Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Archive functions
  • Use conditions
  • Compression level
  • Error codes
  • Adding a file that is already found in the archive
  • Index of files in the archive
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Stored procedures
Adds all the files found in a directory and in its sub-directories into an archive and compresses them. This function can be used on the following types of archives: CAB, ZIP, WDZ, 7z, TAR and TGZ (TAR.GZ).
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeUser code (UMC)Ajax
MyArchive is zipArchive
// Create the archive
ResCreate = zipCreate(MyArchive, "C:\Temp\")
IF ResCreate = 0 THEN
// Add all the directory files
ResAddDir = zipAddDirectory(MyArchive, ...
"C:\MyDirectory\MyFiles", True, zipDrive)
// Display an error message if the addition was not performed
IF ResAddDir <> 0 THEN Error(zipMsgError(ResAddDir))

Adding the directory files while specifying the path to store Hide the details

<Result> = zipAddDirectory(<Archive> , <Directory path> [, <Subdirectory> [, <Storing option> [, <WLanguage procedure> [, <Progress>]]]])
<Result>: Integer
  • 0 if the addition was performed,
  • An error code (value greater than 0) otherwise. For more details on these error codes, see the Remarks.
<Archive>: Character string or zipArchive variable
Name of the archive into which the content of the directory must be added.
This name can correspond to:
<Directory path>: Character string
Path of directory that will be added into the archive (up to 260 characters). This path can be a full path or a path relative to the current directory. The function returns an error if this parameter corresponds to an empty string ("").
The size of the files found in this directory must be less than 4 GB. Otherwise, an error occurs.
Universal Windows 10 App The access path to the directory is a full path or a path relative to the working directory of the application (returned by fDataDir). Only the files found in the working directory can be added to the archive.
<Subdirectory>: Optional boolean
  • True (default value) if the sub-directories must be added,
  • False if the sub-directories must not be added.
<Storing option>: Optional constant
Path section to store for each file in the archive:
(Default value)
Stores the different directories found in the file path as well as the file name and extension. For example: \Directory\Files\FileName.pdf
zipDriveStore the full and absolute path of file (name of disk, name of directories, file name and file extension). For example: C:\Directory\Files\FileName.pdf
For the WDZ format: The full file path (including the drive letter) is stored.
For the ZIP format: The drive letter is not stored.
For the 7z format: This constant and zipDirectory will have the same effect.
LinuxiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available as there is no root for the drive.

AndroidAndroid Widget Java This constant and zipDirectory will have the same effect
zipRelativeThe path passed as parameter is considered as being the root of the archive. The stored path for all files and sub-directories is given in relation to this root.
Therefore, if the added directory is: "C:\Temp\Doc" containing the following elements:
  • the Test1.doc file,
  • the Test2.doc file is found in the SYS sub-directory,
the stored information will be relative to the "C:\Temp\Doc" directory:
  • Test1.doc,
  • SYS\Test2.Doc.

Archive in .CAB format: None of these constants is taken into account. Indeed, the .CAB format cannot be used to store the paths inside the archive.
Universal Windows 10 App This parameter is not available: only the file name and extension are stored.
<WLanguage procedure>: Optional procedure name
Name of WLanguage procedure that will be called before adding each file. This procedure allows you to archive a tree structure while omitting one or more files.
For more details on this procedure, see Parameters of the procedure used by zipAddDirectory to manage the addition of files.
WEBDEV - Server code This procedure must be a server procedure.
<Progress>: Control name or procedure name
Progress bar management mode. This parameter can correspond to:
If you use a TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) archive, the progress bar is refreshed only after the file is added.
WEBDEV - Server code The procedure must be a server procedure.
Java This parameter is not available.
Universal Windows 10 App Not available in Universal Windows 10 App

Adding the files found in a directory while specifying the path to ignore Hide the details

<Result> = zipAddDirectory(<Archive> , <Directory path> [, <Subdirectory> [, <Path section to ignore> [, <WLanguage procedure> [, <Progress>]]]])
<Result>: Integer
  • 0 if the addition was performed,
  • An error code (value greater than 0) otherwise. For more details on these error codes, see the Remarks.
<Archive>: Character string or zipArchive variable
Name of the archive into which the content of the directory must be added.
This name can correspond to:
<Directory path>: Character string
Path of directory that will be added into the archive (up to 260 characters). This path can be a full path or a path relative to the current directory.
The function returns an error if this parameter corresponds to an empty string ("").
The size of the files found in this directory must be less than 4 GB. Otherwise, an error occurs
<Subdirectory>: Optional boolean
  • True (default value) if the sub-directories must be added,
  • False if the sub-directories must not be added.
<Path section to ignore>: Optional character string
Indicates the section of file path that must not be stored in the archive. For example, if the full path of the directory added into the archive is: "C:\My Documents\Work\" and if <Section of path to ignore> is set to "C:\My Documents\", on the "Work\" section will be stored.
<WLanguage procedure>: Optional procedure name
Name of WLanguage procedure that will be called before adding each file. This procedure allows you to archive a tree structure while omitting one or more files. For more details on this procedure, see Parameters of the procedure used by zipAddDirectory to manage the addition of files.
WEBDEV - Server code This procedure must be a server procedure.
Java This parameter is not allowed.
<Progress>: Control name or procedure name
Progress bar management mode. This parameter can correspond to:
If you use a TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) archive, the progress bar is refreshed before and after each file is added.
WEBDEV - Server code The procedure must be a server procedure.
Java This parameter is not available.

Use conditions

Adding files into an archive can be performed if:
  • The archive exists (archives are created using zipCreate).
  • The archive is accessible in read/write.
  • The archive is a single-part archive.
  • The size of the file is less than 4 GB.
  • Archives in CAB format: The files must be added immediately after the archive creation. This format cannot be used to add files into an existing archive.
  • Archives in RAR format: This function is not available.
  • Archives in 7z format: The archive is entirely compressed whenever zipAddDirectory is called.
The maximum number of files that can be included:
  • in a WDZ file: 232-1.
  • in a ZIP file: 65535.
  • in a CAB file: 65535.
Remark: If the zipHeader64 constant is used when creating the archive (zipCreate), you will have the ability to create archives exceeding 4 GB. Reminder:
  • LinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst Only ZIP, TAR and TGZ (TAR.GZ) archives are available.
  • AndroidAndroid Widget Java Only ZIP archives are available.

Compression level

The files added into a zip archive are compressed by default. The compression level of files added into an archive can be modified by zipCompressionLevel.

Error codes

The following error codes are returned:
  • 1: The path passed as parameter does not exist.
  • 2: Access denied: the user has no sufficient rights.
  • 3: The archive is corrupted.
  • 4: The path does not exist in the archive.
  • 5: Unable to write into the archive.
  • 7: The file is already found in the archive.
  • 8: An archive cannot be added to itself. For example, "MyArchive" cannot be added to "MyArchive".
The message corresponding to the error code is returned by zipMsgError.

Adding a file that is already found in the archive

An error occurs when adding a file that is already found in the archive. A file is identified by its stored path. Therefore, two files with the same name and with the same relative path cannot be added into an archive.

Index of files in the archive

When a file is added into an archive, an index is automatically assigned to the file. This index corresponds to the order in which the files are included in the archive. To select a file in the archive, you can use:
  • The index of the element. (Remark: the index of an element is returned by zipFindFile)
  • The stored path of the element.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd300zip.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/12/2023

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