- Special cases
- Drawing in PHP
- Drawing in Browser code
dEndDrawing (Function) In french: dFinDessin Deletes all the drawings made since the last call to dStartDrawing. In the case of an Image control, the current drawing is deleted. In the case of a variable, the memory used is released. Note: Calling the dEndDrawing function is optional.. The resources are automatically released when the window or page is closed. Remarks Special cases - dStartDrawing must be called before using the drawing functions. dStartDrawing is used to define the element (Image control or Image variable) onto which the drawing functions will be applied.
- For an Image control:
- The drawing functions operate on a copy ("bitmap") of the image. You can use the drawing functions of Windows (via API or CallDLL32) but these Windows functions must use the DC (Device Context) returned by dStartDrawing.
- dEndDrawing and dStartDrawing must not be called in the same process.
If the function dEndDrawing is called in the same process as the dStartDrawing function, the drawing will not appear: it will be automatically deleted.
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Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Magnifier
[ + ] This example enables you to zoom part of the screen with a magnifier. The maximum zoom value is set to 8. Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV: The WLanguge function named dCopyBlt() and the WLanguage property named ..Opacity allow you to perform a capture of the Windows desktop at the location of a window without this window appearing in the screen shot. This example uses this tip to zoom the part of the screen found below the magnifier.
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