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Stored procedures
Archiving functions (management of ZIP, WDZ, CAB, RAR, 7z, TAR and TGZ (TAR.GZ))
Remark: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (Archiving functions (management of ZIP, WDZ, CAB, RAR, 7z, TAR and TGZ (TAR.GZ)) (prefix syntax)).
The following WLanguage functions are used to create and manage archives:
zipAddDirectoryAdds all the files found in a directory and in its subdirectories into an archive and compresses them.
zipAddFileAdds a file (of any type) into an archive in CAB, ZIP, WDZ and 7z, TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) format and compresses it.
zipAddFileListAdds a list of files (of any type) into an archive in ZIP, CAB, WDZ or 7z format and compresses it.
zipChangePathModifies the stored path of a file in an archive (in ZIP, WDZ or 7z format).
zipCloseCloses an archive.
zipCompressionLevelChanges the compression level used when creating an archive in ZIP format or in 7z format.
zipCreateCreates an archive.
zipCreateExeCreates a self-extracting archive as a 32-bit executable (.EXE).
zipCurrentFileReturns the name of the archived file currently handled by the functions for adding and extracting files.
zipDeleteAllDeletes all files from an archive.
zipDeleteFileDeletes a file from an archive.
zipDeleteFileListDeletes a list of files from an archive.
zipExistUsed to find out whether an archive exists.
zipExtractAllExtracts all files from an archive and decompresses them.
zipExtractDirectoryAutomatically extracts and decompresses files from a directory in the file tree of an archive to a physical location.
zipExtractFileExtracts a file from an archive and automatically decompresses it to a physical location or in memory.
zipExtractFileListExtracts and decompresses a list of files found in an archive to a physical location.
zipExtractPathReturns the path of a file found in the archive.
zipFileSizeReturns the size of one of the files found in the archive (in CAB, RAR, WDZ, ZIP, 7z, TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) format):
  • the compressed size of the file.
  • the size of file before compression.
zipFilterReturns the list of archive formats supported by the current platform, in the format expected by the filter of fSelect.
zipFindFileFinds a file in an archive (in CAB, ZIP, RAR, WDZ or 7z format).
zipInfoFileReturns the characteristics of a file found an archive:
  • The name of the file and its stored path.
  • The initial size of the file.
  • The compressed size of file.
  • The date and time of file creation.
  • The date and time of file modification.
  • The date and time of file access.
  • The file attributes.
  • The file encryption mode.
zipIsMultiReturns the type of archive: single-part archive or multi-part archive.
zipListFileReturns the list of files found in an archive.
zipMergeMerges the different sub-archives found in a multi-part archive to create a single-part archive.
zipMsgErrorReturns the message associated with an error code on an archive.
zipNbFileReturns the number of files found in an archive (in CAB, RAR, ZIP, WDZ or 7z format).
zipNbPartReturns the number of sub-archives (parts) found in an archive in CAB, RAR, ZIP, WDZ, 7z, TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) format.
zipNbPartNeededReturns the number of parts of a given size required to split a single-part archive.
zipOpenOpens an existing archive.
zipOpenCABOpens an existing archive in CAB format.
zipOpenRAROpens an existing archive in RAR format.
zipPasswordDefines the password used to add files into the specified archive and to extract files from the specified archive (RAR, ZIP and WDZ format).
zipSelectFileSelects files from an archive.
zipSizeReturns the size of archive (in ZIP, RAR, CAB, WDZ or 7z format):
  • the size of all compressed files found in the archive.
  • the size of all files found in the archive before compression.
zipSplitSplits an archive into several sub-archives of a given size.
Remark: The archiving functions can be used in a thread without locking the other threads during their execution.
Related Examples:
The ZIP functions Unit examples (WINDEV): The ZIP functions
[ + ] Using the compression/decompression functions of WINDEV:
- Create an archive
- Add files into an archive
- Read the content of an archive
- Extract files from an archive
WD Zip Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Zip
[ + ] This example presents the use of archiving WLanguage functions with compression.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ How to create an archive?
2/ How to compress and uncompress files?
3/ How to manage Drag&Drop from the file explorer of Windows to a TreeView control?
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
This example allows you to create and read compressed archives in WDZ, ZIP, CAB and RAR format (in read-only). This feature can be very useful to manage the automatic backups. Furthermore, the example allows you to create multi-volume archives.
Android ZIP Android (WINDEV Mobile): Android ZIP
[ + ] This example is used to browse the folder of the Android device while searching for ZIP archives.
The archives can be browsed and extracted into a directory of the device.
The folders and the files found in the archive can be extracted individually.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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