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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / PDF functions
  • Overview
  • Simple operations on PDF files in WLanguage
  • Manipulating the content of a PDF file in WLanguage
  • Types of variables
  • Manipulating variable types
  • Read and write in PDF form fields
  • Functions for manipulating a pdfDocument variable
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Stored procedures
PDF is one of the most widely used formats for sending and storing electronic documents.
Several methods can be used to create or manipulate PDF files:
Simple operations on PDF files in WLanguage
Several functions can be used to perform simple operations on PDF files. These functions allow you to directly manipulate a PDF file:
PDFExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
PDFIsProtectedChecks whether the PDF file requires a password in order to be read.
PDFMergeMerges several existing PDF files into a single PDF file. The files are merged one after another. The paths of PDF files can be found in an array.
PDFMergeWithPasswordMerges several existing and password-protected PDF files into a single PDF file.
PDFNumberOfPagesReturns the total number of pages found in a PDF file.
PDFPasswordProtects a PDF document with a password.
PDFSignApplies an approval signature to an existing PDF.
PDFToTextExtracts text from a PDF file.
Manipulating the content of a PDF file in WLanguage

Types of variables

To easily manipulate the content of a PDF file, WLanguage offers different types of variables:
pdfAttachmentThe pdfAttachment type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an attachment in a PDF document.
New in version SaaS
The pdfControl type is used to get all the characteristics and values of a control present in a PDF form.
New in version SaaS
The pdfControlOption type is used to get and set the following characteristics of an option of a control present in a PDF form:
  • option caption.
  • selected or deselected state of the option.
pdfDocumentThe pdfDocument type gets all the characteristics of a PDF file: author, date created, page content, etc.
pdfPageThe pdfPage type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a page from a PDF document loaded in memory.
pdfParameterThe pdfParameter type defines all the characteristics of the PDF file to be generated.
pdfSignatureThe pdfSignature type is used to define the advanced characteristics of the signature that will be applied to a PDF file when signing an existing PDF (via PDFSign).
pdfTextElementThe pdfTextElement type is used to find out all the characteristics of a text element in a PDF page.

Manipulating variable types

The pdfDocument variable loads the content of a PDF file into memory. For example:
MonPDF is pdfDocument = PDFOuvre("test.pdf")

MonSecondPDF is pdfDocument = "C:\temp\exemplePDF.pdf"
You can use this variable to access the pages of the PDF document and the text of each page. For example:
MonPDF is pdfDocument = "test.pdf"
FOR EACH PageDuDocument OF MonPDF.Page
	FOR EACH ElémentPage OF PageDuDocument.ElémentTexte
With these types of variables, it is possible to delete or add pages to a document using array functions (Add, Delete, etc. ) directly on the array of pdfPage variables contained in the pdfDocument variable.
MyPDFDoc is pdfDocument = PDFOpen("C:\temp\Myguide.pdf")
FOR EACH ATextElement OF MyPDFDoc.Page[2].TextElement
Trace(ATextElement.Text + " X = " + 
ATextElement.X + " Y = " + ATextElement.Y + " L = " + 
ATextElement.Width + " H = " + ATextElement.Height)
MyPDFDoc2 is pdfDocument = "C:\temp\plan.pdf"
// Add pages
Add(MyPDFDoc2.Page, MyPDFDoc.Page[5])
// Insert pages
Insert(MyPDFDoc2.Page, 1, MyPDFDoc.Page[32])
// Save modified PDF
PDFSave(MyPDFDoc2, "MyPDFDoc2.pdf")
New in version SaaS

Read and write in PDF form fields

For each page of a PDF document, you can browse the page's fields in a variable of type pdfChamp..
For each field, it is possible to read and, if necessary, modify the value of the field in a variable of type pdfOptionChamp..
MonPDF is pdfDocument = "test.pdf"
FOR EACH PageDuDocument OF MonPDF.Page
	FOR j = 1 _TO_ PageDuDocument.Champ..Count
		champ is pdfControl = PageDuDocument.Champ[j]
		let sNom = Control.Nom
		let sValeur = Control.Valeur
		Trace("La valeur du champ " + sNom + " est: " + sValeur)

Functions for manipulating a pdfDocument variable

You can use specific PDF functions to manipulate pdfDocument variables:
PDFAddImageAdds an image to a page in an existing PDF file.
PDFAddWatermarkAdds a watermark to all or some pages of an existing PDF file.
PDFCloseCloses the PDF file loaded in memory in a pdfDocument variable.
PDFExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
PDFGetSignatureGets the signature of a PDF document as a buffer.
PDFGetSignatureDateGets the date of one of the signatures of a PDF document.
PDFNbSignaturesGets the number of signatures in a PDF document.
PDFOpenOpens a PDF document and loads it in a pdfDocument variable.
PDFSaveSaves the content of a pdfDocument variable in a ".PDF" file.
PDFSignApplies an approval signature to an existing PDF.
PDFToTextExtracts text from a PDF file.
Remark: Binding to the PDF Reader control:
  • A pdfDocument variable can be assigned to a PDF Reader control.
  • A PDF document from a PDF Reader control can be retrieved in a pdfDocument variable.
    MonDocPDF is pdfDocument
    MonDocPDF = PDF_LecteurPDF
Minimum version required
  • Version 14
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Last update: 07/09/2024

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