| |
AlbumSave | Saves an image, a photo or a video in the photo album of the mobile device. |
Clipboard | Retrieves the text or image found in the system clipboard. |
dAlphaBlend | Blends two images together. This allows you to create fade-in effects between 2 images. |
dArc | Draws an arc of circle or an arc of ellipse: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dBackground | Declares the default background color for the rectangles, circles, etc:: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dBlur | Blurs the entire given area: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dBorder | Draws the borders. |
dChangeMode | Changes the drawing mode used by the drawing functions (dLine, dRectangle, ....). |
dChord | Draws the chord of a circle (intersection between an ellipse and a straight line): - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dCircle | Draws a circle or an ellipse: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dCopy | Copies an image to another image. |
dCopyImage | Copies an image: - from an Image control to another Image control.
- from an Image variable to another Image variable.
dDominantImageColor | Returns the dominant (i.e. most frequent) color of an image in an Image variable or in an Image control. |
dEndDrawing | Deletes all the drawings made since the last call to dStartDrawing. |
dFill | Colors an area: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dFont | Declares the font to be used by the dText function: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dHorizontalSymmetry | Flips an image with respect to a horizontal axis (symmetry with respect to a horizontal axis). |
dInvertColor | Reverses the colors: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dLine | Draws a line: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dModifyHSL | Modifies the hue, the saturation and the lightness of an image found: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable.
dModifyHue | Modifies the hue of an image found: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable.
dModifyLightness | Changes the lightness of an image found: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable.
dModifyOpacity | Modifies the opacity of an image (which means the alpha channel of the image). |
dModifySaturation | Modifies the saturation of an image found: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable.
DocAdd | Adds: - at the end of a word processing document: an element, document, paragraph, text, image or fragment.
- at the end of a fragment: an element, text or image.
DocInsert | Inserts an object into a Word Processing document or replaces the content of the current fragment. The objects that can be used are: - an element,
- a document,
- a paragraph,
- a text,
- an image,
- a fragment.
dPen | Declares the default color and style for lines, rectangles, circles, etc. contained in: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dPixelColor | Identifies the color of a pixel found: |
dPixelOpacity | Identifies the opacity of a pixel in an image that has an Alpha channel. This image can be: - an Image control,
- an Image variable,
- a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- a picLayer variable.
dPoint | Draws a point: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dPolygon | Draws a polygon: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dPolyline | Draws a line composed of multiple segments. |
dRectangle | Draws a rectangle: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dRectangleGradient | Draws a rectangle: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dResize | Resizes an image found: - in an Image control.
- in an Image variable.
- in a picLayer variable].
dRotation | Performs a rotation: |
dRoundedRectangle | Draws a rounded rectangle:- in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dSaveImageBMP | Saves an image:- in a file in BMP format.
- in memory.
dSaveImageGIF | Saves an image:- in a file in GIF format.
- in memory.
dSaveImageJPEG | Saves an image:- in a JPEG file.
- in memory.
dSaveImagePNG | Saves an image: |
dSlice | Draws a circle section or an ellipse section: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dStartDrawing | Indicates that the drawing functions that will be used are intended for: - the specified Image control,
- the specified Image variable,
- the specified Image variable,
- the specified WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- the specified picLayer variable.
dText | Draws a text: - in an Image control,
- in an Image variable,
- in a WDPic variable (on the background layer),
- in a picLayer variable.
dTextRTF | Draws RTF text:- in an Image control,
- in an Image variable.
dVerticalSymmetry | Flips an image with respect to a vertical axis (symmetry with respect to a vertical axis). |
grDestinationImage | Defines an Image variable as destination of a chart. |
iImageHeight | Calculates the height of the image to print (in millimeters). |
iImageWidth | Calculates the width of the image to print (in millimeters). |
iPrintImage | Sends the image file to print to the print buffer. |
ToClipboard | Writes text or image information into the system clipboard. |