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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Various properties
  • Width of controls in a form
  • Limits
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
The Width property gets and changes the width:
  • of a control or block in a report.
  • of a control (found in a window), window, column found in a table or column found in a list box (including listview).
  • of a control (found in a page), column found in a table or column found in a list box. The control can be overlayable or not.
This property also allows you to find out the width of a table cell. To modify its width, modify the width of the corresponding column.
  • In a report, the border of the control or block is included in its width. The WidthInPixel property is used to get the width in pixels of a control in a report.
  • The width of a control is defined in the editor in the control description.
// Augmente la largeur du champ "SAI_NomClient"
SAI_NomClient.Largeur = SAI_NomClient.Largeur + 15
// Est équivalent à : SAI_NomClient.Largeur += 15
// Modification de la largeur de deux champs
SAI_NomClient.Largeur += 100	// Ajoute 100 pixels
SAI_PrénomClient.Largeur += 10		// Ajoute 10 pixels

Finding out the width of an element Hide the details

<Result> = <Element used>.Width
<Result>: Real
Width of the specified element. This width is expressed in pixels in a window and/or in a page, and in millimeters in a report.
<Element used>: Type of element
Name of the element (control, window, block, ...) to use.

Modifying the width of an element Hide the details

<Element used>.Width = <New width>
<Element used>: Type of element
Name of the element (control, window, block, ...) to use.
<New width>: Real
New width for the specified element. This width is expressed in pixels in a window and/or in a page, and in millimeters in a report.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code

Width of controls in a form

In server code, the returned and modifiable width corresponds to the total height of the control (width of the caption plus width of the input area).
In browser code, the returned and modifiable width corresponds to the width of the input area.


WEBDEV - Server code The Width property cannot be used on a report.
WEBDEV - Server code The Width property is available in edit mode only for the following controls:
  • Button.
  • Image.
  • Clickable image.
  • Java applet.
  • Chart.
  • Table column.
PHP The Width property is not available on iFrame controls.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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