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This function is kept for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use a standard FTP, SSH or SCP server. For more details, see Handling files on an FTP server and Standard FTP functions.
Displays a dialog box on each client computer connected to the server. The server is an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) or a RPC server (Remote Procedure Call) powered by WINDEV.
Remark: This function is validated when all the dialog boxes are closed on all the client computers.
ServerID is int = NetStartServer()
// Display a YesNo dialog box on the client computer
IF NetClientMessageBox(ServerID, "Do you want to continue?", ...
"", netYesNo) = 1 THEN
<Result> = NetClientMessageBox(<Server identifier> , <Message> , <Window title> , <Window type>)
<Result>: Integer
Number of the button clicked in the message box by the last client computer.
<Server identifier>: Integer
Identifier of the server (returned by NetStartServer).
<Message>: ANSI character string
Text that must be displayed in the dialog box.
<Window title>: ANSI character string
Text displayed in the title bar of the window.
<Window type>: Integer constant
Type of dialog box to display.
netConfirmMessage box with Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
netInfoInformation message box (OK button only).
netOkCancelMessage box with OK and Cancel buttons.
netRetryCancelMessage box with Retry and Cancel buttons.
netRetryIgnoreMessage box with Cancel, Retry and Ignore buttons.
netYesNoMessage box with Yes and No buttons.
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/20/2023

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