| |
trtAction | Action code of the Web Component control. |
trtAddDiagShape | Code executed when a shape is added in a Diagram Editor control. |
trtAddKanbanCard | Code executed when a card is added in a Kanban control. |
trtAddToken | Code executed when a token is added in a "Text token" Edit control. |
trtAddWidget | Code executed when a widget is added to a Dashboard control. |
trtAfterChangingSkinTemplate | "After changing skin template" code of an internal window. |
trtAfterOpeningDocument | "After opening a document" code of the Word Processing, Image Editor, Spreadsheet and PDF Reader controls. |
trtBeforeChangingSkinTemplate | "Before changing skin template" code of an internal window. |
trtBeforeClosingDocument | "Before closing a document" code of the Word Processing, Image Editor, Spreadsheet and PDF Reader controls. |
trtBeforeClosingWindow | "Allow closing" code. |
trtBeforeCreatingOrganizerApt | "Before creating the appointment" code of the Organizer control. |
trtBeforeCreatingScheduleApt | "Before creating the appointment" code of a Scheduler control. |
trtChange | - "Whenever modified" code of the control.
- Code executed when the window is modified.
trtChangeDiagShape | Code executed when a shape is modified in a Diagram Editor control. |
trtChangeLayout | "Change of layout" code of a window. |
trtChangeOrganizerPeriod | "Whenever changing period" code of an Organizer control. |
trtChangePlane | "Whenever changing plane" code of a Sliding Banner control. |
trtChangePositionMap | "Whenever changing position" code of a Map control. |
trtChangeSchedulePeriod | "Whenever changing period" code of a Scheduler control. |
trtChangeToken | Code executed when the user edits the text of a token in a "Text token" Edit control. |
trtClick | - Click code of the control.
- Code of the button associated with the click in the window.
trtClickButtonArrow | Click code on the arrow associated with a button. |
trtClickButtonEditControlLeft | "Click on the left button" code of the Edit control. |
trtClickButtonEditControlRight | "Click on the right button" code of the Edit control. |
trtClickHTMLLink | "Click on a link" code of an HTML Display control. |
trtClickToken | Click code on a token in a "Text token" Edit control. |
trtClosing | - Window closing code.
- Page closing code.
- Report closing code.
trtCollapseExpandBranch | Collapsed/Expanded code of a node in a TreeView or TreeView Table control. |
trtCollapseExpandBreak | Collapsed/Expanded code of a break in a Looper or Table control. |
trtComboClosing | Code executed when the drop-down list is closed. |
trtComboOpening | Code executed the drop-down list of a Combo Box control is expanded. |
trtDelayedPlaneLoad | "Delayed plane load" code of a plane. |
trtDeleteDiagShape | Code executed when a shape is deleted from a Diagram Editor control. |
trtDeleteKanbanCard | Code executed when a card is deleted from a Kanban control. |
trtDeleteOrganizerApt | Code executed when an appointment is deleted from an Organizer control. |
trtDeleteScheduleApt | Code executed when an appointment is deleted from a Scheduler control. |
trtDeleteToken | Code executed when a token is deleted from a "Text token" Edit control. |
trtDeleteWidget | Code executed when a widget is deleted from a Dashboard control. |
trtDisplayContextMenu | Optional code for displaying the popup menu. |
trtDoubleClick | - Double-click code.
- Code of the button associated with the double click in the window.
trtEndChange | "End of modification" code (Slider and Scrollbar control only). |
trtEndInitialization | "End of initialization" code (List Box, Table and Combo Box control based on a data file). |
trtEndLoadingHTMLPage | "After loading the HTML page" code of an HTML Display control. |
trtEndMovingKanbanCard | Code executed when the user stops moving a card in a Kanban control. |
trtEnter | Entry code of the control. |
trtEnterInputOrganizerApt | Code executed when the user enters an appointment in an Organizer control. |
trtEnterInputSchedulerApt | Code executed when the user enters an appointment in a Scheduler control. |
trtEnterInputToken | Code executed when the user enters a token in a "Text token" Edit control. |
trtEnterRollover | Mouse enter optional code in a Table control. |
trtExit | Exit code of the control. |
trtExitRollover | Mouse leave code in a Table control. |
trtFilter | Code executed when the report data is filtered. |
trtGetFocus | Code executed when the window gains focus. |
trtHorizontalScroll | "Horizontal scrollbar" code (Scrollbar control only). |
trtInit | - Control initialization code.
- Window initialization code.
- Page initialization code.
- Report opening code.
trtKanbanCardDetails | Code executed when the details of a card are displayed in a Kanban control. |
trtKeyDown | Key Down code. |
trtKeyPressed | Key Pressed code. |
trtKeyUp | Key Up code. |
trtKillFocus | Code executed when the window loses focus. |
trtLeftButtonDoubleClick | Code of double click on left button. |
trtLeftButtonDown | Code of left button down. |
trtLeftButtonUp | Code of left button up. |
trtLineDisplay | Code executed when a row is displayed (Table control only).
trtLineEnter | Entry code of a row (Table control only). |
trtLineExit | Exit code of the row (Table control only). |
trtLoadingHTMLResource | "Load resources" code of an HTML Editor or HTML Display control. |
trtMenuOption | Code of a menu option (main or context menu). |
trtMiddleButtonDoubleClick | Code of double click on middle button. |
trtMiddleButtonDown | Code of middle button down. |
trtMiddleButtonUp | Code of middle button up. |
trtModificationColumnFilter | Code "Whenever modifying the filter (user input in header)" of a Table Column control. |
trtModificationSpreadsheetCell | "Modify a cell" code of the Spreadsheet control. |
trtMouseWheel | Code for using the mouse wheel. |
trtMoveDiagShape | Code executed when the user moves a shape in a Diagram Editor control. |
trtMoveKanbanCard | Code executed when the user moves a card in a Kanban control. |
trtMoveOrganizerApt | Code executed when the user moves an appointment in an Organizer control. |
trtMoveScheduleApt | Code executed when the user moves an appointment in a Scheduler control. |
trtMoveWidget | "Move a widget" code of the Dashboard control. |
trtMoveWindow | Code for moving the window. |
trtOpening | - Window initialization code.
- Page opening code.
- Report opening code.
trtOrganizerInputExitApt | Code executed when the user leaves the input field of an appointment in an Organizer control. |
trtPostPrint | "Post Print" code of a block in a report. |
trtPrePrint | "Pre Print" code of a control in a report. |
trtPullToRefresh | "Pull to refresh" code in a Table or Looper control. |
trtReadData | Code executed when the report data is read. |
trtReadFirst | Code executed when the first record is read (Table control only). |
trtReadLast | Code executed when the last record is read (Table control only). |
trtReadNext | Code executed when the next record is read (Table control only). |
trtReadPrevious | Code executed when the previous record is read (Table control only). |
trtReassignResourceScheduleApt | Code executed when an appointment is reassigned in a Scheduler control. |
trtRequestRefresh | "Request for refreshing the display" code (window and internal window). |
trtResize | Code executed when the window is resized. |
trtResizeDiagShape | Code executed when a shape is resized in a Diagram Editor control. |
trtResizeOrganizerApt | Code executed when an appointment is resized in an Organizer control. |
trtResizeScheduleApt | Code executed when an appointment is resized in a Scheduler control. |
trtResizeWidget | "Resize a widget" code of a Dashboard control. |
trtRightButtonDoubleClick | Code of double click on right button. |
trtRightButtonDown | Code of right button down. |
trtRightButtonUp | Code of right button up. |
trtRightClick | - Right-click code (for TreeView controls only).
- Code of the button associated with the right click in the window.
trtRightClickHTMLLink | "Right click on a link" code of an HTML Display control. |
trtRollover | Rollover code of control. |
trtScheduleInputExitApt | Code executed when the user leaves the input field of an appointment in a Scheduler control. |
trtSelectDiagShape | Code executed when a shape is selected in a Diagram Editor control. |
trtSelection | Selection code (Combo Box, List Box and Table control). |
trtSelectOrganizerApt | Code executed when an appointment is selected in an Organizer control. |
trtSelectOrganizerPeriod | Code executed when a time range is selected in an Organizer control. |
trtSelectScheduleApt | Code executed when an appointment is selected in a Scheduler control. |
trtSelectSchedulePeriod | Code executed when a time range is selected in a Scheduler control. |
trtSliderChange | "Whenever modified" code (Slider control only). |
trtSpinMinus | Code executed when the value decreases in a Spin control. |
trtSpinPlus | Code executed when the value increases in a Spin control. |
trtStartLoadingHTMLPage | "Before loading the HTML page" code of an HTML Display control. |
trtStartMovingKanbanCard | Code executed when the user starts moving a card in a Kanban control. |
trtSystemButton | "Before closing with OK/Close button" code. |
trtSystemKeyDown | System Key Down code. |
trtSystemKeyPressed | System Key Pressed code. |
trtSystemKeyUp | System Key Up code.
trtUpdateUI | "Request for refreshing the display" code (window and internal window). |
trtValueAssignment | Code executed when the Value property of the Web Component control is assigned. |
trtValueRetrieval | Code executed when the Value property of a Web Component control is retrieved. |
trtVerticalScroll | "Vertical scrollbar" code (Scrollbar control only). |
trtWinEdChangeSize | Code run when resizing a control in "Edit by the user" mode. This process is mainly used to identify the operation performed by the user and to run a specific code. |
trtWinEdMove | Code run when moving a control in "Edit by the user" mode. This process is mainly used to identify the operation performed by the user and to run a specific code. |
trtWinEdSelection | Code run when selecting a control in "Edit by the user" mode. This process is mainly used to identify the operation performed by the user and to run a specific code. |
trtZoomModification | Code executed when the zoom value changes in a Range Slider control. |