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Stored procedures
Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
AccessibilityThe Accessibility property gets and sets the accessibility properties of a control.
ActivePlaneThe ActivePlane property gets and sets the number of the active plane in a window, internal window or Cell control.
AddChildDelayedThe AddChildDelayed property indicates the procedure to be called when a row in a TreeView or TreeView Table control is clicked to be expanded.
AddressThe Address property is used to:
  • Establish a connection between the Conference control (and the associated stream) and the receiver. This property is equivalent to StreamConnect.
  • Get the address of the last outgoing connection request.
AdLoadedThe AdLoaded property indicates whether an ad is currently loaded (and displayed) in the Ad control.
AliasThe Alias property is used to:
  • get or change the alias of a window (WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile).
  • get or change the alias of a dynamic tab (WINDEV).
  • get the internal HTML/JavaScript name of a control (WEBDEV).
AlternativeTextThe AlternativeTextproperty is used to get and edit the alternative text of controls in a page.
AnchorThe Anchor property sets the anchors of a control in a window, page or report.
AnchorRateBottomThe AnchorRateBottom property is used to:
  • Find out the anchor rate when a control moves on the vertical axis.
  • Modify the anchor rate when a control moves on the vertical axis.
AnchorRateHeightThe AnchorRateHeight property is used to:
  • Find out the vertical anchor rate of a control.
  • Modify the vertical anchor rate of a control.
AnchorRateRightThe AnchorRateRight property is used to:
  • Find out the anchor rate when a control moves on the horizontal axis.
  • Modify the anchor rate when a control moves on the horizontal axis.
AnchorRateWidthThe AnchorRateWidth property is used to:
  • Find out the anchor rate when a control (or a table column) stretches on the horizontal axis.
  • Modify the anchor rate when a control (or a table column) stretches on the horizontal axis.
AnchorToContentThe AnchorToContent property determines and changes how the control adapts to its content.
AnimationThe Animation property animates an image.
AnimationDirectionAlernateThe AnimationDirectionAlernate property allows you to:
  • Check whether the animation in an infinite Progress Bar control is played forwards first, then backwards.
  • Configure the animation in an infinite Progress Bar control to be played forwards first, then backwards.
AnimationDurationThe AnimationDuration property is used to know and define the length of time an animation takes to complete one cycle:
  • in a Chart control. This duration is set to 30 hundredths of a second by default.
  • in an infinite Progress Bar control. This duration is set to 200 hundredths of a second by default.
  • in an Image Gallery Looper control.
AnimationPeriodThe AnimationPeriod property is used to get and modify rotation speed of the animation in the Cube or Carousel controls.
AttachPointEndThe AttachPointEnd property gets and sets the position of the end attachment point of a Wire control.
AttachPointStartThe AttachPointStart property gets and sets the position of the start attachment point of a Wire control.
AutoBrowseThe AutoBrowse property is used determine if the browse operation performed in a List Box, Looper, Table or Combo Box control based on a data file is automatic or programmed.
AutoCorrectThe AutoCorrect property allows you to define a set of automatic corrections to be applied in a Word Processing control as the user types.
New in version SaaS
The Autofill property indicates the type of information to be automatically entered in an Edit control.
AutoLineWrapThe AutoLineWrap property is used to:
  • determine if the automatic line wrap feature is enabled in a multiline Edit control, in a column of a Table or TreeView control or in a row header of a Pivot Table control.
  • set the line wrap mode in a multiline Edit control, in a column of a Table or TreeView control or in a row header of a Pivot Table control.
AutomaticallyMinimizedThe AutomaticallyMinimized property is used to:
  • Find out the timeout before the Repositionable Note control is automatically minimized.
  • Define the timeout before the Repositionable Note control is automatically minimized.
AutomaticEraseThe AutomaticErase property is used to:
  • find out whether an edit control is in "Automatic erase" mode.
  • modify the "Automatic erase" characteristic of an edit control.
AutomaticLinkThe AutomaticLink property is used to:
  • determine if the automatic link detection mode is enabled,
  • enable or disable the automatic link detection mode.
AutomaticReorganizationThe AutomaticReorganization property is used to get and change the automatic reorganization mode for the tasks in a "Gantt Chart" column.
AutomaticTextColorThe AutomaticTextColor property gets and sets the color to be used for the text of the elements that use the "Automatic" color.
AutomaticTooltipThe AutomaticTooltip property is used enable or disable automatic tooltips on List Box, Table and TreeView Table controls.
BackgroundColorThe BackgroundColor property is used to set the background color of a control, window, page or block of a report.
BackgroundImageThe BackgroundImage property is used to identify and modify the background color of an element: window, page, control or report.
BackgroundImageLineThe BackgroundImageLine property is used to get and change the background image of each row:
  • of a Table control,
  • of a TreeView Table control,
  • of a Looper control.
BackgroundImageStateThe BackgroundImageState property allows you to get and change the number of drawings in the image associated with the background of a button.
BackgroundStyleThe BackgroundStyle property is used to get and modify the background style of cells in tables and/or TreeView Tables.
BarVisibleThe BarVisible property is used to manage the selection bar on a column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
BearingThe Bearing property gets or sets the bearing of the map displayed in a Map control.
BodyThe Body property is used to identify and modify the HTML body of an HTML Display control or an HTML Editor control.
BorderThe Border property is used to get and change the characteristics of the borders:
  • for a report control or block.
  • for a window control.
  • for a cell of a Table control.
BrowsedFileThe BrowsedFile property gets and sets the data source used to display records in controls based on a data file.
BrowsedItemThe BrowsedItem property is used to:
  • Get the item used to automatically loop through Table, Looper, List Box, ListView and Combo Box controls, supercontrols and reports based on data files.
  • Change the item used to automatically loop through Table, Looper, List Box, ListView and Combo Box controls, supercontrols and reports based on data files. Then, the iteration is reinitialized.
ButtonTypeThe ButtonType property gets and sets the type of a Button control: Cancelation, Interruption, Validation, ...
CalculationInProgressThe CalculationInProgress property allows you to determine whether the data of a Pivot Table control is being calculated (synchronously or asynchronously).
CalculatorButtonThe CalculatorButton property is used to determine and indicate whether a Numeric or Currency Edit control has a button to display a popup calculator.
CalendarButtonThe CalendarButton property is used to determine and specify whether a Date Edit control has a button to display a popup calendar.
CameraThe Camera property is used to identify and change the camera used (back or front).
CaptionIn a database, the Caption property is used to:
  • Find out the caption associated with a file item.
  • Find out the caption associated with a data file.
  • Find out and modify the connection caption.
In a report, the Caption property is used to:
  • Find out the text displayed in a Static or Link control.
  • Modify the text displayed in a Static or Link control.
In a window or page, the Caption property is also used to:
  • Find out and modify the caption of a control in a window or in a page.
  • Find out and modify the caption of a menu option.
  • Find out and modify the title of a window or page.
  • Find out the content of a Breadcrumb control.
CaptionHTMLThe CaptionHTML property is used to handle the text of a control as HTML code.
CaptionIfNewThe CaptionIfNew property is used to get and change the caption of a pane opened by the end user in a dynamic Tab control.
CaptionWidthThe CaptionWidth property is used to get and change the width reserved for the text area in an Edit or Combo Box control.
CardThe Card property handles the different cards associated with a Kanban list. You can add, modify or delete cards from Kanban list, or navigate between them.
CheckedThe Checked property gets and sets the checkmark state of an element.
CheckMarkStyleThe CheckMarkStyle property gets and sets the check icon of a menu option. This icon appears only if the menu option is checked.
CheckmarkVisibleThe CheckmarkVisible property is used to:
  • Determine whether a checkmark is displayed to the left of a row in a TreeView control.
  • Show or hide a checkmark to the left of a row in a TreeView control.
CheckSpellThe CheckSpell property is used to enable or disable the automatic spelling checker.
ClickableThe Clickable property gets and sets the behavior of an Image control when it is clicked.
CodeCSSThe CodeCSS property is used to read and change the CSS code associated with a Web Component control.
CodeHTMLThe CodeHTML property is used to read and change the HTML code associated with a Web Component control.
CodeJSThe CodeJS property is used to read and change the JavaScript code associated with a Web Component control.
CollapsedThe Collapsed property is used to:
  • get or define the state (collapsed or expanded) that will be used when rows are added to a TreeView Table control.
  • find out or modify the collapsed/expanded status for:
    • the breaks of a Table control,
    • the breaks of a Looper control,
    • the break headers and footers of Table and Looper controls,
    • a Drawer control,
    • a Ribbon control,
    • a Navigation Bar control.
    • a Pivot Table control in a report.
CollapsedImageThe CollapsedImage property is used to:
  • find out and/or modify the default image associated with a collapsed row in a TreeView Table control.
  • find out and/or modify the default image associated with a collapsed row in a TreeView control.
  • find out and/or modify the image associated with a specific collapsed row in a TreeView Table control.
  • find out and modify the image in a collapsed row of a TreeView item in a "TreeView table" type report.
ColorThe Color property is used to get or change the font color for:
  • a Font variable.
  • a text displayed in a Static control or in a calculated control of a report.
  • a text displayed in a window control.
  • a text displayed in a page control.
ColumnWidthThe ColumnWidth property is used to get and change the width of each column in a multi-column Looper control.
CommentThe Comment property gets and sets the different characteristics of comments in a cell of a Spreadsheet control.
CompactOptionThe CompactOption property is used to:
  • determine whether the options of a Check Box, Radio Button or Dashboard control are compacted.
  • define whether the options of a Check Box, Radio Button or Dashboard control should be compacted.
CompactToolbarThe CompactToolbar property is used to:
  • determine if the window toolbars are compacted.
  • compact (or not) the toolbars.
CompassThe Compass property is used to:
  • display or hide the compass on a Map control,
  • determine whether the compass is displayed on a Map control.
CompilerThe Compiler property gets and sets the compiler options in the Code Editor control, in particular, which functions are allowed or disallowed.
ContentThe Content property is used to read or write the whole content of a control:
  • List Box populated programmatically,
  • Combo Box populated programmatically,
  • Spreadsheet.
ContextMenuThe ContextMenu property is used to:
  • Get the custom context menu of a control, window or page.
  • Change the custom context menu of a control, window or page (or associate another context menu).
CountThe Count property returns the number of elements in a given set.
CrosshairColorThe CrosshairColor property gets and sets the color of the crosshair in a Chart control.
CrosshairOpacityThe CrosshairOpacity property is used to determine and change the opacity of the crosshair in a Chart control.
CrosshairThicknessThe CrosshairThickness property is used to determine and change the thickness of the crosshair in a Chart control.
CumulatedThe Cumulated property is used to determine if the value of a column or row in Pivot Table control corresponds to a total (total at the end of a row or column).
CurrentWorksheetThe CurrentWorksheet property is used to get and change the current worksheet in a Spreadsheet control.
CursorThe Cursor property gets and sets the position of the mouse cursor in one of the following controls:
  • Edit control.
  • Editable Combo Box.
  • "Edit control" table column and "Editable Combo Box" table column.
  • Word Processing control.
  • HTML Editor control.
  • Code Editor control.
CursorEndThe CursorEnd property gets and sets the end position of the mouse selection range in the following controls:
  • Edit control.
  • Editable Combo Box.
  • "Edit control" column and "Editable Combo Box" column in a Table control.
  • Word Processing control.
  • Code Editor control.
DataBindingThe DataBinding property is used to identify and change the binding between a control and:
  • an item in a data file.
  • a variable.
  • several variables.
DayBreakHeightThe DayBreakHeight property is used to get and change the height of breaks between days in a Scheduler control where days are arranged in rows, and resources are arranged in columns.
DayHeightThe DayHeight property is used to get and change the height of days in a Scheduler control where days are arranged in rows, and resources are arranged in columns.
DayWidthThe DayWidth property is used to determine and change the width of days:
  • in a Scheduler control where the days are displayed in column and the resources in rows.
  • in a Gantt Chart column.
DefaultFilePathThe DefaultFilePath property gets and sets the full file name (path and file name) suggested by default when saving a document in a Word Processing or HTML Editor control via the "Save as" option.
DeleteButtonThe DeleteButton property allows you to determine if there is an automatic delete button in a Text Edit control, and to change its position.
DescriptionThe Description property is used to get and change the page description.
DetectionThe Detection property is used to determine and change the automatic detection of incoming streams. If the stream detection is enabled, the streams allows the detection.
DirectInputAPTThe DirectInputAPT property is used to determine and specify if the user can directly change the title of an appointment in a Scheduler or Organizer control.
DisplayThe Display property gets and sets the video displayed in the Conference control. The Conference control can display an incoming video, an outgoing video, or no video.
DisplayBookmarksThe DisplayBookmarks property is used to:
  • identify the display mode of bookmarks in a Word Processing control.
  • show or hide bookmarks in a Word Processing control.
DisplayCurrencyThe DisplayCurrency property gets and sets the currency used when entering or displaying values in a "Currency + Euro" control.
DisplayedItemThe DisplayedItem property is used to:
  • Find out the item or the variable displayed by the control.
  • Modify the item or the variable displayed by the control.
DisplayedItemImageThe DisplayedItemImage property is used to:
  • Get the item that corresponds to the image displayed in a ListView control.
  • Change the item that corresponds to the image displayed in a ListView control.
DisplayedSectionThe DisplayedSection property is used to identify and change the portion of the image displayed in an Image control.
DisplayedValueThe DisplayedValue property returns the value currently displayed in the control of a window or page.
New in version SaaS
The DisplayedValueComboBox property gets and sets the value displayed in a Combo Box control, i.e., the value displayed when the row that contains that value is selected.
DisplayEnabledThe DisplayEnabled property is used to:
  • determine whether or not a control or window is refreshed. If the control is displayed, its content is refreshed regularly.
  • refresh a control or window.
DisplayEvenIfNullThe DisplayEvenIfNull property is used to:
  • Determine whether a row or column in a Pivot Table control is displayed even if it contains no value.
  • Show or hide a row or column in a Pivot Table control if it does not contain any values.
DisplayFormatThe DisplayFormat property gets and sets the expected display format for a given text: plain text, RTF or Markdown.
DisplayFormattingMarksThe DisplayFormattingMarks property is used to:
  • Determine if formatting marks are shown or hidden in a Word Processing control.
  • Show or hide formatting marks in a Word Processing control.
DisplayLinkThe DisplayLink property gets and sets the display mode of the links in a Gantt Chart column.
DisplayMaskThe DisplayMask property is used to:
  • Find out the display mask.
  • Modify the display mask.
This display mask is displayed when the control is in read-only or when the control does not have focus.
DisplayModeThe DisplayMode property gets and changes:
  • the display mode in a Word Processing control,
  • the display mode in a PDF Reader control
  • the display mode in an HTML Editor control,
  • the display mode in a Kanban control
DisplayModeAutoWhenLoadingThe DisplayModeAutoWhenLoading property is used to determine and change the display mode when loading a PDF document.
DisplayModePreviewThe DisplayModePreview property gets and sets the camera preview mode.
DisplayOrphanThe DisplayOrphan property is used to:
  • Determine whether a row or column in a Pivot Table control is displayed when it has no parent.
  • Change the display mode of a row or column in a Pivot Table control when it has no parent.
DndSourceThe DndSource property is used to determine and change a control's drag-and-drop behavior.
DndTargetThe DndTarget property determines and changes how a control behaves in a drag-and-drop operation.
DocumentThe Document property is used to identify or modify the HTML document associated with an HTML Display control or an HTML Editor control.
DoubleClickThe DoubleClick property is used to get and change the name of the Button control that will be executed when a control is double-clicked.
DriverThe Driver property is used to get the video capture driver the Camera control is associated with.
DynamicTabThe DynamicTab property is used to:
  • Find out the type of a Tab control (static tab or dynamic tab).
  • Modify the type of a Tab control (static tab or dynamic tab).
EditModeThe EditMode property gets and sets the editing mode of the Diagram Editor control: selection or freehand drawing.
ElementHeightThe ElementHeight property is used to:
  • Find out or modify the height of the elements in an Organization Chart control.
  • Find out or modify the height of the cells in a Dashboard control.
ElementOrientationThe ElementOrientation property gets and sets the orientation of an Organization Chart control.
ElementWidthThe ElementWidth property is used to:
  • Find out or modify the width of the elements in an Organization Chart control.
  • Find out or modify the width of the cells in a Dashboard control.
EllipsisThe Ellipsis property is used to determine and change the truncation mode with ellipses in:
  • a window control (Static, edit control, List box, Button, Combo box or Static table column).
  • a Static control in a report.
EmptyThe Empty property is used to determine if:
  • a Looper, Table, List Box or Combo Box control is empty. The control can be a browsing control or a memory control.
  • a Chart control contains no series.
  • a report control is empty (control linked to an item).
  • an array (or an associative array) contains no element.
  • an element of an associative array exists or not.
  • a queue, a list or a stack contains no element.
EmptyIfZeroThe EmptyIfZero property is used to:
  • Find out the management mode of zero value in a control.
  • Modify the management mode of zero value in a control
EndControlThe EndControl property gets or sets the end control of a Wire control.
EndDateThe EndDate property gets and sets the selected time period end date:
  • in a Calendar control,
  • in an Organizer control.
  • in a Scheduler control.
EndTotalRangeThe EndTotalRange property is used to:
  • get the last date or time that can be displayed in a Scheduler or TimeLine control.
  • change the last time that can be displayed in a TimeLine control.
EndVisibleRangeThe EndVisibleRange property is used to:
  • find out and modify the last visible date or time in a Scheduler control or in a TimeLine control.
  • modify the last visible time in a TimeLine control.
ExpandedImageThe ExpandedImage property is used to:
  • find out and modify the default image associated with an expanded row in a TreeView Table control.
  • find out and/or modify the default image associated with an expanded row in a TreeView control.
  • find out and modify the image associated with a specific expanded row in a TreeView Table control.
  • find out and modify the image associated with an expanded row in a treeview item of a "TreeView table" report.
ExtraThe Extra property is used to:
  • Get additional information about a control, window, or page.
  • Edit additional information of a control, window or page.
WEBDEV - Browser code In browser code, you can only get additional information of a control or page.
FileFilterThe FileFilter property gets and sets the filter used to display files:
  • when using assisted input in an Edit control or table column with the "File path autocomplete" option (in the "General" tab of the description window),
  • in the file picker displayed when the user selects the "Browse..." option in the context menu of an Edit control, table column or Combo Box control.
FilePathThe FilePath property gets:
  • the name of the xlsx file associated with a Spreadsheet control.
  • the name of the file associated with an Image Editor control.
  • the name of the PDF file associated with a PDF Reader control.
  • the name of the DOCX file associated with a Word Processing control.
  • the name of the wddiag file associated with a Diagram Editor control.
FillTypeThe FillType property is used to determine the type of source used to populate Table, List Box, ListView, Combo Box and Looper controls.
FilterThe Filter property is used to identify and change the filter applied to records in:
  • Table controls based on a data file,
  • browsing TreeView Table controls,
  • browsing List Box controls,
  • Combo Box controls based on a data file,
  • browsing Looper controls.
FilterProcedureThe FilterProcedure property allows you to get and modify the procedure used to apply a filter on a row or column header when calculating a Pivot Table control.
FlashThe Flash property determines and changes the flash mode in a Camera control.
FlexAlignContentThe FlexAlignContent property gets and sets the alignment of the lines within the Flexbox control along the cross axis (corresponding CSS property: "align-content").
FlexAlignItemsThe FlexAlignItems property gets and sets the alignment of the items in a line of a Flexbox control along the cross axis (corresponding CSS property: "align-items").
FlexAlignSelfThe FlexAlignSelf property gets and sets the alignment of an item along the cross axis of a Flexbox control (corresponding CSS property: "align-self").
FlexColumnGapThe FlexColumnGap property gets and sets the size of the gutter that separates the columns of a Flexbox control.
FlexDirectionThe FlexDirection property gets and sets the direction of the main axis of a Flexbox control (corresponding CSS property: "flex-direction").
FlexGrowThe FlexGrow property gets and sets the grow factor of an item in a line of a Flexbox control.
FlexJustifyContentThe FlexJustifyContent property gets and sets the alignment of items in the Flexbox control along the main axis (corresponding CSS property: "justify-content").
FlexRowGapThe FlexRowGap property gets and sets the size of the gutter that separates the rows of a Flexbox control.
FlexShrinkThe FlexShrink property gets and sets the shrink factor of an item in a line of a Flexbox control.
FlexWrapThe FlexWrap property determines whether items are laid out in one line, or can wrap onto multiple lines (corresponding CSS property: "flex-wrap").
FocusOnClickThe FocusOnClick property is used to:
  • Determine if a control gains focus when clicked.
  • Allow or prevent a control from gaining focus when clicked.
FolderImageWidthThe FolderImageWidth property is used to get and change the folder image width in TreeView and TreeView Table controls.
FolderModeImageThe FolderModeImage property gets and sets the display mode of the folder image in TreeView and TreeView Table controls.
FontThe Font property is used to
  • Get the identifier of the font used in a control in a report, page or window.
  • Change the font used in a control in a report, page or window.
FontBoldThe FontBold property is used to:
  • Determine if the text is bold.
  • Change the weight of the text.
FontCharsetThe FontCharset property is used to:
  • Find out the character set used by the screen fonts of a control.
  • Modify the character set used by the screen fonts of a control.
FontCondensedThe FontCondensed property is used to:
  • Determine if characters in a text are condensed.
  • Condense (or not) the characters in a text.
FontExtendedThe FontExtended property is used to:
  • Find out whether the spacing between characters in a text is increased.
  • Increase the spacing between characters in a text.
FontItalicThe FontItalic property is used to:
  • Determine if the text is italicized.
  • Apply or remove italic formatting from the text.
FontLargeThe FontLarge property is used to:
  • Determine if the text is expanded.
  • Expand the text.
FontMinSizeThe FontMinSize property is used to get and change the minimum size of the font used in a Static control with the "Reduce font" option.
FontNameThe FontName property is used to:
  • Identify the font used in a control.
  • Change the font used in a control.
FontSizeThe FontSize property is used to:
  • Identify the size of the font used in a control.
  • Change the size of the font used in a control.
FontStrikeOutThe FontStrikeOut property is used to:
  • Determine if the text displayed is struck through.
  • Apply strikethrough formatting (or not) the text displayed in a control.
FontUnderlinedThe FontUnderlined property is used to:
  • Determine if the text is underlined.
  • Underline (or not) a text.
FormattingMarksColorThe FormattingMarksColor property is used to:
  • get the color of the formatting marks in a Word Processing control.
  • change the color of the formatting marks in a Word Processing control.
FormulaBarVisibleThe FormulaBarVisible property is used to:
  • Find out whether a formula bar is displayed in a Spreadsheet control.
  • Display (or not) a formula bar in a Spreadsheet control.
FullNameThe FullName property is used to find out the full name:
  • of a control.
  • of a window.
  • of a menu option.
  • of a table column.
GranularityDurationThe GranularityDuration property is used to get and change the size of the grid to resize:
  • appointments in an Organizer control.
  • appointments in a Scheduler control.
  • events in a TimeLine control.
  • tasks in a Gantt Chart column.
GranularityMovementThe GranularityMovement property is used to get and change the size of the grid to move:
  • appointments in an Organizer control.
  • appointments in a Scheduler control.
  • events in a TimeLine control.
  • tasks in a Gantt Chart column.
GrayedThe Grayed property is used to:
  • Determine if a control (or a group of controls) is grayed out.
  • Gray out or ungray a control, a group of controls or a window.
GridlinesVisibleThe GridlinesVisible property is used to:
  • Determine whether or not gridlines are visible in a control.
  • Show or hide gridlines in a control.
GroupThe Group property is used to:
  • find out whether the control belongs to a group of controls. If the control belongs to one or more groups, the Group property can be used to identify these groups of controls.
  • associate a control with a group of controls.
HandwrittenInputThe HandwrittenInput property is used to manage stylus or mouse input (Windows XP Tablet PC or Windows Vista, respectively).
HeaderVisibleThe HeaderVisible property is used to:
  • Determine if the row and column headers are displayed in a Spreadsheet control.
  • Show or hide the row and column headers in a Spreadsheet control.
HeightThe Height property is used to get and change the height:
  • of a control or block in a report.
  • of a control (in a window), window, row of a Table, List Box or ListView control, option of a Radio Button or Check Box control, break header or footer of a Table or Looper control.
  • of a control (in a page), break header or footer in a Table or Looper control. The control can be overlayable or not.
  • of a break cell in a Table or Looper control.
HeightCollapsedThe HeightCollapsed property gets and sets the "collapsed" height of the bottom sliding window associated with the current window.
HeightExpandedThe HeightExpanded property is used to get and change the height of an expanded iOS 13 widget.
HeightExpandedThe HeightExpanded property gets and sets the "expanded" height of the bottom sliding window associated with the current window.
HeightHalfExpandedThe HeightHalfExpanded property gets and sets the "half-expanded" height of the bottom sliding window associated with the current window.
HeightWithAnimationThe HeightWithAnimation property is used to modify the height of a cell of a Layout control with the "Resize cell" animation defined:
  • in the "Advanced" tab of the project description window ("Control animation" button).
  • in the "Style" tab of the control or project.
HelpNumberThe HelpNumber property is used to identify and modify the help number associated with a control.
HideableThe Hideable property determines if the user can close a bottom sliding window with a touch gesture.
HideWhileScrollingThe HideWhileScrolling property is used to:
  • Determine if the pinned control is hidden while scrolling,
  • Show or hide the pinned control while scrolling.
HintThe Hint property gets and sets the hint text displayed when the Edit control is empty.
HintTextColorThe HintTextColor property gets and sets the hint text color of an Edit control.
HorizontalAlignmentThe HorizontalAlignment property gets and changes the horizontal alignment of a control.
HTMLAfterThe HTMLAfter property is used to get and change the HTML code inserted after the control.
HTMLAttributeThe HTMLAttribute property reads and changes the HTML attributes of the control.
HTMLBeforeThe HTMLBefore property gets and changes the HTML code added before the control.
HTMLClassThe HTMLClass property reads and sets the value of the "class" HTML attribute of the control.
HTMLEditThe HTMLEdit property is used to:
  • find out whether a Word Processing control is displayed in optimized mode for HTML editing,
  • modify a Word Processing control to display it (or not) in optimized mode for HTML editing.
HTMLEndPageThe HTMLEndPage property is used to get and change the HTML code inserted at the end of the page.
HtmlFormatThe HtmlFormat property is used to:
  • find out whether an edit control accepts the input in HTML format.
  • modify the input format of an edit control.
HTMLHeaderThe HTMLHeader property is used to get and change the HTML code inserted in the page header.
IconThe Icon property is used to:
  • Find out the icon displayed in the title bar of a window or a Dockable Panel control.
  • Change the icon displayed in the title bar of a window or a Dockable Panel control.
IdentifierThe Identifier property is used to get and change the name of the current computer shown to the participants who receive the audio or video stream. This name can be a number, for example.
IgnoreErrorThe IgnoreError property gets and sets the different certificate errors ignored by the HTML Display and WEBDEV Page controls.
ImageThe Image property gets and sets the background image of a control or block.
ImageHeightThe ImageHeight property is used to:
  • Find out the height of the image section displayed in an image control or in the background of a chart control.
  • Modify the height of the image section displayed in an image control or in the background of a chart control.
ImageInitialHeightThe ImageInitialHeight property is used to get and set the default height of the image created in an Image Editor control.
ImageInitialWidthThe ImageInitialWidth property is used to get and set the default width of the image created in an Image Editor control.
ImageModeThe ImageMode property gets and sets the display mode of an image in an Image control, in the column of a table of type Image or in the background of a Chart control in a window.
ImageStateThe ImageState property is used to get and change the number of drawings in:
  • The image associated with a button.
  • The image of the cursor in a slider.
  • The image associated with the button of a sidebar pane.
  • The image associated with the button of a tab pane.
  • The image associated with the Rating control.
  • The image associated with a group in a Ribbon control.
  • The image associated with a menu option.
ImageTypeThe ImageType property is used to get the type of image being edited in an Image Editor control (icon or image).
ImageWidthThe ImageWidth property gets and sets the width of the image section displayed in an Image control or in the background of a Chart control.
IncomingDataThe IncomingData property gets and sets the type of data received by the stream.
InitialAnimationThe InitialAnimation property determines whether the animation of an Image, Button, Static or Carousel control is enabled when the control is created.
InitialContentThe InitialContent property gets the initial content:
  • of a List Box control populated programmatically.
  • of a Combo Box control populated programmatically.
  • of a "List of values" column in a Table control.
  • in a Spreadsheet control.
InitialHeightThe InitialHeight property is used to:
  • Find out the creation height of a control or window.
  • Modify the base height used to anchor the controls "in height".
  • Find out the creation height of a block or control in a report.
InitialStateThe InitialState property gets the initial state of a control.
InitialToolThe InitialTool property is used to get or change the drawing tool selected by default in an Image Editor control.
InitialValueThe InitialValue property is used to get the initial value of a control in a window or page.
InitialVisibleThe InitialVisible property is used to determine if:
  • a control was visible during the first display of the associated window or page.
  • a window was visible during its first display.
InitialWidthThe InitialWidth property is used to:
  • Find out the initial width of a control or window.
  • Modify the base width used to anchor the controls in "width".
  • Find out the initial width of a report control.
InputEnabledThe InputEnabled property is used to:
  • Determine if a control or a group of controls is editable or read-only.
  • Change the input options for a control or group of controls.
InputFormulaThe InputFormula property is used to:
  • find out whether the end user can enter or change formulas in a Spreadsheet control.
  • allow or prevent the end user from entering or changing formulas in a Spreadsheet control.
InputMaskThe InputMask property is used to:
  • get the input mask.
  • set the input mask (from the masks available for the type).
InputTypeThe InputType property is used to identify or change the type of input supported by a control: Duration, Date, Numeric, etc.
InputValueThe InputValue property is used to:
  • find out whether the end user can enter or change values in a Spreadsheet control.
  • allow or prevent the end user from entering or changing values in a Spreadsheet control.
InternalWindowThe InternalWindow property gets and sets the internal window contained in the bottom sliding window associated with the current window.
InternalWindowPopupThe InternalWindowPopup property is used to get and modify the name of the internal window used to customize the content of marker popups in a Map control.
IntervalXThe IntervalX property gets the interval between marks on the X-axis.
IntervalYThe IntervalY property gets the interval between marks on the Y-axis.
IntervalYSecondaryAxisThe IntervalYSecondaryAxis property gets the interval between marks on the secondary Y-axis.
New in version SaaS
The InvalidInput determines if a control prevents the user from leaving when they enter invalid data.
InvalidInputMessageThe InvalidInputMessage property gets and sets the message that will be displayed if the control contains invalid data (input mask or value out of bounds).
InvalidInputPreventExitThe InvalidInputPreventExit property is used to determine if it is possible to leave the control in case of invalid input.
KeywordsThe Keywords property is used to get and modify the keywords associated with a page.
LayoutThe Layout property is used to get the layout of the cells in a Layout control.
LeftIndentThe LeftIndent property is used to get and change the space to the left of the text in a control.
LibraryThe Library property allows you to handle the different preset libraries associated with a Diagram Editor control. This property accesses the array of libraries of the Diagram Editor control.
LibraryPanelVisibleThe LibrayPanelVisible property is used to:
  • determine if the "Library" panel is displayed in a Diagram Editor control.
  • show or hide the "Library" panel in a Diagram Editor control.
LineCursorThe LineCursor property gets and sets the number of the line where the cursor is located in a Code Editor control.
LineHeightThe LineHeight property is used to get and change the height of the rows:
  • in a List Box control,
  • in a ListView control (standard display mode only),
  • in a Table control,
  • in a Combo Box control,
  • in a Looper control (height of the row),
  • in an Organizer control.
ListThe List property is used to handle the different lists of a Kanban control. You can add, modify or delete lists from a Kanban control, or navigate between them.
ListViewModeThe ListViewMode property is used to:
  • Find out the display mode of a ListView control.
  • Modify the display mode of a ListView control.
LowerValueThe LowerValue property is used to:
  • Get the lower bound of the interval currently selected in a Range Slider control.
  • Change the lower bound of the interval currently selected in a Range Slider control.
MagnifierModeThe MagnifierMode property determines and changes how the magnifier is displayed in the column headings of a Table or TreeView Table control.
MandatoryInputThe MandatoryInput property is used to determine if a control is required and to enable or disable the required data input.
MandatoryInputMessageThe MandatoryInputMessage property is used to identify and set the message that will be displayed if the control is left empty (when the MandatoryInput property is enabled).
MapModeThe MapMode property determines and changes how the map is displayed in the Map control.
MarginHeightThe MarginHeight property is used to:
  • Find out the vertical margin between the widgets found in a Dashboard control.
  • Modify the vertical margin between the widgets found in a Dashboard control.
MarginInterCellThe MarginInterCell property is used to:
  • find out the margin between rows or columns in a Layout control.
  • modify the margin between rows or columns in a Layout control.
MarginWidthThe MarginWidth property is used to:
  • Find out the horizontal margin between the widgets found in a Dashboard control.
  • Modify the horizontal margin between the widgets found in a Dashboard control.
MarkdownThe Markdown property is used to enable or disable Markdown formatting in the controls of a window or a report.
MaskTitleDateThe MaskTitleDate property is used to identify and change the input mask used for the title of day columns in Organizer or Scheduler controls
MaskTitleTimeThe MaskTitleTime property is used to get or change the mask used for the title of time columns:
  • in an Organizer control.
  • in a Scheduler control.
  • in a TimeLine control.
MaxButtonWidthThe MaxButtonWidth property is used to get and set the maximum width of a button in a tab pane.
MaxHeightThe MaxHeight property is used to get and change the maximum height of a control or window.
MaxLeafPerRowThe MaxLeafPerRow property is used to get and change the maximum number of elements in a row in an Organization Chart control.
MaxNbCardThe MaxNbCard property gets and sets the maximum number of cards in a Kanban control.
MaxNbSegmentThe MaxNbSegment property is used to get and change the maximum number of line segments for drawing a Wire control.
MaxValueThe MaxValue property is used to:
  • get and set the top value of a report based on a data file.
  • get the maximum value of the current filter.
  • get the maximum value of a data series in a chart.
  • get and set the maximum value for some types of controls.
MaxWidthThe MaxWidth property is used to get and change the maximum width of a control or window.
MaxZoomThe MaxZoom property is used to get the maximum zoom value that can be used for the Camera control (for the camera in use).
MDIBottomThe MDIBottom property is used to determine and change the distance between the bottom border of the MDI parent window and the bottom border of the MDI area.
MDILeftThe MDILeft property is used to determine and change the distance between the left border of the MDI parent window and the left border of the MDI area.
MDIRightThe MDIRight property is used to determine and modify the distance between the right border of the MDI parent window and the right border of the MDI area.
MDITopThe MDITop property is used to determine and change the distance between the top border of the MDI parent window and the top border of the MDI area.
MemoryThe Memory property determines if the specified control is populated programmatically or is based on a data file.
MemoryCurrencyThe MemoryCurrency property gets and sets the currency used when manipulating a "Currency + Euro" control programmatically.
MemoryFormatThe MemoryFormat property is used to get and change the format of the value returned for:
  • Date or Time edit controls.
  • Date or Time table columns.
  • Calendar controls.
  • Static controls.
  • editable combo boxes.
  • table columns displayed by combo boxes.
MergeThe Merge property is used to merge the cells of a Table or TreeView Table control.
MessageThe Message property is used to:
  • Find out the help message associated with a control or with a menu option (in a window).
  • Modify the help message associated with a control or with a menu option (in a window).
MinHeightThe MinHeight property is used to get and change the minimum height of a control or window.
MinimizedThe Minimized property is used to:
  • find out whether a repositionable note is minimized,
  • minimize or restore a repositionable note.
MinValueThe MinValue property is used to:
  • get and set the bottom value of a report based on a data file.
  • get the minimum value of the current filter.
  • get the minimum value of a data series in a chart.
  • get and set the minimum value for some types of controls.
MinWidthThe MinWidth property is used to get and change the minimum width of a control or window.
MinZoomThe MinZoom property is used to get the minimum zoom value that can be used for the Camera control (for the camera in use).
ModalThe Modal property determines whether the bottom sliding window associated with the current current window is modal or modeless.
ModificationDurationAPTThe ModificationDurationAPT property is used to determine and specify if the user can modify the duration of an appointment in a Scheduler or Organizer control.
ModifiedThe Modified property is used to determine if a control or group of controls has been modified by the user (keyboard or mouse input).
ModifierPanelVisibleThe ModifierPanelVisible property is used to:
  • determine if the "Modifier" panel is displayed in a Diagram Editor control.
  • show or hide the "Modifier" panel in a Diagram Editor control.
MouseCursorThe MouseCursor property gets and sets the cursor displayed when pointing over a control, window or page.
MovableThe Movable property is used to:
  • Find out whether a table column can be moved by the user,
  • Allow and/or forbid a table column to be moved by the user.
MovableByBackgroundThe MovableByBackground property is used to:
  • find out whether a window can be moved by the background,
  • allow (or not) a window to be moved by the background.
MovementAPTThe MovementAPT property allows you to know and specify whether users can move appointments in a Scheduler or Organizer control.
MovementTaskThe MovementTask property allows you to know and modify the way users move tasks in a Gantt Chart column.
MultilineIn a window or page, the Multiline property is used to:
  • find out and modify the "Multiline" option of an Edit control.
  • find out and modify the "Multiline" option of a column in a Table control.
In a report, the Multiline property is used to determine and change the "Multiline" option of a control.
MultimediaReaderThe MultimediaReader property gets and sets the media player currently used by a Multimedia control to play media files.
MultiselectionThe Multiselection property gets and sets the selection mode:
  • in a Table and TreeView Table control.
  • in a Pivot Table control.
  • in a List Box and ListView control.
  • in a Looper control.
  • in a Calendar control.
  • of files in an Upload control.
MultiWorksheetThe MultiWorksheet property is used to:
  • Find out whether a Spreadsheet control manages several worksheets.
  • Change the worksheet management mode of a Spreadsheet control.
NameThe Name property is used to get:
  • the name of the font associated with a Font variable.
  • the name of a control, report or report block.
  • the name of a control, group of controls or window.
  • the name of a control, group of controls or page.
NameBrowserFileThe NameBrowserFile property gets the original name of the file to upload from the user's computer.
NameServerFileThe NameServerFile property is used to get the name of the uploaded file on the server.
NavigationPaneVisibleThe NavigationPaneVisible property is used to display the thumbnail pane in the PDF Reader control.
NbAnimationStepsThe NbAnimationSteps property is used to get and specify the number of drawings in the image that defines the animation of a custom infinite Progress Bar control.
NbDayDisplayedThe NbDayDisplayed property is used to:
  • get and change the number of days displayed in an Organizer or Scheduler control.
  • get the number of days displayed in a Gantt Chart control in a report.
NbLinesPerPageThe NbLinesPerPage property is used to:
  • Get and set the maximum number of Table rows per page.
  • Get and set the maximum number of Looper rows per page.
NbWorksheetThe NbWorksheet property is used to get the number of worksheets in a Spreadsheet control.
NewLineThe NewLine property is used to determine:
  • in a Table control, whether the current row was created with TableAddXXX or TableInsertXXX.
  • in a Looper control, whether the current row was created with LooperAddXXX or LooperInsertXXX.
  • in an Organizer control, whether an appointment was created via the popup menu.
  • in a Scheduler control, whether an appointment was created via the popup menu.
NoteThe Note property is used to:
  • Find out the notes associated with a control, a window, a page or a report.
  • Modify the notes associated with a control, a window a page or a report.
NoteTitleThe NoteTitle property is used to:
  • Get the title of the notes used in the technical documentation of a control, window, page or report.
  • Change the title of the notes used in the technical documentation of a control, window, page or report.
NullIfEmptyThe NullIfEmpty property is used to:
  • Find out whether the value returned by the control is NULL if its content is empty.
  • Configure the value returned by the control if its content is empty.
Num1stDayOfTheWeekThe Num1stDayOfTheWeek property gets and sets the 1st day of the week displayed in:
  • a Calendar control.
  • an Organizer control.
  • a Scheduler control.
  • an Edit control in Date format with Calendar.
NumberAccessiblePagesThe NumberAccessiblePages property is used to get the number of pages currently loaded in a PDF Reader or Word Processing control.
NumberColumnThe NumberColumn property is used to:
  • Get the number of columns in Table, Check Box, Radio Button controls, etc..
  • Set the number of columns in a multi-column List Box control.
NumberPageThe NumberPage property is used to get:
  • the number of pages in a "multi-page" image file. This image is displayed in an Image control or in the background of a Chart control.
  • the number of pages in a PDF file displayed in an Image control.
  • the number of pages found in a PDF file displayed in a PDF Reader control.
  • the number of pages found in a DOCX file displayed in a Word Processing control.
NumberRowThe NumberRow property returns the maximum number of rows containing data in a Spreadsheet control. These rows contain data, a formula, formatting or a non-standard height.
ObserverOrientationThe ObserverOrientation property gets or sets the secondary angle of a Carousel control.
OpacityThe Opacity property is used to get and define the opacity percentage for a window, or for controls in a window or page.
OptionThe Option property is used to configure how a Bar Code control is displayed.
OrientationTitleThe OrientationTitle property is used to:
  • Determine whether the headings of one or multiple columns in a Table control are angled.
  • Angle the headings of one or all the columns in a Table control.
OriginWaypointThe OriginWaypoint property is used to get and define the origin of points whose coordinates are specified in the WayPoint property.
OutgoingDataThe OutgoingData property is used to determine and change the type of data emitted by the stream.
PageBorderVisibleThe PageBorderVisible property is used to:
  • determine if the page borders are displayed in a Diagram Editor control.
  • show or hide the page borders in a Diagram Editor control.
PageNumberThe PageNumber property is used to:
  • get and change the number of the page displayed in an Image control ("multi-page" image files)
  • get and change the page number of a PDF file displayed in an image control of a window
  • get and change the page number of a PDF file displayed in the background of a report.
PaneThe Pane property is used to:
  • Find out the pane tabs associated with a control.
  • Define the pane tabs associated with a control.
New in version SaaS
The PaneVisibleByDefault property determines if the image editor pane is visible by default.
ParallaxRateHeightThe ParallaxRateHeight property is used to determine and specify how fast a control is reduced when the scrollbar in the window, internal window or page moves.
ParallaxRateYThe ParallaxRateY property is used to determine and specify how fast a control moves when the scrollbar in the window, internal window or page moves.
PasswordThe Password property can be used:
  • on the edit controls (or on the text table columns) to find out whether the control is a "Password" control or to modify the "Password" type of the control.
  • on the connections (HFSQL Client/Server, OLE DB, etc.) to define the password of the user who uses the connection.
PeriodSelectionThe PeriodSelection property is used to determine and specify if the user can select a time period in an Scheduler or Organizer control.
PinnedThe Pinned property is used to:
  • Pin a control: the position of the pinned control will be relative to the visible area of its container and not to the content area.
  • Determine if a control is pinned.
PlaneThe Plane property is used to:
  • Get:
    • the active plane of a window (or report) or the plane to which a control belongs.
    • the active plane of a WEBDEV element.
  • Change:
    • the active plane of a window (or report) or associate a control with another plane.
    • the active plane of a WEBDEV element.
ProcessThe Process property is used to modify the processes to be executed by the events available on a control, window, page, report, etc.
ProgressBarThe ProgressBar property is used to identify and change the Progress Bar control used when calculating a Pivot Table control (PVTCalculateAll and PVTCalculateUpdate functions).
ProgressBarColorThe ProgressBarColor property gets and sets the progress color in the following controls and elements:
  • Progress Bar control,
  • Progress Bar column,
  • Progress Bar cell,
  • infinite Progress Bar control.
ProgressBarSystemThe ProgressBarSystem property gets and sets the progress bar used as system progress bar (in the taskbar) with Windows 7 (and later).
PushedThe Pushed property is used to get and change the state of a two-state button (pressed or released).
ReducedThe Reduced property is used to determine if a Dockable Panel control is expanded/collapsed, or to switch between the two states.
ResourceThe Resource property is used to:
  • find out the resources visible in a Scheduler control.
  • find out the resource of the Scheduler control that corresponds to the specified index.
ResourceHeightThe ResourceHeight property is used to get and change the height of resources in a Scheduler control where resources are arranged in rows.
ResourceWidthThe ResourceWidth property is used to get and change the width of resources in a Scheduler control where resources are arranged in columns.
ReturnedValueThe ReturnedValue property is used to:
  • Get and change the value returned by a window, page or report.
  • Get and change the value returned by an option in a Radio Button control.
RibbonThe Ribbon property is used to access the Ribbon control of the associated control (Word Processing, PDF Reader, Spreadsheet, Image Editor, HTML Editor or Diagram Editor controls).
RichEditThe RichEdit property is used to manage the RTF (Rich Text Format) type:
  • of an edit control or Static control found in a window.
  • of a Static control found in a report.
RightClickThe RightClick property gets and sets the name of the Button control that will be executed when an object is right-clicked.
RightIndentThe RightIndent property is used to get and change the space to the right of the text in a control.
RightToLeftThe RightToLeft property is used to get the writing direction on a control, column, window or report.
RoundedCornerThe RoundedCorner property allows you to determine whether the bottom sliding window associated with the current window has rounded corners.
RulerModifiableThe RulerModifiable property is used to:
  • Find out whether the user can move the playhead in a TimeLine control.
  • Allow or prevent the user from moving the playhead in a TimeLine control.
RulerValueThe RulerValue property is used to get or change the position of the playhead in a TimeLine control.
RulerVisibleThe RulerVisible property is used to:
  • Determine if a playhead is visible in a TimeLine control.
  • Show or hide a playhead in a TimeLine control.
RuleVisibleThe RuleVisible property is used to:
  • Find out whether the rulers are visible or invisible in a Word Processing control.
  • Make the rulers visible or invisible in a Word Processing control.
ScreenCastAllowedThe ScreenCastAllowed property is used to:
  • find out whether the user can cast the content displayed in the Multimedia control to an external device (compatible with AirPlay),
  • allow or prevent the user from casting the content displayed in the Multimedia control to an external device (compatible with AirPlay).
ScreenCastInProgressThe ScreenCastInProgress property is used to determine if the video played in a Multimedia control is being played on an external device (compatible with Air Play).
ScreenshotAllowedThe ScreenshotAllowed property is used to:
  • Determine whether it is possible to take screenshots of a window,
  • Allow or prevent taking screenshots of a window.
ScrollThe Scroll property gets and sets the scroll value in a Scrollbar or Range Slider control.
ScrollValueThe ScrollValue property gets and sets the scroll value.
ScrollWithFingerThe ScrollWithFinger property is used to:
  • Determine if the content of a control can be moved with the finger ("finger scrolling").
  • Enable or disable touch-responsiveness for a control.
SearchAAFThe SearchAAF property is used to:
  • find out whether the search via AAF is enabled on a non-editable Combo Box control,
  • enable (or not) the search via AAF on a non-editable Combo Box control.
SearchValueThe SearchValue property is used to get and change the value of the search field in an Action Bar.
SecurityHtmlThe SecurityHtml property gets and sets the status of the security mechanism of HTML Display and HTML Editor controls.
SelectedThe Selected property is used to:
  • Select, or determine if a row is selected in a List, ListView or Table control.
  • Select, or determine if a column or cell is selected in a Table control with row or column selection.
  • Select, or determine if a WEBDEV menu option is selected.
SelectedResourceThe SelectedResource property returns the name of the resource that corresponds to the user's selection in a Scheduler control.
SelectedTextThe SelectedText property is used to get and change the text selected in an Edit control, editable Combo Box control or editable column in a Table control.
SelectedTextWithTagThe SelectedTextWithTag property is used to get or change the text selected in a rich edit control (RTF or HTML) with HTML or RTF formatting tags.
SelectionThe Selection property is used to get the characteristics of the selection (or cursor):
  • in a Word Processing control.
    Remark: This selection is in the section being edited in the control (body, header or footer).
  • in a Spreadsheet control.
  • in an HTML Editor control.
  • in a Diagram Editor control.
SelectionDirectionThe SelectionDirection property is used to determine and change the selection direction (left to right or right to left) in a Word Processing control.
SelectionIfReadOnlyThe SelectionIfReadOnly property is used to determine and specify if the content of an Edit control can be selected when in read-only mode.
SelectionLengthThe SelectionLength property is used to get and change the length of the selection made in a Word Processing control.
ShapeExtremityEndThe ShapeExtremityEnd property is used to identify and change the type of shape used for the end of a Wire control.
ShapeExtremitySizeThe ShapeExtremitySize property is used to identify and change the size of the shape at the beginning and end of a Wire control.
ShapeExtremityStartThe ShapeExtremityStart property gets and sets the source end shape of a Wire control.
ShortcutKeyThe ShortcutKey property gets and sets the keyboard shortcut associated with a control or menu option.
SizeThe Size property is used to determine and change the size of an element.
SortableThe Sortable property is used to:
  • Determine if a Table control column is sortable.
  • Make a column of a Table control sortable or not.
SortedThe Sorted property is used to:
  • Determine whether a control is sorted.
  • Sort a control.
SortOptionThe SortOption property gets and sets the sort options used in:
  • text columns in Table controls,
  • text columns in Treeview Table controls,
  • List Box and ListView controls,
  • Combo Box controls,
  • attributes of Looper controls,
  • images, clickable images and thumbnails with automatic sequence.
SourcePageThe SourcePage is used to identify the source of an internal page (i.e. the internal page displayed by an Internal Page control).
SourceWindowThe SourceWindow property is used to get the source of an internal window (i.e. the internal window displayed by the Internal Window control).
StartControlThe StartControl property gets and sets the start control of a Wire control.
StartDateThe StartDate property is used to determine and change the start date of the selected time period:
  • in a Calendar control.
  • in an Organizer control.
  • in a Scheduler control.
StartTotalRangeThe StartTotalRange property is used to:
  • get the first date or time that will be displayed in a Scheduler or TimeLine control.
  • change the first time that can be displayed in a TimeLine control.
StartVisibleRangeThe StartVisibleRange property is used to:
  • get and change the first visible date or time in a Scheduler or TimeLine control.
  • change the first visible time in a TimeLine control.
StateThe State property gets and sets the state of an element.
StatusBarThe StatusBar property is used to:
  • find out whether the status bar is displayed or not
  • display (or not) the status bar of a window.
StoredItemThe StoredItem property is used to:
  • Find out the stored item or the stored variable of a Table, Looper, List Box or Combo Box control.
  • Modify the stored item or the stored variable of a Table, Looper, List Box or Combo Box control.
StoredValueThe StoredValue property is used to get the value currently stored by:
  • a row in a List Box, ListView or Combo Box control.
  • a "Text token" Edit control.
  • a row of a Table control.
  • an input suggestion in an Edit control (if the suggestion is selected).
StoreFilterAAFThe StoreFilterAAF property is used to determine and specify if the filters set by the user on a Table or TreeView table control are saved when an application is closed and opened again.
StoreSortAAFThe StoreSortAAF property is used to determine and specify if the sorting order defined by the user on a Table or TreeView Table control is kept when an application is closed and opened again.
StoreTheConfigurationThe StoreTheConfiguration property is used to:
  • Determine whether the configuration of the panes in a dynamic Tab control or Ribbon control is automatically saved and restored.
  • Modify the configuration of the panes in a dynamic Tab control or Ribbon control so that it is automatically saved and restored (or not)
StoreTheValueThe StoreTheValue property is used to:
  • Find out whether a control keeps its value between two application starts via the persistence.
  • Modify a control so that it keeps (or not) its value between two application starts via the persistence.
StyleThe Style property is used to retrieve and assign the entire style of a control (including the overrides).
SubCaptionThe SubCaption property is used to get and change:
  • the secondary caption of an option found in a Radio Button or Check Box control.
  • the secondary caption of an element found in a TreeMap control.
SwipeEnabledThe SwipeEnabled property enables or disables the swipe gesture support:
  • on an Internal Window control.
  • on a row in a Looper control.
SystemBarColorThe SystemBarColor property gets or sets the system bar color of full-screen windows in mobile devices.
TabMDIThe TabMDI property is used to:
  • Get the type of a Tab control (simple tab or dynamic tab - MDI).
  • Change the type of a Tab control (simple tab or dynamic tab - MDI).
This property is obsolete from version 200057. Use DynamicTab.
TabOffsetThe TabOffset property gets and sets the offset between the border of a Tab or Ribbon control and the tab buttons.
TABOrderThe TABOrder property gets and sets the position of a control in the tab order of a window.
TapToFocusThe TapToFocus property is used to:
  • Determine if tap to focus is enabled in a Camera control.
  • Enable or disable tap to focus in a Camera control.
TestModeThe TestMode property determines if the Ad control displays a test ad.
TextDirectionThe TextDirection property is used to determine and change the writing direction in a window, report or control (useful for languages such as Arabic or Hebrew).
TextProgressBarThe TextProgressBar property gets and sets the text displayed in a progress bar.
TextWithoutFormatThe TextWithoutFormat property is used to get the text contained in a rich edit control without the formatting tags.
ThumbnailThe Thumbnail property is used to find out and modify the image displayed in thumbnail in a Thumbnail control.
ThumbnailImageThe ThumbnailImage property is used to:
  • Get the image associated with an element of a ListView control.
  • Change the thumbnail image associated with an element of a ListView control.
TiltThe Tilt property gets or sets the tilt of the map displayed in a Map control.
TimeoutThe Timeout property is used to get and change the time after which the connection is considered to have "failed".
TitleThe Title property is used to:
  • Get the title of a Table control column, a Chart control, a window or a page
  • Change the title of a Table control column, a Chart control, a window or a page.
TitleBackgroundColorThe TitleBackgroundColor property gets and sets the background color of a column title in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TitleColorThe TitleColor property is used to:
  • get the text color of a column title in a Table or TreeView Table control.
  • set the text color of the title of one or all columns in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TitleHeaderThe TitleHeader property is used to:
  • Get the title and aspect of a column title-header (Table or TreeView Table control).
  • Get the number of column title-headers (Table or TreeView Table control).
  • Change the title and aspect of a column title-header (Table or TreeView Table control).
TitleHeightThe TitleHeight property gets and sets:
  • the height of the title for the columns of a Table or TreeView Table control.
  • the height of the title bar of a Dockable Panel control.
  • the height of the title bar of a window with a custom title bar.
TitleImageThe TitleImage property is used to get and/or change the image displayed next to the title of a column in a Table control.
TokenThe Token property is used to manage the different tokens associated with a "Text token" Edit control.
TokenAllowDuplicateThe TokenAllowDuplicate property is used to:
  • Allow or prevent the user from entering duplicates in a "Text token" Edit control.
  • Determine if duplicates are allowed in a "Text token" Edit control.
TokenCurrentInputThe TokenCurrentInput property is used to read or change the value being entered in a "Text token" edit control.
TokenDeletableThe TokenDeletable property is used to:
  • Determine if the end user is allowed to delete tokens in a "Text token" Edit control.
  • Allow or prevent the end user from deleting tokens in a "Text token" Edit control.
TokenEnabledThe TokenEnabled property determines if an Edit control is a "Text token" Edit control.
TokenListSeparatorThe TokenListSeparator property retrieves or modifies the separators that trigger the creation of new tokens when entering information in a "Text token" Edit control.
ToolbarVisibleThe ToolbarVisible property is used to:
  • determine if the toolbar or the ribbon is displayed in a control.
  • show or hide the toolbar or the ribbon in a control.
ToolTipThe ToolTip property is used to get and change the text displayed in the tooltip associated with a window or page control.
ToolTipTitleThe ToolTipTitle property gets and sets the text displayed in the tooltip associated with the column title of a Table control. This tooltip only appears when the Table control column title is hovered over.
TorchThe Torch property is used to determine and change how a Camera control uses the torch.
TotalNbChildrenThe TotalNbChildren property returns the total number of children in a branch:
  • of a Treeview control,
  • of a TreeView Table control.
TotalRangeThe TotalRange property is used to get and change the total range of data represented by the Range Slider control.
TotalsEnabledThe TotalsEnabled property enables you to:
  • Identify the calculation method used for columns in a Table or TreeView Table control (automatic or custom),
  • Temporarily forbid or force column calculations (automatic or custom) in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TrafficInfoThe TrafficInfo property is used to:
  • determine whether traffic information is displayed in the Map control.
  • display or hide traffic information in the Map control.
TransparencyModeThe TransparencyMode property gets and sets the transparency mode of an image.
TriStateThe TriState property is used to:
  • Determine if a check box option supports 3 or 2 states.
  • Determine if a TreeView control uses 3-state or 2-state check boxes.
  • Change the type of an option in a check box: option with 3 states or with 2 states.
TypeThe Type property is used to get:
  • the type of element (data file or item) defined programmatically or in the data model editor, view or query.
  • the type of object.
  • the type of data held in a Variant.
TypeFilesThe TypeFiles property is used to get and change the filter available in the file picker of the Upload control.
UndockablePaneThe UnlockablePane property is used to:
  • Determine if the end user can move the panes of a Ribbon or Dynamic Tab control outside the window.
  • Allow or prevent the end user from moving the panes of a Ribbon or Dynamic Tab control outside the window.
UndockedThe Undocked property is used to determine if a pane of a Tab or Ribbon control is undocked.
UnicodeThe Unicode property is used to:
  • Determine if the value of a control is a Unicode string.
  • Specify whether the value of a control is a Unicode string.
UpperValueThe UpperValue property is used to:
  • Get the upper bound of the currently selected interval in a Range Slider control.
  • Change the upper bound of the currently selected interval in a Range Slider control.
URLThe URL property is used to:
  • Get the address associated with a control.
  • Change the address associated with a control.
UsefulHeightThe UsefulHeight property is used to get and change the useful height of an internal window (or supercontrol) with scrollbars.
UsefulWidthThe UsefulWidth property is used to get and change the useful width of an internal window (or supercontrol) with scrollbars.
UseModeThe UseMode property is used to determine or change how the PDF Reader control reacts to mouse input. The mouse is used to select text in the document or to move within the document pages.
ValueThe Value property is used to:
  • Find out and modify the value of a report control.
  • Find out and modify the value of a control or the title of a window.
  • Find out the identifier of a stream.
  • Find out and modify the value of a control or the title of a page.
ValuePerStarThe ValuePerStar property gets and sets the value of a star in a Rating control.
VerticalThe Vertical property is used to:
  • determine if a control is oriented horizontally or vertically.
  • change the orientation of Table and Looper controls (switch from vertical to horizontal and conversely).
VerticalAlignmentThe VerticalAlignment property gets and changes the vertical alignment of a control.
VerticalOrientationThe VerticalOrientation property is used to:
  • Find out the orientation of a ListView control.
  • Modify the orientation of a ListView control.
VerticalSwipeThe VerticalSwipe property is used to determine and change the swipe direction in an internal window with swipe gesture support.
VisibleThe Visible property is used to:
  • Find out whether an element is visible.
  • Make an element visible or invisible.
VisibleInExportAndPrintThe VisibleInExportAndPrint property is used to:
  • Find out whether a column of a Table or TreeView Table control is visible for export and printing.
  • Modify the visibility of a column in a Table or TreeView Table control for export and printing.
VisibleOutsideWindowThe VisibleOutsideWindow property is used to:
  • determine if a button is visible even if its position (X,Y) is outside the border of the window (entirely or partially).
  • modify the visibility of an "off-window" button.
VisibleRangeThe VisibleRange property is used to get and change the width of the Range Slider control track.
VisibleWithAnimationThe VisibleWithAnimation property is used to make a control visible or invisible via the "Appear/Disappear" animation.
VisualEffectThe VisualEffect property allows you to apply a visual effect on a control or group of controls in a window.
WayPointThe WayPoint property is used to determine and change the points a Wire control has to pass through.
WeightThe Weight property is used to manage the weight of an element in a TreeMap control.
WidthThe Width property gets and changes the width:
  • of a control or block in a report.
  • of a control (found in a window), window, column found in a table or column found in a list box (including listview).
  • of a control (found in a page), column found in a table or column found in a list box. The control can be overlayable or not.
WidthWithAnimationThe WidthWithAnimation property is used to modify the width of a cell of a Layout control with the "Resize cell" animation defined:
  • in the "Advanced" tab of the project description window ("Control animation" button).
  • in the "Style" tab of the control or project.
WindowIfNewThe WindowIfNew property is used to get and change the name of the internal window to be opened if the end user opens a new tab in a dynamic Tab control.
WinEditAllowedThe WinEditAllowed property is used to determine and configure the actions allowed on a control when the window switches to "Allow end users to modify the UI" mode.
WinEditModeThe WinEditMode property is used to determine and configure the actions allowed on a window and its controls when the window switches to "Allow end users to modify the UI" mode.
WithClosingButtonThe WithClosingButton property is used to:
  • Determine whether all the tabs of a Dynamic Tab control have a Close button.
  • Show a Close button in all the tabs of a Dynamic Tab control.
WithInputThe WithInput property determines if a Combo Box control supports data input, and enables or disables this behavior.
WithNewButtonThe WithNewButton property is used to:
  • Determine if a Dynamic Tab control has New tab button (+).
  • Configure a Dynamic Tab control to show a New tab button.
WithRotationThe WithRotation property is used to:
  • enable or disable the rotate gesture on a Map control,
  • determine whether the rotate gesture is enabled on a Map control.
WithScrollThe WithScroll property is used to:
  • enable or disable the scroll gesture on a Map control,
  • determine whether the scroll gesture is enabled on a Map control.
WithTiltThe WithTilt property is used to:
  • enable or disable the tilt gesture on a Map control,
  • determine whether the tilt gesture is enabled on a Map control.
WithZoomThe WithZoom property is used to specify and to determine whether the user can zoom in and out:
  • in an HTML Display control in Android, iPhone or iPad applications.
  • in a Map control in Android, iPhone or iPad applications.
WorkingDirectoryThe WorkingDirectory property is used to:
  • get or change the directory used by the HTML Editor control to store the images and CSS sheets of an HTML page.
  • get the directory used by the HTML Display control to store the images and CSS sheets of an HTML page.
  • get the directory used by the Camera control to save photos and videos.
WorkingHourEndThe WorkingHourEnd property is used to identify and change the end time of working hours used:
  • by an Organizer control.
  • by a Scheduler control.
  • by a Gantt Chart column (in a Table or TreeView Table control).
WorkingHourStartThe WorkingHourStart property is used to get and change the start time of working hours used:
  • by an Organizer control.
  • by a Scheduler control.
  • by a Gantt Chart column (in a Table or TreeView Table control).
WorksheetNameThe WorksheetName property is used to get or change the name of the current worksheet in a Spreadsheet control.
XThe X property is used to:
  • Get the X-coordinate of a control, Table control column or window (position on the X-axis).
  • Get the X-coordinate of a control or window (position on the X-axis).
XAxisMaxThe XAxisMax property gets the maximum value of the X-axis in a Chart control. This property can be used in the "Zoom" event of a Chart control to identify the section displayed.
XAxisMinThe XAxisMin property gets the minimum value of the X-axis in a Chart control. This property can be used in the "Zoom" event of a Chart control to identify the section displayed.
XImageThe XImage property is used to get and change the initial X-coordinate of the image section that will be displayed in an Image control or in the background of a Chart control.
XInitialThe XInitial property is used to:
  • Get the X-coordinate:
    • of a control (position on the X-axis) when opening the window or the page.
    • of a window (position on X-axis) when opening the window.
  • Change the X-coordinate of a control anchored "to the right" (position on the X-axis) when opening the window.
  • Get the X-coordinate of a control in relation to its block (position in millimeters on the X-axis) when opening the report.
YThe Y property is used to:
  • Find out the Y-coordinate of a control or window (position on Y-axis).
  • Modify the Y-coordinate of a control or window.
YAxisMaxThe YAxisMax property gets the maximum value of the Y-axis in a Chart control. This property can be used in the "Zoom" event of a Chart control to identify the section displayed.
YAxisMinThe YAxisMin property gets the minimum value of the Y-axis in a Chart control.
YImageThe YImage property is used to get and change the initial Y-coordinate of the image section that will be displayed in an Image control or in the background of a Chart control.
YInitialThe YInitial property is used to:
  • Find out the Y-coordinate:
    • of a control (position on Y-axis) when opening the window or the page.
    • of a window (position on Y-axis) when opening the window.
  • Modify the Y-coordinate of a control anchored "to bottom" (position on the vertical axis) when opening the window.
  • Find out the Y-coordinate of a control in relation to its block (position in millimeters on the vertical axis) when opening the report.
ZAxisMaxThe ZAxisMax property gets the maximum value of the Z-axis in a Chart control (Surface chart).
ZAxisMinThe ZAxisMin property gets the minimum value of the Z-axis in a Chart control (Surface chart).
ZoomThe Zoom property gets or sets the zoom value:
  • in an Image control.
  • in a Map control.
  • in an Organization Chart control.
  • in a Table, TreeView Table, Pivot Table, Spreadsheet or List Box control.
  • in a Word Processing control.
  • in a PDF Reader control.
  • in a Camera control.
  • in a Diagram Editor control;
  • in a window.
ZoomWithFingerThe ZoomWithFinger property is used to:
  • determine if an Image or Camera control supports pinch zoom.
  • enable or disable pinch zoom in an Image or Camera control.
ZOrderThe ZOrder property defines the Z-order of an element.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/21/2024

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