Note: These functions are also available in prefix syntax ( PDF file functions (prefix syntax)).
WLanguage includes different types of variables to manipulate PDF files:
| | pdfAttachment | The pdfAttachment type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an attachment in a PDF document. | pdfDocument | The pdfDocument type is used to identify all the characteristics of a PDF file: author, creation date, page content, etc. | pdfPage | The pdfPage type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a page from a PDF document loaded in memory. | pdfParameter | The pdfParameter type defines all the characteristics of the PDF file to be generated. | pdfSignature | The pdfSignature type is used to define the advanced characteristics of the signature that will be applied to a PDF file when signing an existing PDF (via PDFSign). | pdfTextElement | The pdfTextElement type is used to find out all the characteristics of a text element in a PDF page. |
The following functions allow you to manipulate PDF files using these variables:
Note: The following functions can be used to manipulate PDF files directly:
| | PDFExtractPage | Extracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image. | PDFIsProtected | Checks whether the PDF file requires a password to be read. | PDFMerge | Merges several PDF files into a single PDF file. Files are merged one after the other. The paths of the PDF files can be included in an array. | PDFMergeWithPassword | Merges several password-protected PDF files into a single PDF file. | PDFNumberOfPages | Returns the total number of pages in a PDF file. | PDFPassword | Protects a PDF document with a password. | PDFSign | Adds an approval signature to an existing PDF. | PDFToText | Extracts text from a PDF file. | | Checks the validity of PDF signatures. Warning This function is only available from version 2025 Update 1 onwards |
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WINDEV): PDFDocument type
[ + ] This example shows how to use the pdfDocument WLanguage type. This type is used to handle PDF files by programming. You can: - Retrieve the details of the PDF file (Created, Modified, Author, etc.) - Retrieve the text of the PDF file (page by page and line by line) - List / Add / Delete attachments
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