TaskLast (Function) In french: TâcheDernier Reads the last task in a Lotus Notes or Outlook task list. This task becomes the current task. When a task is read, the data of this task is updated in the Task structure. To retrieve the data of the current task, simply retrieve the values of the Task structure. Caution: This function does not read the last task in the task list of an Outlook Express mailbox.
IDSession is int
IDSession = EmailStartNotesSession("MotDePasse", "ServeurMars", "mail\julie.nsf",...
WHILE mTask.Out = False
ListAdd(LISTE_ListeTâche, mTask.Subject + TAB + mTask.Category)
<Result> = TaskLast(<Session identifier>)
Remarks The mTask.Out variable is used to find out whether a current task exists.
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