Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Lotus Notes functions / Task functions
  • Overview
  • The different variables of the Task structure are as follows
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The Task structure is a preset structure of WLanguage (no declaration is required). This structure is used to:
  • create or modify a task.
  • retrieve the content of a task.
The different variables of the Task structure are as follows
The structure contains the following members:
Indicates whether an automatic reminder must be done for the task. This reminder will appear on <mTask.ReminderDate>.
mTask.CategoryCharacter string.
Set of keywords separated by a semicolon and used to define the categories linked to the task.
Due date and time of the task.
End date of the task.
mTask.IDCharacter string.
Unique identifier of the task.
mTask.ImportanceInteger constant.
Level of importance for the task:
  • taskImportanceLow
  • taskImportanceHigh
  • taskImportanceUndefined
  • taskImportanceMedium
Number of participants to the task.
Number of hidden and invisible participants to the task.
Number of hidden participants to the task.
mTask.NotesCharacter string.
Notes about the task.
Indicates whether there is a current task.
mTask.ParticipantArray of character strings.
Name of the participants to the task.
The following syntax enables you to access the different participants of the task:
mTask.Participant[<Participant Num>]
Where <Participant num> corresponds to the number of the requested participant.
The number of participants to the task is returned by the mTask.NbParticipant variable.
mTask.ParticipantBccArray of character strings.
Name of the hidden and invisible participants to the task.
The following syntax enables you to access the different hidden and invisible participants of the task:
mTask.ParticipantBcc[<Participant Num>]
Where <Participant num> corresponds to the number of the requested hidden and invisible participant.
The number of hidden and invisible participants to the task is returned by the mTask.NbParticipantBcc variable.
mTask.ParticipantCcArray of character strings.
Name of the hidden participants to the task.
The following syntax enables you to access the different hidden participants of the task:
mTask.ParticipantCc[<Participant Num>]
Where <Participant num> corresponds to the number of the requested hidden participant.
The number of hidden participants to the task is returned by the mTask.NbParticipantCc variable.
Date and time when the task reminder will automatically appear.
This variable is taken into account only if an automatic reminder must be done (mTask.AutoReminder).
Indicates whether the task is a recurring task.
Start date of task.
mTask.StatusInteger constant.
Status of the task:
  • taskStateCanceled
  • taskStatePaused
  • taskStateInProgress
  • taskStateLate
  • taskStateNotStarted
  • taskStateCompleted
mTask.SubjectCharacter string.
Subject of the task.
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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