- Coordinates
- Using the drawing functions
- Drawing in an image with opacity
- Drawing in PHP
- Drawing in Browser code
dPixelOpacity (Function) In french: dPixelOpacité
ResOpacité = dPixelOpacity(IMG_ImageDessin, 15, 25)
<Result> = dPixelOpacity([<Image>, ] <X-coordinate> , <Y-coordinate>)
<Result>: Integer Opacity of specified pixel (included between 0 for transparent and 255 for opaque). <Image>: Optional control name or optional Image, WDPic or picLayer variable Image to use. This image can correspond to: - the name of an Image control.
- the name of a variable of type Image.
 This type of variable is not available. the name of a variable of type WDPic. Only the background layer will be handled. the name of a variable of type picLayer.
If this parameter is not specified, the image handled by dStartDrawing will be used. <X-coordinate>: Integer Horizontal position of pixel to use. <Y-coordinate>: Integer Vertical position of pixel to use. Remarks Coordinates Coordinates are given in pixels with respect to the upper-left corner of the image (coordinates: (0.0)). To retrieve the position of a mouse click in an Image control, use MouseXPos and MouseYPos. Using the drawing functions The drawing functions can be used according to 2 methods: - Method 1: Using the dDrawingStartfunction
- dStartDrawing must be called before any other drawing function. dStartDrawing is used to define the element (Image control or variable) to which the drawing functions will be applied.
- When drawing on an Image control:
- The drawing functions operate on a copy ("bitmap") of the image. You can use the drawing functions of Windows (via API or CallDLL32) but these functions must use the DC (Device Context) returned by dStartDrawing.
- dEndDrawing and dStartDrawing must not be called in the same process.
If function dEndDrawing is called in the same process as function dStartDrawing, the drawing will not appear: it will be automatically deleted.
 Method 2: Indicate the design destination directly in the syntax (via a parameter) The <Image> parameter is used to specify directly the target of the drawing. dStartDrawing becomes useless. This function must be deleted.
Drawing in an image with opacity To specify that the drawing in the image supports opacity (Alpha channel), use dStartDrawing and the dWithOpacity constant.
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