- Overview
- Operating mode
- Method for accessing Outlook
- Sending and receiving emails
- Version of Outlook
- MS Exchange server
- Handling data
- Outlook Notes
- Limitations
WINDEV and WEBDEV allow you to easily access the data handled by Outlook. You have the ability to retrieve, modify, add or handle your contacts, appointments, tasks, emails, ... Sending and receiving emails To send and receive emails, Outlook must be started on the current computer. To actually send and receive emails: - Automatic sending and IncomingData: Select the following options in Outlook options:
- "Send the messages immediately during the connection".
- "Check the new incoming messages every X minutes" and specify the requested number of minutes.
- Manual sending and IncomingData: Click on the "Send/Receive" button.
Version of Outlook The access to Outlook is available for Outlook version 97 or later. Note: Contact groups are not managed by Outlook version 97.. Therefore, they cannot be accessed in this version of Outlook. Please note: Outlook Express only allows access to emails.. In this case, use EmailStartSession to start the session for accessing emails. MS Exchange server - The access to Outlook is compatible with the MS Exchange servers but it requires the presence of an Outlook client on the computer.
- When using the Exchange or Outlook functions in a WEBDEV website, an Outlook client must be installed and configured on the server in the profile of the Internet guest.
Once the session for accessing Outlook was started, you have the ability to handle: Outlook Notes The Outlook notes cannot be accessed in this version. Limitations - The WLanguage functions can be used to write the information into the "Contacts" database of Outlook but not into the "Address Book" database. Depending on the creation mode of the email in Outlook, Outlook proposes:
- the addresses of contacts (containing the addresses managed WINDEV).
- the addresses of the address book.
- When used in a WEBDEV website, an Outlook client must be installed and configured on the server in the profile of the Internet guest.
- To access Outlook in 64-bit mode, the WINDEV application must also be in 64-bit mode.
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WINDEV): Accessing the Notes and Outlook databases
[ + ] Accessing the contacts found in the Lotus Notes and Outlook databases in WLanguage. Several WLanguage functions are used to access the Lotus Notes and Outlook databases in native mode.
Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Outlook
[ + ] WINDEV gives access, in native mode, to your contacts, your tasks, your emails and your calendar in Outlook. This program, powered by WINDEV, explains how to read and write in the Outlook folders: - Email - Calendar - Contacts - Tasks This example is designed to operate with the standard version of Outlook supplied with Office. The default email application is selected via the Internet options of the control panel of Windows. In order for the messages to be automatically sent and received in the WD Outlook example, you must check, in the options of Microsoft Outlook, "Send the messages immediately" and "Check the new incoming messages every x minutes".
Training (WINDEV): WD Controlling Outlook
[ + ] This program, powered by WINDEV, is used to read and write in the Outlook folders: - Email - Calendar - Contacts - Tasks - Notes An OLE dialog is used to read and write data in the Outlook files. Note: We will be using the Outlook software supplied with the later versions of MS-Office. The software used is not "Outlook express". "WD Controlling Outlook" also presents an example for using the WINDEV databinding between the variables found in the code and in the controls. This example also presents the OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) and the UML diagrams.
Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Managing Contacts
[ + ] This example presents the management of contacts in WINDEV. The following topics are presented in this example: 1/ the loopers 2/ the label reports 3/ the queries 4/ sending emails 5/ using Outlook 6/ handling the data found on a mobile device. Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV: This example is used to manage the contacts and to send emails. It also enables you to synchronize these contacts with the ones found on the mobile device connected to the PC and with the ones found in Outlook.
Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Organizer
[ + ] This example is used to synchronize some appointments between your Outlook, Lotus Notes and Google calendars. Based on the Organizer control, you have the ability to create, modify, move or delete the appointments. you also have the ability to classify the appointments by category and to link them to several external organizers.
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