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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Archive functions
  • Error codes
  • Extracted file
  • Extraction and password
  • Index of files in the archive
  • Stored path
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Stored procedures
Extracts a file from an archive and automatically decompresses it to a physical location or in memory.
This method of extracting files from an archive can be relatively slow.. To extract multiple files, use zipExtractAll or zipExtractRepertoire.
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Archive is zipArchive
// Ouverture d'une archive
ResOuvreArchive = zipOpen(Archive, "C:\Archives\")
IF ResOuvreArchive = 0 THEN
	 // Extraction d'un fichier à son emplacement d'origine
	 ResExtraitFichier = zipExtractFile(Archive, "Fichier.txt", zipDrive)

Extracting a file identified by its index Hide the details

<Result> = zipExtractFile(<Archive> , <File index> [, <File destination> [, <Progress>]])
<Result>: Integer or buffer
  • 0 if the file was extracted,
  • An error code (value greater than 0) otherwise. For more details on these error codes, see the Remarks.
When extracting "in memory", corresponds to the buffer containing the extracted file.
<Archive>: Character string or zipArchive variable
Name of the archive to be used.
This name can correspond to:
<File index>: Integer
Index of file to extract from the archive. zipFindFile returns this index.
<File destination>: Optional character string or constant
Destination path of extracted file:
  • Optional character string: The file is extracted into the specified path to which is added the stored tree structure of file (the drive is not stored). The specified path is created if it does not exist.
    Universal Windows 10 App The destination path of the extracted file must correspond to the working directory of the application (returned by fDataDir) or one of its subdirectories.
  • Optional constant:
    (Default value)
    Extraction into the current directory while restoring the tree structure of file (if it was stored).
    • to the initial file location if it was stored and if the drive exists.
    • while restoring the tree structure of the file on the current drive if the drive or the stored directory does not exist.
    • into the current directory if only the file name and extension have been stored.
    LinuxiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available. The directories have no root.
    AndroidAndroid Widget Java This constant and zipDirectory will have the same effect. Archives in 7z format: This constant and zipDirectory will have the same effect.
    zipInMemoryExtracts the file in memory. The file content is directly returned by the function. It can be assigned to a Buffer variable for example.
    This feature is available for ZIP and WDZ archives only.
    zipNoneExtraction into the current directory without restoring the tree structure of file (if it was stored).

    Universal Windows 10 App These constants cannot be used.
<Progress>: Control name or procedure name
Progress bar management mode. This parameter can correspond to:
  • WINDEVUniversal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadMac Catalyst the name of a Progress Bar control found in a window. The progress bar will display the progress of file extraction.
  • the name of a WLanguage procedure. This procedure has the following format:
    <Nom de la procédure> (<Fichier en cours>, <Pourcentage d'avancement>)

    • <Current file> corresponds to the name of the file currently processed.
    • <Progress percentage> corresponds to the progress percentage of the file being extracted from the archive.
Caution: The progress bar is refreshed at the end of file extraction for the following types of archives:
  • TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ),
  • RAR,
  • CAB.

Extracting a file identified by its path Hide the details

<Result> = zipExtractFile(<Archive> , <File path> [, <File destination> [, <Progress>]])
<Result>: Integer or buffer
  • 0 if the file was extracted,
  • An error code (value greater than 0) otherwise. For more details on these error codes, see the Remarks.
When extracting "in memory", corresponds to the buffer containing the extracted file.
<Archive>: Character string or zipArchive variable
Name of the archive to be used.
This name can correspond to:
<File path>: Character string
Stored path of file to extract from the archive. Performs an exact-match search on the path of file in the archive.
<File destination>: Optional character string or constant
Destination path of extracted file:
  • Optional character string: The file is extracted into the specified path to which is added the stored tree structure of file (the drive is not stored). The specified path is created if it does not exist.
    Universal Windows 10 App The destination path of the extracted file must correspond to the working directory of the application (returned by fDataDir) or one of its subdirectories.
  • Optional constant:
    (Default value)
    Extraction into the current directory while restoring the tree structure of file (if it was stored).
    • to the initial file location if it was stored and if the drive exists.
    • while restoring the tree structure of the file on the current drive if the drive or the stored directory does not exist.
    • into the current directory if only the file name and extension have been stored.
    LinuxiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available. The directories have no root.
    AndroidAndroid Widget Java This constant and zipDirectory will have the same effect. Archives in 7z format: This constant and zipDirectory will have the same effect.
    zipInMemoryExtracts the file in memory. The file content is directly returned by the function. It can be assigned to a Buffer variable for example.
    This feature is available for ZIP and WDZ archives only.
    zipNoneExtraction into the current directory without restoring the tree structure of file (if it was stored).

    Universal Windows 10 App These constants cannot be used.
<Progress>: Control name or procedure name
Progress bar management mode. This parameter can correspond to:
  • WINDEVUniversal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadMac Catalyst the name of a Progress Bar control found in a window. The progress bar will display the progress of file extraction.
  • the name of a WLanguage procedure. This procedure has the following format:
    <Nom de la procédure> (<Fichier en cours>, <Pourcentage d'avancement>)

    • <Current file> corresponds to the name of the file currently processed.
    • <Progress percentage> corresponds to the progress percentage of the file being extracted from the archive.
Caution: The progress bar is refreshed at the end of file extraction for the following types of archives:
  • TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ),
  • RAR,
  • CAB.

Error codes

The following error codes are returned:
  • 1: The path passed as parameter does not exist.
  • 2: Access denied: the user has no sufficient rights.
  • 3: The archive is corrupted.
  • 4: The path does not exist in the archive.
  • 6: The files of the sub-archives are not arranged in order (when extracting from a multi-part archive).
  • 21: The specified password is not correct.
The message corresponding to the error code is returned by zipMsgError. Reminder:
  • LinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst Only ZIP, TAR and TGZ (TAR.GZ) archives are available.
  • AndroidAndroid Widget Java Only ZIP archives are available.
  • RAR is supported up to and including version 4.

Extracted file

The extracted file is not deleted from the archive. To delete one file or all the files from the archive, use zipDeleteFile or zipDeleteAll.
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Extraction and password

If the file is not encrypted and if zipPassword was used:
  • Archive in WDZ format: The file is still extracted.
  • Archive in ZIP format: An error occurs.

Index of files in the archive

When a file is added into an archive, an index is automatically assigned to the file. This index corresponds to the order in which the files are included in the archive. To select a file in the archive, you can use:
  • the index of the element (the index of an element is returned by zipFindFile).
  • the stored path of the element.

Stored path

The table below presents the paths stored in the archive according to:
  • the access path to the file,
  • the stored path section.
The current directory is: "C:\Temp".
zipAddFileFile locationzipNonezipDirectoryzipDrive

Remark: If the zipDrive constant is used:
  • the WDZ format stores the full path of the file (including the drive letter).
  • the ZIP format does not store the drive letter.
  • the 7z format stores the directories only.
AndroidAndroid Widget Java The zipDrive constant is equivalent to the zipDirectory constant.
Universal Windows 10 App The directory and the disk are not stored in the archive path. Only the file name and extension are stored.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd300zip.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 07/05/2024

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