Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / Managing log processes
  • Overview
  • JournalOperation.FIC file
  • JournalIdentification.fic file
  • GUID and log process
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Stored procedures
Structure of log files (HFSQL Classic)
HFSQL ClassicAvailable only with this kind of connection
The following files are automatically created when logging an HFSQL Classic data file:
JournalOperation.FicList of all the operations performed on the logged HFSQL data files used by the application. An operation corresponds to an HFSQL function.
JournalIdentification.FicList of the physical locations of all the logged files found in the application
xxxJNL.FicFile created for each logged file. Contains the value of records used before and after each operation.
This page presents the structure of these files.
JournalOperation.FIC file
The different items found in JournalOperation.Fic are as follows:
Id_OpérationIdentifier of the operation performed.
Numéro_EnregistrementNumber of the record used in the data file.
Id_Sauvegarde_Enregistrement_OriginalNumber of the log record corresponding to the record before modification. This record number corresponds to a record in xxxxJNL.Fic.
Id_Sauvegarde_Enregistrement_ModifiéNumber of the log record corresponding to the record after modification. This record number corresponds to a record in xxxxJNL.Fic.
ID_FonctionWLIdentifier of the WLanguage function used in the program. To find the name of the WLanguage function used, simply check the ListeDéfinitionHF.WL file located in the "Personal\External\" subdirectory of WINDEV or WEBDEV)
Poste_NomName of the computer that performed the operation (last 12 characters).
Poste_AdresseIPIP address of computer that performed the operation.
ApplicationName of the application from which the operation was performed (first 12 characters)
HComputerIDIdentifier of the user computer, defined through programming with HComputer.
HJournalInfoMsgComments about the logged operation. These comments can be configured by HLogInfo.
Heure_Poste_ClientGMT time when the operation was performed on the user computer (2 hours difference with the French summer time).
ID_ReplicaIdentifier of the replica. This item is used by the replication.
ID_FichierJNLIdentifier of the JNL file containing the record backup
JournalIdentification.fic file
The different items found in JournalIdentification.Fic are as follows:
ID_FichierJNLIdentifier of the file used.
GUID_Fichier_SourceUnique identifier of logged file. This identifier is automatically assigned by the HFSQL engine to the file when creating the data file.
GUID_Fichier_JNLUnique identifier of the Log file associated with the Source file. This identifier is automatically assigned by the HFSQL engine to the file when creating the data file.
Emplacement_Fichier_SourcePath of the data file used (logged HFSQL data file).

GUID and log process

Two types of file GUID are supported by the HFSQL engine:
  • File GUID defined when the file was described in the data model editor. This GUID is used to manage the .REP.
  • File GUID defined when creating the physical data file. This GUID is used by the log mechanism to detect that two data files do not use the same log file.
  • file
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWindowsHFSQL Classic The *JNL.Fic file contains:
  • all the items of the corresponding logged HFSQL file,
  • the following items:
Id_SauvegardeNumber of the record saved. This number is used to identify the record in JournalOperation.Fic
Numéro_EnregistrementNumber of the record in the initial logged file.
Etat_EnregistrementRecord status (modified, deleted, added, etc.).
ID_FonctionWLIdentifier of the WLanguage function used in the program. To find the name of the WLanguage function used, simply check the ListeDéfinitionHF.WL file (located in the "Personal\Extern\" subdirectory of WINDEV)
Poste_NomName of the computer that performed the operation (last 12 characters).
Poste_AdresseIPIP address of computer that performed the operation.
ApplicationName of the application from which the operation was performed (first 12 characters).
HComputerIDIdentifier of the user computer, defined through programming with HComputer.
HJournalInfoMsgComments about the logged operation. These comments can be configured by HLogInfo.
Heure_Poste_ClientGMT time when the operation was performed on the user computer (2 hours difference with the French summer time).
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/06/2024

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