typInputTextType of element: Text Edit controlInputType property
typInputTimeType of element: Time Edit controlInputType property
typInternalPageType of element: Internal pageType property,
typInternalWindowType of element: Internal windowType property,
typJavaType of element: Java controlType property,
typKanbanType of element: Kanban controlType property,
typKanbanListType of element: Kanban List controlType property,
typLayoutType of element: Layout controlType property,
typLinearLooperType of element: Linear Looper control
Until version 27, this constant was named typHorizontalLooper.
Type property,
typLinkType of element: Link controlType property,
typListType of element: List Box controlType property,
typListViewType of element: ListView controlType property,
typLooperType of element: Looper controlType property,
typMapType of element: Map controlType property,
typMapAreaType of element: Clickable Image controlType property,
typMenuControlType of element: Menu control of WEBDEV pageType property,
typMenuOptionType of element: Menu optionType property,
typMobileImageEditorType of element: Mobile Image Editor controlType property,
typMultilineZoneType of element: Multiline Zone controlType property,
typMultimediaType of element: Multimedia controlType property,
typNativeContainerType of element: Native Container controlType property,
typNavigationBarType of element: Navigation BarType property,
typNavigationBarCellType of element: Cell control in a Navigation Bar control.Type property,
typNumType of element: Numeric Edit controlType property,
typOleType of element: OLE controlType property,
typOrganizationChartType of element: Organization Chart controlType property,
typOrganizerType of element: Organizer controlType property,
typPageType of element: PageType property,
typPagerType of element: Pager controlType property,
typPannelType of element: Dockable Panel controlType property,
typPDFReaderType of element: PDF Reader controlType property,
typPeelingCornerType of element: Peeling Corner controlType property,
typPivotTableType of element: Pivot Table controlType property,
typPopupType of element: Popup controlType property,
typProgressBarType of element: Progress Bar controlType property,
typRangeSliderType of element: Range Slider controlType property,
typRangeSliderType of element: Range Slider controlType property,
typRatingType of element: Rating controlType property,
typRepositionableNoteType of element: Repositionable Note controlType property,
typRibbonType of element: Ribbon controlType property,
typRibbonGroupType of element: Ribbon groupType property,
typRichTextAreaType of element: Text Area control
In previous versions, this constant could also be used as typTextArea.
Type property
typRotativeSliderType of element: Round Slider controlType property,
typSchedulerType of element: Scheduler controlType property,
typScrollbarType of element: Scrollbar controlType property,
typSelectType of element: Radio Button controlType property,
typShapeType of element: Shape controlType property,
typSilverlightType of element: SilverLight controlType property,
typSiteMapType of element: Site Map controlType property,
typSliderType of element: Slider controlType property,
typSlidingBannerType of element: Sliding BannerType property,
typSlidingBannerPlaneType of element: Plane associated with a Sliding Banner controlType property,
typSocialLinkType of element: Social Network controlType property,
typSpinType of element: Spin controlType property,
typSplitterType of element: Splitter controlType property,
typSpreadsheetType of element: Spreadsheet controlType property,
typStaticType of element: Static controlType property,
typStatusBarBoxType of element: Cell in the status barType property
typSuperControlType of element: SupercontrolType property,
typSwitchType of element: Switch controlType property,
typSwitchOptionType of element: Option of a Switch controlType property,
typTabType of element: Tab controlType property,
typTableType of element: Table controlType property,
typTabPaneType of element: TabControlCreate
typTextType of element: Text Edit controlType property,
typThumbnailType of element: Thumbnail controlType property,
typTimeType of element: Time Edit controlType property,
typToolbarType of element: Toolbar controlType property,
typToolboxType of element: Sidebar controlType property,
typTreeMapType of element: TreeMap controlType property,
typTreeViewType of element: TreeView controlType property,
typTreeviewTableType of element: TreeView Table controlType property,
typUploadType of element: Upload controlType property,
typVideoType of element: Video controlType property,
typWebCamType of element: Web Camera controlType property,
typWebComponentType of element: Web Component controlType property,
typWinType of element: WindowType property,
typWireType of element: Wire controlType property,
typWordProcessingType of element: Word Processing controlType property,
typXamlType of element: Xaml controlType property,
useModeMovementPDF Reader control use mode: The control is in move mode:
  • the left mouse button allows you to move within the document.
  • the mouse cursor turns into a hand.
  • if the ribbon is displayed, the "Move" option is selected ("View" tab, "Tools" group).
Until version 27, this constant was named modeUseMovement.
UseMode property
useModeOCRPDF Reader control use mode: The control is in selection mode:
  • the left mouse button allows you to select the document elements.
  • the cursor changes to a lasso.
  • if the ribbon is displayed, the "OCR" option is selected ("View" tab, "Tools" group).
UseMode property
useModeSelectionPDF Reader control use mode: The control is in selection mode:
  • the left mouse button allows you to select the document elements.
  • the mouse cursor turns into an input cursor.
  • if the ribbon is displayed, the "Select" option is selected ("View" tab, "Tools" group).
Until version 27, this constant was named modeUseSelection.
UseMode property
vaAboveVertical alignment of a control: Vertical alignment above the baseline, as superscript (corresponds to the CSS "super" value)VerticalAlignment property
vaAutoVertical alignment of a control: Automatic vertical alignment (corresponds to the CSS "auto" value)VerticalAlignment property
vaBaselineVertical alignment of a control: Vertical alignment according to the baseline (corresponds to the CSS "baseline" value)VerticalAlignment property
vaBelowVertical alignment of a control: Vertical alignment below the baseline, as subscript (corresponds to the CSS "sub" value)VerticalAlignment property
vaBottomVertical alignment of a control: Text aligned to the bottomVerticalAlignment property
vaMiddleVertical alignment of a control: Text centeredVerticalAlignment property
vaNotDefinedVertical alignment of a control: Vertical alignment inherited from the parentVerticalAlignment property
vaTextBottomVertical alignment of a control: Vertical alignment with the bottom of the parent's font (corresponds to the CSS "text-bottom" value)VerticalAlignment property
vaTextTopVertical alignment of a control: Vertical alignment with the top of the parent's font (corresponds to the CSS "text-top" value)VerticalAlignment property
vaTopVertical alignment of a control: Text aligned to the topVerticalAlignment property
veBlueShadeA blue shade is displayed on the control or on the group of controls.VisualEffect property
veDdwThe control or the group of controls is grayed out: the visual effect is identical to the one used by the DDW feature (Dim Disabled Windows).VisualEffect property
veNoneNo specific visual effect is applied to the control or to the group of controls. The display corresponds to a standard display.VisualEffect property
weAddRepositionableNoteAuthorization to modify: The end user can add a repositionable note in the window.WinEditAllowed property, WinEditMode property
weAddWireAuthorization to modify: The end user can add a wire between several controls.WinEditAllowed property, WinEditMode property
weChangeTooltipAuthorization to modify: The end user can modify the tooltips of the controls.WinEditAllowed property, WinEditMode property
weChangeWireAuthorization to modify: The end user can modify the wires between the controls.WinEditAllowed property, WinEditMode property
weMoveControlAuthorization to modify: The end user can move controls.WinEditAllowed property, WinEditMode property
weMultiSelectionAuthorization to modify: The end user can select several controls at the same time.WinEditAllowed property, WinEditMode property
wePositionAuthorization to modify: The end user can move controls.WinEditAllowed property, WinEditMode property
weSelectionAuthorization to modify: The end user can select controls.WinEditAllowed property, WinEditMode property
weSizeAuthorization to modify: The end user can resize controls.WinEditAllowed property, WinEditMode property
wireOriginStartControlWaypoint coordinates: The coordinates are relative to the top left point of the source control of the Wire control.OriginWaypoint property
wireOriginStartPointWaypoint coordinates: The coordinates are relative to the starting point of the Wire control.OriginWaypoint property
wireOriginWindowWaypoint coordinates: The coordinates are relative to the origin of the window.OriginWaypoint property
zoomAdaptHeightDisplays the image full height in the Image control.Zoom property
  • Displays the entire image in the Image control.
  • Adapts the zoom of the Map control to display all the markers.
Zoom property
zoomAdaptWidthDisplays the image full width in the Image controlZoom property
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 02/08/2024

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