| |
SysAndroidVersion | Returns information about the Android version used by the application. |
SysBatteryOptimBackground | Used to manage battery optimization: - Identifies the battery optimization mode for the current application.
- Prompts the user to disable battery optimization for a given application on the device.
This function can be used to tell the operating system to stop preventing the application from running in the background. |
SysCacheExternalStorage | Returns the path of directory that will be used to store the data in cache on the external storage space of application. |
SysChangeEnvironment | Modifies the environment variables of the operating system found on the current computer. |
SysChangeScreenResolution | Modifies the resolution of a screen. |
SysColor | Identifies or modifies the color of a Windows element. |
SysColorRes | Returns the resolution of the screen in number of colors. |
SysDetectLockedSession | Detects the change of lock for the Windows session. |
SysDeviceInfo | Retrieves information from the mobile device where the application is run |
SysDir | Returns the path of a system directory. |
SysDirExternalStorage | Returns the path of the directory that will be used to store files in the external storage space of the Android device. |
SysDirStorageCard | Returns the path of the root directory of the primary external storage space. |
SysEnvironment | Returns the environment variables of the operating system for the current computer. |
SysErrorMode | Modifies the display mode of errors. |
SysGetDC | Retrieves the DC (Device Context) of a window, control or screen. |
SysGetExtLink | Returns the command linked to an extension. |
SysIconAdd | Adds a system tray icon (in the lower-right corner of the screen). |
SysIconAddImage | Adds an icon that overlays the application icon in the taskbar. |
SysIconBadge | Returns or modifies the value displayed in the badge associated with the icon of an iOS application. |
SysIconDelete | Deletes an icon from the taskbar (next to the clock). |
SysIconDeleteImage | Deletes the icon that overlays the application icon in the taskbar. |
SysIconDisplayTooltip | Displays a tooltip for an icon found in the taskbar. |
SysIconize | Used to find out whether a window is minimized. |
SysIconModify | Modifies the icon file and/or the hover text of the icon in the taskbar (lower-right corner of the screen). |
SysIdentifier | Returns the unique identifier of the current mobile device. |
SysIMEI | Returns the IMEI number of an Android phone. |
SysInstance | Returns the instance of a module. |
SysIOSVersion | Returns information about the iOS version used by the application. |
SysLinkExtension | Associates an extension (.txt, .avi, etc.) to a default execution program. |
SysListScreen | Returns the list of screens connected to one or more video cards. |
SysListScreenResolution | Returns the possible resolutions for a screen. |
SysListVideoCard | Returns the name of the video cards connected to the current computer. |
SysMemoryExternalStorage | Returns the amount of available memory on the external storage area of the device. |
SysMetric | Returns the resolution of a specific element. |
SysNameExe | Returns the name and full path of an application. |
SysNameMainScreen | Returns the name of the main screen for the computer. |
SysNation | Returns the nation currently used by the system. |
SysNbExternalStorage | Returns the number of external storage spaces found on an Android device. |
SysNumberScreen | Returns the number of screens currently connected to the current computer. |
SysPowerStatus | Used to get various information about the battery (main or secondary) of the device on which the application is running. |
SysRecentDocAdd | Adds a file into the list of recently opened documents. |
SysRecentDocList | Returns the list of recently opened documents. |
SysReleaseDC | Releases the current DC (Device Context) retrieved by SysGetDC. |
SysRemovableExternalStorage | Used to find out whether the external storage space corresponds to the movable memory (SD Card). |
SysScreenOrientation | Allows you to: - get the orientation of an Android or iOS device.
- set the orientation of an Android device.
SysScreenRectangle | Returns the coordinates of the display rectangle corresponding to all the screens. |
SysScreenResolution | Returns the resolution of a screen. |
SysSerialNum | Returns the IMEI number of the current device. |
SysSetFocus | Sets focus to a window or control. |
SysShutdown | Stops the system or closes the current Windows session. |
SysSpace | Returns the physical memory space for the current computer. |
SysStandby | Enables and disables the device's standby mode. |
SysStatusExternalStorage | Returns the availability status of the external storage space of the device. |
SysStatusStorageCard | Returns the availability status of the storage card on the device. |
SysTheme | Returns the visual theme currently displayed on the current workstation. |
SysThumbnailAddButton | Adds a button into the thumbnail of the application in the taskbar. |
SysThumbnailDeleteAll | Deletes all the buttons associated with the thumbnail of the application from the taskbar. |
SysThumbnailDeleteButton | Deletes one of the buttons found in the thumbnail of the application from the taskbar. |
SysThumbnailModifyButton | Modifies one of the buttons found on the application thumbnail in the taskbar. |
SysUnlinkExtension | Deletes the association between an extension and a command that was created by SysLinkExtension. |
SysValidHandle | Checks the validity of a window handle. |
SysVersion | Returns information about the PHP version used on the current server. |
SysWinActive | Returns the handle of the active window or activates a window. |
| Returns the Windows accent color. |
SysWindowsVersion | Returns information about the Windows version used on the current computer. |
SysWinHandle | Returns the handle of a window identified by its title. |
SysWinShow | Modifies the display status of a window. |
SysWinTitle | Returns the title of the window. |
SysXRes | Returns the horizontal screen resolution. |
SysYRes | Returns the vertical screen resolution. |