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Stored procedures
The SignatureMode property is used to get and change the signature options of a Signature control in a report.
Remark: This property corresponds to the "Signature mode" option in the "General" tab of the Signature control description window. This control is only available in a report.
IF SIG_MySignature.SignatureMode = iSignature_PKCS7 THEN
bChorusMode = False

Finding out the signature mode of a Signature control Hide the details

<Result> = <Signature control>.SignatureMode
<Result>: Integer constant
Signature mode of the specified control. The possible values are:
iSignature_CAdES_BCAdES Basic electronic signature format.
iSignature_CAdES_CCAdES C electronic signature format.
iSignature_CAdES_TCAdES Trust token electronic signature format.
iSignature_CAdES_XCAdES X Type 2 electronic signature format.
iSignature_CAdES_XLCAdES XL Type 2 electronic signature format.
iSignature_PKCS7PKCS7 signature format. This is an Adobe standard format not approved by the ETSI and Chorus standards.

Reminder: CAdES (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature) is a standard that allows "wrapped" or "detached" signatures.
<Signature control>: Control name
Name of Signature control to use.

Modifying the signature mode of a Signature control Hide the details

<Signature control>.SignatureMode = <New signature mode>
<Signature control>: Control name
Name of Signature control to use.
<New signature mode>: Integer constant
New signature mode of the specified control. The possible values are:
iSignature_CAdES_BCAdES Basic electronic signature format.
iSignature_CAdES_CCAdES C electronic signature format.
iSignature_CAdES_TCAdES Trust token electronic signature format.
iSignature_CAdES_XCAdES X Type 2 electronic signature format.
iSignature_CAdES_XLCAdES XL Type 2 electronic signature format.
iSignature_PKCS7PKCS7 signature format. This is an Adobe standard format not approved by the ETSI and Chorus standards.

Reminder: CAdES (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature) is a standard that allows "wrapped" or "detached" signatures.
Minimum version required
  • Version 24
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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