The content of this page has been updated to version 28.  See documentation 28 now.
Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL functions / HFSQL functions
  • Syntax 1: Using a character string for the OLE DB provider
  • Syntax 1: Pseudo-connection to HFSQL Classic database
  • Differences between HOpenConnection and HDescribeConnection
  • Using the Native xBase Connector with non-Latin character sets
  • UDL file
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
Describes a new connection to an external database. This connection is named. Specific parameters can be defined such as the management mode of cursors (if the accessed database allows it).
To associate this connection with a table or a data file, use HChangeConnection.
To open the connection, use HOpenConnection. If the connection parameters described by HDescribeConnection are incorrect, HOpenConnection will return an error.
With HDescribeConnection, an Oracle table description imported into the analysis can be directly used by HFSQL Classic data files. Simply describe a temporary connection to an HFSQL Classic database and associate it with the file description from in the analysis. See the Examples for more details.
This function is kept for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use a Connection variable and its properties to describe a connection.
PHP Only the access to a MySQL database, MariaDB database or to an AS/400 database is allowed.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxHFSQL Client/ServerOLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)
HDescribeConnection("MyConnection", "", "", ...
"Server_SQLServer", "dbo", hNativeAccessSQLServer, hOReadWrite, "")

Describing a connection through programming Hide the details

<Result> = HDescribeConnection(<Connection> , <User> [, <Password>] , <Data source> , <Database> , <OLE DB provider or Native Connector> [, <Access> [, <Extended information>]] , <Additional options>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the operation was performed,
  • False if a problem occurs. HErrorInfo is used to identify the error.
To establish this connection, use HOpenConnection (this function will return an error if the connection parameters are incorrect).
To assign this connection to a data file, use HChangeConnection.
<Connection>: Character string
Name of new connection to define.
If this name is already used by an existing connection, the former connection is replaced with the new one. The former connection (as well as the data files that used it) are automatically closed.
<User>: Character string
Username used for the database. This parameter is returned by the CtUserName property.
<Password>: Optional character string
Connection password (if this password exists). If no password is required, use an empty string ("") or the NULL keyword.
<Data source>: Character string
Full path of the data source. The connection will be created and opened for this data source. This parameter is returned by the CtDatabase property.
Native Connectors (Native Accesses) XML: This parameter corresponds to the name of XML file.
HFSQL Client/Server This parameter corresponds to the server name. The port number used by the HFSQL server can be specified. The port 4900 will be used by default. If the port number of the HFSQL server is different, use the following notation:
<Computer name>: <Port number>
Example: "ComputerName:4901".
For a use via Internet, the ports must be managed by Firewall. For more details, see Managing ports.
You have the ability to specify an IPv6 address by writing the IPv6 address between square brackets. In this case, the port number must be specified after the closing square bracket. For example: [0154:2145:2155::5554]:4900.
Java Access by JDBC:
  • This parameter corresponds to URL for connecting to the database.
  • Depending on the JDBC driver used, the database name must be specified in the connection URL.
AndroidAndroid Widget For an Android application:
  • Connection to an HFSQL Client/Server database:
    • The database is found on the development computer and it is handled from an Android emulator: use the IP address with the server port. Example: ""
    • The database is found on the network of the development computer and it is handled from an Android emulator: use the full name of server with the domain. Example: "" (with the WINDEV Mobile simulator, the computer name without domain may be sufficient).
  • Connection to an SQLite database:
    Full path of the file containing the SQLite database on the Android device.
    Example : /sdcard/bdd/MyDatabase.db
    If the parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the file containing the database data will be created in the "databases" directory of application and its name will be identical to the application name followed by the ".db" extension.
<Database>: Character string
Name of database that will be used on the data source, empty string ("") if no name must be specified. This parameter can be used if the data source allows you to specify the database that must be used.
For example, on SQL Server, the "Master" database is the default database but other databases can be handled ("dbo" for example).
To specify that the access is performed on a file found in the "dbo" database (that is not the default database), <Database> must correspond to "dbo".
This parameter is returned by the CtInitialCatalog property.
<OLE DB provider or Native Connector>: Character string or constant
  • Name of OLE DB provider used. To easily retrieve the string to use, select "Connection" in the data model editor (see the Notes).

  • one of the following constants:
    hAccessHF7Pseudo-connection to HFSQL Classic database
    hAccessHFClientServerNative Connector to an HFSQL Client/Server database.
    hNativeAccessAS400Native AS/400 Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessDB2Native DB2 Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessInformixNative Informix Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessMariaDBNative MariaDB Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessMySQLNative MySQL Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessOracleNative Oracle Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessOracleLiteNative Oracle Connector (optional module of WINDEV Mobile)
    hNativeAccessPostgreSQLNative PostgreSQL Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessProgressNative Progress Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessSQLAzureNative SQL Azure Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV, provided with Native SQL Server Connector)
    hNativeAccessSQLiteNative SQLite Connector (provided with WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessSQLServerNative SQL Server Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
    The former Native Connector is used by default. To use the new Native SQL Server Connector, use the H.SQLServerMode variable.
    hNativeAccessSQLServerMobileNative SQL Server Mobile Connector (optional module of WINDEV Mobile)
    hNativeAccessSybaseNative Sybase Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessXBaseNative xBase Connector (included with WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hNativeAccessXMLNative XML Connector (included with WINDEV/WEBDEV)
    hODBCOLE DB provider for ODBC (used to access an ODBC data source declared in the ODBC data sources of Windows)
    hOledbAccess97OLE DB provider for Access 97
    hOledbAccess2000OLE DB provider for Access 2000
    hOledbDBase5OLE DB provider for dBase 5
    hOledbExcel97OLE DB provider for Excel 97
    hOledbExcel2000OLE DB provider for Excel 2000
    hOledbLotus4OLE DB provider for Lotus 4
    hOledbOracleOLE DB provider for Oracle
    hOledbSQLServerOLE DB provider for SQL Server

    AndroidAndroid Widget The available constants are as follows:
    hNativeAccessSQLiteNative SQLite Connector from an Android application.

    OLE DB Caution: To use an OLE DB connection, you must:
    • install MDAC version 2.6 or later (setup performed by WINDEV/WEBDEV and when creating the client version)
    • install the OLE DB provider corresponding to the database used.
      This parameter is returned by the CtOLEDBProvider property.

    Java The available constants are as follows:
    hAccessHF7Pseudo-connection to HFSQL Mobile database
    hAccessHFClientServerConnection to an HFSQL Client/Server database
    hAccessJDBCMySQLAccess to MySQL database via JDBC
    hAccessJDBCSQLiteAccess to SQLite database via JDBC
    hAccessJDBCSQLServerAccess to SQL Server database via JDBC

PHP This parameter can correspond to one of the following constants:
hNativeAccessAS400Native AS/400 Connector (optional module of WEBDEV)
hNativeAccessMariaDBNative MariaDB Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV)
hNativeAccessMySQLNative MySQL Connector (optional module of WEBDEV)
hNativeAccessOracleNative Oracle Connector (optional module of WEBDEV)
hNativeAccessPostgreSQLNative PostgreSQL Connector (optional module of WEBDEV)
<Access>: Optional constant
Configures the type of access to the database.
hOReadThe database can be accessed in read-only. You only have the ability to read the records. No record can be added or deleted.
(default value)
The database can be accessed in read/write. You have the ability to read the records and to write new records.

This parameter is returned by the CtAccess property.
PHP This parameter is not available.
Java Access by JDBC: This parameter is ignored.
<Extended information>: Optional character string
Optional information inserted into the string for connecting to the database. If specific keywords are recognized, the corresponding information is extracted from the connection string. The rest of the connection string is sent to the database. Then, the extracted parameters are processed by the Native Connector or by the OLE DB connector used.
These keywords must be indicated as follows: "<Keyword> = <Value>;".
You can for example specify "Trusted_Connection=YES" in order to use a connection with authentication via the NT login.
OLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses) The keywords recognized by OLE DB and the Native Connectors are presented in the Optional connection information page.
Example of string to use:
"WD Cache Size = 10000; Server Port=3306;"
HFSQL Client/Server Keywords recognized for the access by HFSQL Client/Server:
COMPRESSIONEnables or disables the compression of data exchanged between Client and Server. This keyword can correspond to:
  • TRUE to enable the data compression.
  • FALSE to disable the data compression.
DB_EXISTChecks the existence of the database. If the specified database does not exist, HDescribeConnection returns False.
ENCRYPTIONEnables the encryption of data exchanged between Client and Server. This keyword can take two values:
  • FAST
  • RC5_16 for a RC5 encryption (16 rounds).

This parameter is returned by the CtExtendedInfo property.
PHP This parameter is ignored.
Java HFSQL database accessed via a RMI server: This parameter corresponds to the address of RMI server and to the port used. The following format must be used: "RMI=<Server address>:<Port number>". For example: "RMI=".
Java Access by JDBC: This parameter is mandatory. It must correspond to the full name of JDBC driver to use. This name is case sensitive.
<Additional options>: Constant
If this parameter is not specified, the HFSQL engine automatically defines the best parameters to use according to the database accessed and to the OLE DB provider used.
To force some parameters, you have the ability to combine the following constants:
  • Location of cursors
    hClientCursorCursor managed by MDAC. Offers more features than a server cursor. A client cursor must necessarily be a static cursor.
    hServerCursorCursor managed by the database. This cursor can easily apply the changes performed by the other users to the data.
  • Type of cursor
    hDynamicCursorCursor offering a lot of features but consuming a lot of memory. This cursor allows all types of moves. It allows you to access all the modifications, additions and deletions performed by the other users.
    hForwardOnlyCursorFast cursor consuming little memory. The move is performed from the first record to the last one. The data modified by the other users is not visible.
    hOpenKeysetCursorCursor that handles a fixed set of records. Only the keys corresponding to the record are stored and not the records (consumes less memory). The deleted records can no longer be accessed. Modifications performed by other users are visible (but records added are not).
    hStaticCursorMakes a copy of all query records in memory (high memory usage). All types of moves are allowed.
  • Lock mode
    hOptimisticCursorThe record is locked when it is updated
    hPessimisticCursorThe record is locked as soon as it goes into edit mode to be modified.
    hReadOnlyCursorThe set of records cannot be modified.
Caution: some types of cursors may not be supported by all the OLE DB providers.
This parameter is returned by the CtCursorOptions property.
PHP This parameter is ignored.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeUser code (UMC)Ajax

Describing a connection from an ADO connection string Hide the details

<Result> = HDescribeConnection(<Connection> , <ADO connection string> [, <Access>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the operation was performed,
  • False if a problem occurs. HErrorInfo is used to identify the error.
<Connection>: Character string
Name of new connection to define. If this name is already used by an existing connection, the former connection is replaced with the new one. The former connection (as well as the data files that used it) are automatically closed.
<ADO connection string>: Character string
ADO connection string used. For more details on the syntax of this connection string, see the documentation of the OLE DB provider used.
<Access>: Optional constant
Configures the type of access to the database.
hOReadThe database can be accessed in read-only. You only have the ability to read the records. No record can be added or deleted.
(default value)
The database can be accessed in read/write. You have the ability to read the records and to write new records.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)PHPAjaxHFSQL Client/ServerOLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Syntax 1: Using a character string for the OLE DB provider

To easily find the character string that must be used to define the OLE DB provider, we recommend that you proceed as follows:
  1. In the data model editor, open the connection description window: on the "Analysis" tab, in the "Connections" group, click "Connections".
  2. Select the provider to use ("Connect via" combo box).
  3. The character string corresponding to the provider is displayed. This character string can be used to define the OLE DB provider used in <OLE DB provider>.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)PHPAjaxOLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Syntax 1: Pseudo-connection to HFSQL Classic database

OLE DB data files or native data files are described in the data model editor. To handle these descriptions through programming with an HFSQL database, simply specify the hAccessHF7 constant as provider name.
Then, this connection can be assigned to the data files affected by HChangeConnection.
The data files in HFSQL format corresponding to the description of the OLE DB or native files will be created (if necessary) in the directory defined by <Data source>. By default, these data files are empty when they are created.

Differences between HOpenConnection and HDescribeConnection

Method 1: To open a connection at the start of the application and close it at the end, use HOpenConnection. To use this connection when handling data files or tables, simply change this connection with HChangeConnection.
HOpenConnection(MyConnection, params)       // open the connection
HChangeConnection(AFile, MyConnection)
Method 2: To describe a connection through programming and to automatically open it when opening the data file, you must:
  • describe the connection with HDescribeConnection.
  • associate this connection with the desired data file description using HChangeConnection. The connection will only be opened the first time the data file is accessed.
This solution can be useful when an application handles both HFSQL data files and Oracle data files. For example, if the application uses a single Oracle file, in a specific process, the connection to the Oracle database will only be made if necessary.
If the first solution is chosen for the same type of application, the connection (that may take quite a long time) will be established whenever the application is started.
HDescribeConnection(MyConnection, params)
HChangeConnection(AFile, MyConnection)
HReadFirst(AFile) // Open the connection
HClose(AFile) // Close the connection
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Using the Native xBase Connector with non-Latin character sets

To use the Native xBase Connector with non-Latin character sets, a standard OEM/ANSI conversion must be performed by the Native Connector. To do so, the following string must be specified in the extended information:
  1. In the initialization code of the project, add the code used to modify the character set:
  2. Create an xBase connection:
    HDescribeConnection("CntxBase", "", "", fExeDir(), "", hNativeAccessXBase, hOReadWrite, ...
    HChangeConnection("*", "CntxBase")
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxOLE DB

UDL file

To create a UDL file:
  1. Create a text file whose extension is "UDL".
  2. Double-click this file. The window for the properties of the data links is opened.
  3. Configure the connection.
  4. Run the test of the connection.
  5. Validate ("OK" button). The UDL file can now be used.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd270hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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