HLogInfo (Function) In french: HJournalInfo
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Adds comments into the log when saving the operation. These comments will be used for all the operations performed in the current HFSQL context, until HLogInfo is called again. HLogInfo("Adding " + Customer.CustomerName) HAdd(Customer) Syntax <Result>: Boolean - True if the operation was performed,
- False if a problem occurs. HError is used to identify the error.
<Message>: Optional character string Message that must be inserted into the log information (up to 16 character, the information will be truncated if the string is longer). This information can be retrieved by WDLog. No message is inserted if this parameter is not specified. This message will be taken into account for all the data files for which no specific comment was defined (syntax 2).
Defining a specific comment for each data file with a log Hide the details
<Result> = HLogInfo(<Data file> , <Message>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the operation was performed,
- False if a problem occurs. HError is used to identify the error.
<Data file>: Character string Name of the logged data file to which the message is related. If this parameter is set to "*", all the logged data files found in the analysis will be taken into account. <Message>: Character string Message that must be inserted into the log information (up to 16 character, the information will be truncated if the string is longer). This information can be retrieved by WDLog. No message is inserted if this parameter is not specified. Remarks To insert different types of information during each operation, HLogInfo must be called before each one of them.
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