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  • Executing the procedure (syntax 4, kept for backward compatibility)
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Stored procedures
Adds a header to the next SOAP function of a Webservice to run.
The added header can contain additional parameters affecting the SOAP request. In most cases, the information added into the headers does not directly represent the parameters of the Webservice function but meta information such as the authentication information for example.
Remark: The SOAP function will be run by a call to SOAPRun or SOAPRunXML.
// Add a header to the next SOAP procedure run
// This header is used to check the security level used by the SOAP server
// If the maximum security level is not used,
// the next SOAP procedure will not be run
SOAPAddHeader("Security", "MaxSecurity", "Security-Level", True)

Customizing the header of the Webservice Hide the details

SOAPAddHeader(<Webservice name> , <Element to add into header>)
<Webservice name>: Webservice
Name of webservice to use. The Webservice name is displayed in the "Project explorer" pane, in the "Webservices" folder.
<Element to add into header>: Simple or complex type
Variable of the same type as the header to insert into the call to the Webservice method. The different types have been retrieved when importing the WSDL file.
This element is added into the header whenever a SOAP function of the Webservice is called.

Adding a header for a specific Webservice Hide the details

SOAPAddHeader(<Webservice name> , <Parameter name> , <Parameter value> , <Parameter namespace>)
<Webservice name>: Webservice
Name of webservice to use. The Webservice name is displayed in the "Project explorer" pane, in the "Webservices" folder.
<Parameter name>: Character string
Name of additional parameter.
This additional parameter is used to check an information specific to the SOAP server.
This parameter is supplied in the documentation of the SOAP server and its functions.
<Parameter value>: Any type
Value of additional parameter.
The possible values are supplied in the documentation of the SOAP server and its functions.
<Parameter namespace>: Character string
Namespace of parameter.
This parameter is supplied in the documentation of the SOAP server and its functions.
New in version 27
Android Not available for Android applications

Adding a node to a specific SOAP webservice header Hide the details

SOAPAddHeader(<Webservice method> , <Node>)
<Webservice method>: wsRequest variable
Name of the wsRequest variable that corresponds to the webservice method to be used.
<Node>: xmlNode variable
Name of the xmlNode variable that corresponds to the node to be added in the SOAP header.
Android Not available for Android applications

Adding a header (syntax kept for backward compatibility) Hide the details

SOAPAddHeader(<Parameter name> , <Parameter value> , <Parameter namespace> [, <Procedure execution>])
<Parameter name>: Character string
Name of additional parameter.
This additional parameter is used to check an information specific to the SOAP server.
This parameter is supplied in the documentation of the SOAP server and its functions.
<Parameter value>: Any type
Value of additional parameter.
The possible values are supplied in the documentation of the SOAP server and its functions.
<Parameter namespace>: Character string
Namespace of parameter.
This parameter is supplied in the documentation of the SOAP server and its functions.
<Procedure execution>: Optional boolean
  • True: the procedure must not be run if the SOAP server cannot process the header (mandatory header).
  • False: the header is ignored by the execution of the procedure (optional header).

Executing the procedure (syntax 4, kept for backward compatibility)

You have the ability to run (or not) the next SOAP procedure by adding a header. To do so, <Procedure execution> must be initialized to True.
If <Procedure execution> is initialized to True:
  • SOAPRun (or SOAPRunXML) returns True if the connection with the SOAP server was established, False otherwise.
  • If the connection with the SOAP server was established and if the SOAP server fulfills the conditions requested by the header, the procedure is run.
  • If the procedure was run, SOAPGetResult returns:
    • the result of the procedure if the procedure was successfully run,
    • an empty string ("") if the procedure failed.
  • If the procedure failed or if it was not run, SOAPError returns:
    • the "MustUnderstand" error code if the SOAP server does not fulfills the conditions requested by the header,
    • an error in the other cases.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd270com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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