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HExecuteQueryDeclares a query created in the query editor to the HFSQL engine and runs this query.
HExecuteSQLQueryInitializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the HFSQL engine.
The list of SQL functions available in WLanguage is as follows:
SQLAssociateAutomatically associates each column of the query result with a control or with a variable of the application.
SQLChangeConnectionModifies the current connection.
SQLCloseDeclares the end of the query execution and frees the memory resources allocated during the execution of the query.
SQLColRetrieves the content of the specified column from the query result, for the current line.
SQLColumnReturns the characteristics of all the columns (or items):
  • for a given table.
  • for a given query.
SQLColumnFormatReturns the different types of columns supported:
SQLConnectConnects the current application to a database that must be interrogated via SQL.
SQLConnectWSConnects the current application to a database that will be queried by SQL through a web service proxy (SOAP).
SQLDisconnectCloses the current connection and frees the memory used by the connection.
SQLExecNames and runs an SQL query.
SQLExecWDRRuns the SQL code of a query created in the query editor.
SQLFetchGoes to the next row (i.e next record) of the query result.
SQLFirstPositions on the first row of the query result.
SQLGetColRetrieves the content of the specified column from the query result, for the current line.
SQLGetMemoRetrieves the content of a Memo column from the query result, for the current row.
SQLGetTextMemoRetrieves the content of a Text Memo column found in the query result, for the current line.
SQLInfoInitializes the different SQL variables with information relative to the last query run.
SQLLastSets the position on the last row of the query result.
SQLListSourceLists the data sources declared on a local site.
SQLListTableList all the tables that can be accessed by the connected database system.
SQLLockUsed to lock:
  • The entire data table, in read and write mode. Its data cannot be accessed by other computers.
  • The records selected by the query. This data cannot be accessed by the other computers. This method can be used to update records for example.
SQLModifyModifies the content of a row in the query result.
SQLNextPositions on the next row of the query result.
SQLPreviousPositions on the previous row of the query result.
SQLReqExistsChecks the existence of a query.
SQLSeekPositions on the specified result row of the query.
SQLTableTransfers the result of a query to a Table control populated programmatically (a List Box or Combo Box control), with the possibility of Partial Fetch (the result is retrieved by blocks of rows).
SQLTransactionBegins, commits or rolls back a transaction:
  • on the files of a database opened by SQLConnect,
  • on the files of a database opened by a connection (OLE DB or Native Access/Native Connector) described in the data model editor or by HOpenConnection.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 12/06/2024

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