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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Windows functions / Dialog Box functions
  • Characteristics of the message
  • Generated error
  • Message and MDI child window
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Displays or removes a message from the status bar of the current window or browser.
Remark: The window or browser window must have a status Bar.
WINDEV If the status bar is divided into several cells, you have the ability to specify the cell where the message is displayed.
WEBDEV - Server code To easily share code between the WINDEV and WEBDEV applications, this function has no effect in server code.
MyProcess() // Procedure used to perform the requested process
WINDEVUser code (UMC)
// Message in the "MCB_Info" cell
Message(MCB_Info, "Enter your name")
WEBDEV - Browser code
// Message with scroll
Message("Welcome!", Scrolling, 5)

Displaying or erasing a message in the status bar Hide the details

<Text>: Optional character string
Text to display (up to 127 characters).
If this parameter is not specified, the message previously displayed in the status bar is erased.
WINDEV If the status bar is divided into several cells, this text will be displayed in the first cell.

WEBDEV - Browser code If this parameter contains the "HH:MM" string, this string is automatically replaced with the system time of the current computer.
To display the "&" character, this character must be typed twice otherwise the letter following this character will be underlined.
WINDEVUser code (UMC)

Displaying or erasing a message in a cell of status bar Hide the details

Message(<Cell name> , <Text>)
<Cell name>: Character string
Name of the cell to be used. If the cell was created:
  • in the window editor, the cell name can be specified without quotes.
  • by StatusBarAddCell, the cell name must be specified between quotes (you also have the ability to use the Extern keyword).
<Text>: Character string
Text to display (up to 127 characters).
If this parameter is not specified, the message previously displayed in the status bar is erased.
WEBDEV - Browser code

Displaying a scrolling message Hide the details

Message([<Text> [, <Option> [, <Spacing>]]])
<Text>: Optional character string
Text to display (up to 127 characters).
If this parameter is not specified, the message previously displayed in the status bar is erased.
If this parameter contains the "HH:MM" string, this string is automatically replaced with the system time of the current computer.
To display the "&" character, this character must be typed twice otherwise the letter following this character will be underlined.
<Option>: Optional constant
Specifies whether the message scrolls:
ScrollingThe message will scroll
<Spacing>: Optional integer
Size (in number of characters) between the end of the message and the beginning of the next message. If this parameter is not specified, if it is equal to 0 or if it is a negative number, this spacing corresponds to the number of characters in the message.

Characteristics of the message

The message is aligned to the left.
The text displayed in the single message bar or in the first box of a multi-box message bar is automatically erased when the user selects a field associated with a help message: the help message for this field will be displayed in the message bar.

Generated error

A WLanguage error occurs if Message is called from a process of the "Project code" (initialization of the project, closing the project or closing a session).
WINDEVUser code (UMC)

Message and MDI child window

Message, used from an MDI child window without status bar, uses the status bar of the parent window.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Video Message
23 Jan. 2019
Exemplo Message
Exemplo Message

//Blog com Video e exemplo
11 Jul. 2016

Last update: 09/30/2024

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