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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / SOAP
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Stored procedures
From version 2024, this function is kept for backward compatibility.
Runs a procedure on a SOAP server. All the procedure parameters must be specified via an XML message.
Note: The SOAPPrepare function creates the entire XML message (encoded in UTF8) for a imported web service procedure.
// Définition du message XML de la procédure "getTemp" qui
// retourne la température d'une ville identifiée par son code postal
MessageXML = ...
	"<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=" + ...
	"" + ...
	"xmlns:xsi=""""" + ...
	"xmlns:xsd="""">" + ...
	"<SOAP-ENV:Body> "+...
	"<ns1:getTemp xmlns:ns1=""urn:xmethods-Temperature"" SOAP-" + ...
	"ENV:encodingStyle="""">" + ...
	"<zipcode xsi:type=""xsd:string"">94041</zipcode> " + ...
	"</ns1:getTemp> " + ...
	"</SOAP-ENV:Body> " + ...

// Exécution de la procédure "getTemp"
ResExécution = SOAPRunXML("" + ...
						  "/soap/servlet/rpcrouter", MessageXML)
<Result> = SOAPRunXML(<URL of SOAP server> , <XML message> [, <Procedure action>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the communication was established with the SOAP server,
  • False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
<URL of SOAP server>: Character string
URL of SOAP server to contact. This parameter is supplied in the documentation of SOAP server.
<XML message>: Character string
XML message containing the data used to run a procedure (name, namespace, encoding style and parameters of procedure). These parameters are supplied in the documentation of the SOAP server and its procedures.
Note: If you're using a WINDEV SOAP server, the name of the library (WDL) is specified using the namespace ("<Nom de l'application Serveur>" devient sur le serveur "c:\modulessoap\<Nom de l'application Serveur>.wdl").
<Procedure action>: Optional character string
Action of procedure (also called "SOAPAction"). This parameter is supplied in the documentation of SOAP server.
After the call to SOAPRunXML:
  • The data found in the procedure is erased.
  • The structure of the header specified with SOAPAddHeader is deleted.
  • SOAPGetResult returns the result of the procedure run.
  • SOAPError returns the error message of the procedure run.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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