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System functions
The system functions are as follows:
SysAndroidVersionReturns information about the Android version used by the application.
SysBatteryOptimBackgroundUsed to manage battery optimization:
  • Identifies the battery optimization mode for the current application.
  • Prompts the user to disable battery optimization for a given application on the device.
This function can be used to tell the operating system to stop preventing the application from running in the background.
SysCacheExternalStorageReturns the path of directory that will be used to store the data in cache on the external storage space of application.
SysChangeEnvironmentModifies the environment variables of the operating system found on the current computer.
SysChangeScreenResolutionModifies the resolution of a screen.
SysColorIdentifies or modifies the color of a Windows element.
SysColorResReturns the resolution of the screen in number of colors.
SysDetectLockedSessionDetects the change of lock for the Windows session.
SysDeviceInfoRetrieves information from the mobile device where the application is run
SysDirReturns the path of a system directory.
SysDirExternalStorageReturns the path of the directory that will be used to store files in the external storage space of the Android device.
SysDirStorageCardReturns the path of the root directory of the primary external storage space.
SysEnvironmentReturns the environment variables of the operating system for the current computer.
SysErrorModeModifies the display mode of errors.
SysGetDCRetrieves the DC (Device Context) of a window, control or screen.
SysGetExtLinkReturns the command linked to an extension.
SysIconAddAdds a system tray icon (in the lower-right corner of the screen).
SysIconAddImageAdds an icon that overlays the application icon in the taskbar.
SysIconBadgeReturns or modifies the value displayed in the badge associated with the icon of an iOS application.
SysIconDeleteDeletes an icon from the taskbar (next to the clock).
SysIconDeleteImageDeletes the icon that overlays the application icon in the taskbar.
SysIconDisplayTooltipDisplays a tooltip for an icon found in the taskbar.
SysIconizeUsed to find out whether a window is minimized.
SysIconModifyModifies the icon file and/or the hover text of the icon in the taskbar (lower-right corner of the screen).
SysIdentifierReturns the unique identifier of the current mobile device.
SysIMEIReturns the IMEI number of an Android phone.
SysInstanceReturns the instance of a module.
SysIOSVersionReturns information about the iOS version used by the application.
SysLinkExtensionAssociates an extension (.txt, .avi, etc.) to a default execution program.
SysListScreenReturns the list of screens connected to one or more video cards.
SysListScreenResolutionReturns the possible resolutions for a screen.
SysListVideoCardReturns the name of the video cards connected to the current computer.
SysMemoryExternalStorageReturns the amount of available memory on the external storage area of the device.
SysMetricReturns the resolution of a specific element.
SysNameExeReturns the name and full path of an application.
SysNameMainScreenReturns the name of the main screen for the computer.
SysNationReturns the nation currently used by the system.
SysNbExternalStorageReturns the number of external storage spaces found on an Android device.
SysNumberScreenReturns the number of screens currently connected to the current computer.
SysPowerStatusUsed to get various information about the battery (main or secondary) of the device on which the application is running.
SysRecentDocAddAdds a file into the list of recently opened documents.
SysRecentDocListReturns the list of recently opened documents.
SysReleaseDCReleases the current DC (Device Context) retrieved by SysGetDC.
SysRemovableExternalStorageUsed to find out whether the external storage space corresponds to the movable memory (SD Card).
SysScreenOrientationAllows you to:
  • get the orientation of an Android or iOS device.
  • set the orientation of an Android device.
SysScreenRectangleReturns the coordinates of the display rectangle corresponding to all the screens.
SysScreenResolutionReturns the resolution of a screen.
SysSerialNumReturns the IMEI number of the current device.
SysSetFocusSets focus to a window or control.
SysShutdownStops the system or closes the current Windows session.
SysSpaceReturns the physical memory space for the current computer.
SysStandbyEnables and disables the device's standby mode.
SysStatusExternalStorageReturns the availability status of the external storage space of the device.
SysStatusStorageCardReturns the availability status of the storage card on the device.
SysThemeReturns the visual theme currently displayed on the current workstation.
SysThumbnailAddButtonAdds a button into the thumbnail of the application in the taskbar.
SysThumbnailDeleteAllDeletes all the buttons associated with the thumbnail of the application from the taskbar.
SysThumbnailDeleteButtonDeletes one of the buttons found in the thumbnail of the application from the taskbar.
SysThumbnailModifyButtonModifies one of the buttons found on the application thumbnail in the taskbar.
SysUnlinkExtensionDeletes the association between an extension and a command that was created by SysLinkExtension.
SysValidHandleChecks the validity of a window handle.
SysVersionReturns information about the PHP version used on the current server.
SysWinActiveReturns the handle of the active window or activates a window.
New in version 2025
Returns the Windows accent color.
SysWindowsVersionReturns information about the Windows version used on the current computer.
SysWinHandleReturns the handle of a window identified by its title.
SysWinShowModifies the display status of a window.
SysWinTitleReturns the title of the window.
SysXResReturns the horizontal screen resolution.
SysYResReturns the vertical screen resolution.
Related Examples:
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[ + ] WD PC Info

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The "WD PC Info" example explains how to retrieve the regional and linguistic options from the computer and how to modify them:
- the language,
- the country,
- the format of the dates,
- the currency symbol,
- the thousand separator,
- the 1st day of the week,
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WD SystemInfo Sample components (WINDEV): WD SystemInfo
[ + ] WD SystemInfo
This example explains how to use the SystemInfo component.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ getting information about the operating system
2/ getting information about the user
3/ the browse of the network neighborhood by programing
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
This example presents the features of the SystemInfo component.
A window containing three tabs is opened when starting the example.
Each tab presents one of the component features.
1/ Getting information about the operating system
The functions supplied in the SystemInfo component (see its documentation for more details) are used to get various information about the operating system and the computer: system version, makes and number of processors, amount of physical memory installed, etc.
2/ Getting information about the user
The SystemInfo component can also be used to find out (on the NT, 2000 and XP systems only) the name of the user in session as well as the list of local groups and the list of domain groups to which he belongs.
3/ The browse of the network neighborhood by programming
The third feature proposed by the component is used to browse the network neighborhood of the computer by programming. The returned information depend on the network client used (Microsoft client or Novell client for example) and it is used to enumerate the resources found on the local network: computers, printers, shared disks, etc.

The modification of the source code of the example and/or component must be performed by an experienced user only. Indeed, unexpected modifications may cause a loss of data and/or an inconstancy of your system
See also
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 11/21/2024

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