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Stored procedures
FTP/RCP functions are kept for compatibility. It is recommended to use a standard FTP, SSH or SCP server. For more details, see Handling files on an FTP server.
NetClientMessageBoxDisplays a dialog box on each client computer connected to the server.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetClientSendMessageSends a message from the server to all the connected client computers.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetCloseRemoteAccessCloses the line that was opened by NetOpenRemoteAccess.
NetConnectConnects to an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetDirListLists the directories and the files found:
  • on the FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or on the RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV,
  • on the client computer.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetDisconnectDisconnects from an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetDiskListLists the available disks:
  • on the FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or on the RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV,
  • on the client computer.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetEndServerStops an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV and started by NetStartServer.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetEraseFileDeletes a file from the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetExecuteRuns a specific program on an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetGetFileRetrieves an existing file from an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetInfoRemoteAccessReturns information about the status of a connection as well as the statistics about this connection.
NetIPAddressReturns the IP (Internet Protocol) address of a computer.
NetIPToMACReturns the MAC address corresponding to a given IP address.
NetListIPAddressReturns the list of IP addresses (Internet Protocol) for a computer.
NetListRemoteAccessReturns the list of available remote accesses.
NetMACAddressReturns the MAC address (physical address) of one of the network cards found on the computer.
NetMachineNameReturns the name of the local computer or the name of a computer whose IP address is known (reverse DNS resolution).
NetMACToIPReturns the IP address corresponding to a given MAC address.
NetMsgErrorReturns the error message corresponding to the error number returned by NetOpenRemoteAccess and NetCloseRemoteAccess.
NetOpenRemoteAccessEstablishes a remote connection.
NetRemoteMessageBoxDisplays a dialog box on the screen of the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetRenameFileRenames or moves a file located on the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server created with WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetSendBufferTransmits a character string to an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetSendFileTransmits a file to an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetSendMessageTriggers a Windows event on the system of an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetServerOptionManages the rights of clients on the server (FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV).
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
NetStartServerStarts an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server powered by WINDEV.
This function is kept for backward compatibility.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 07/17/2024

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