Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
  • Limits for the report controls
  • Limits in the pages
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
The Y property is used to:
  • Find out the Y-coordinate of a control or window (position on Y-axis).
    WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP This property is used to get the Y-coordinate of a control in a page.
  • Modify the Y-coordinate of a control or window (position on Y-axis).
    WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP This property is used to modify the Y-coordinate of an overlayable control in a page.
This property can be used on the controls found in a window, in a page or in a report, and on the windows.
// Find out the Y-coordinate of "IMG_Image"
ResYCoordinate = IMG_Image.Y

Finding out the Y-coordinate of a control or window Hide the details

<Result> = <Element used>.Y
<Result>: Integer
  • Y-coordinate of specified control:
    • in a window, this Y-coordinate is expressed in pixels. This Y-coordinate corresponds the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control, relative to the upper-left corner of the window's client area (i.e. the window without title bar, menu bar or borders).
    • in a report, this Y-coordinate is expressed in millimeters. This Y-coordinate corresponds to the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control in relation to the upper-left corner of the block to which the control belongs.
    • in a page, this Y-coordinate is expressed in pixels.
      • WEBDEV - Server code It corresponds to the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control, relative to the upper-left corner of the page. If the control belongs to a container control (HTML cell, Looper, etc.), the-Y-coordinate is relative to the latter.
      • WEBDEV - Browser codePHP It corresponds to the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control, relative to the upper-left corner of the page.
  • Y-coordinate of the specified window (in pixels). Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the window, relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.
    Linux The Y-coordinate of window is not available.
<Element used>: Control name or window name
Name of element (control or window) to use.
For a control associated with a Tab control, use the following notation:
<Tab name>.<Control name>

Modifying the Y-coordinate of a control or window Hide the details

<Element used>.Y = <New Y-coordinate>
<Element used>: Control name or window name
Name of element whose Y-coordinate will be modified.
For a control associated with a Tab control, use the following notation:
<Tab name>.<Control name>
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code To modify the Y-coordinate of a page control, this control must be a stackable control.
<New Y-coordinate>: Integer
  • New Y-coordinate for the specified control:
    • in a window, this Y-coordinate is expressed in pixels. This Y-coordinate corresponds the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control, relative to the upper-left corner of the window's client area (i.e. the window without title bar, menu bar or borders).
    • in a report, this Y-coordinate is expressed in millimeters. This Y-coordinate corresponds to the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control in relation to the upper-left corner of the block to which the control belongs.
    • in a page, this Y-coordinate is expressed in pixels.
      • WEBDEV - Server code It corresponds to the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control, relative to the upper-left corner of the page. If the control belongs to a container control (HTML cell, Looper, etc.), the-Y-coordinate is relative to the latter.
      • WEBDEV - Browser codePHP It corresponds to the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control, relative to the upper-left corner of the page.
      Remark: The control must be overlayable, otherwise the change of the Y-coordinate will be ignored.
  • New Y-coordinate for the specified window (in pixels). Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the window, relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.
    Linux The Y-coordinate of window cannot be modified.

Limits for the report controls

The Y property cannot be used on:
  • a report,
  • a report block.
  • A control cannot be displayed outside the block to which it belongs.
  • The Height and Width properties are used to get the height and width of a report control or report block.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP

Limits in the pages

The Y property cannot be used on:
  • an HTML table,
  • an option in a Check Box or Radio Button control,
  • a row in a List Box control, Combo Box control or Table control,
  • a cell in a Table control,
  • a group of controls.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 04/23/2024

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