TaskNext (Function) In french: TâcheSuivant Reads the task after the current task in a Lotus Notes or Outlook task list. This task becomes the current task. When reading a task, the data of this task is updated in the Task structure. To retrieve the data of the current task, simply retrieve the values of the Task structure. Caution: This function does not read the task following the current task in the task list of an Outlook Express mailbox.
IDSession is int
IDSession = EmailStartNotesSession("MotDePasse", "ServeurMars", "mail\julie.nsf",...
WHILE mTask.Out = False
ListAdd(LISTE_ListeTâche, mTask.Subject + TAB + mTask.Category)
<Result> = TaskNext(<Session identifier>)
Remarks The mTask.Out variable is used to find out whether a current task exists.
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