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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
  • State of a group of controls
  • Limitations
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Stored procedures
InitialState (Property)
In french: EtatInitial
The InitialState property gets the initial state of a control. The initial state is defined in the control description ("UI" tab).
Initial state of an Edit control ("UI" tab)
Initial state of a control (e.g., Button)
Initial state of a Table control ("UI" tab)
Initial state of a column in a Table control ("UI" tab)
To know if a control is visible, use the Visible property.
IF BTN_Fermer.EtatInitial = Grayed THEN
	BTN_Fermer.Etat = Active
<Initial state> = <Control>.InitialState
<Initial state>: Integer constant
Initial state of the control, defined in the editor.
ActiveThe control is active, visible and editable
DisplayOnly or InactiveThe control is read-only, no input or action is allowed
For Table controls, the user will be able to select a table row. It can also be selected programmatically with TableSelectPlus.
GrayedGrayed field
ReadOnlyNoSelectionFor Table fields only: Field displayed, no input possible..
In this case, the user will not be able to select a row from the table using the mouse or the arrow keys. A row can only be selected programmatically with TableSelectPlus. This row will be selected with the selection bar.
<Control>: Name of control or group of controls
Name of control or group of controls.

State of a group of controls

If the InitialState property is used on a group of controls, the state returned is the initial state of the first control in the group.


  • The InitialState property cannot be used on a menu or menu option.
  • iPhone/iPad The InitialState property is only available on Table controls.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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