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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / String functions
  • Detailed format of the character string to obtain
  • Limitations
  • Convert a size in bytes
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Stored procedures
Converts a numeric value (integer, real or currency) to a string according to a specified format.
PHP In this version, the numeric value to convert must be an integer or real.
NumToString(123)	// Returns "123"
NumToString(1.23)	// Returns "1.23"
NumToString(12345.5, "+10.2f") // Returns " +12345.50"
NumToString(12345.5, "-+10.2f") // Returns "+12345.50 "
NumToString(12345.5, "+010.2f") // Returns "+012345.50"
NumToString(12345.5, "010.2f") // Returns "0012345.50"

NumToString(12345.5, "10.2fS")
// Returns " 12 345.50" (the thousand separator is " ")

NumToString(12345.5, "10,2fS")
// Returns " 12 345,50" (the decimal separator is ",")
<Result> = NumToString(<Number> [, <Format>])
<Result>: Character string
String representing the number according to a specified format.
If <Number> is a string, the returned string is the same as the initial string. The format is ignored.
PHP If <Number> is a string, the string is converted as if it were a number.
<Number>: Integer or real
Numeric value to convert to a string (according to the specified format).
<Format>: Optional character string, constant or NumericFormat variable
  • String format defined with a variable of type NumericFormat.
  • String format expressed as follows:

    PHP The string is expressed in the following format:

    For more details, see the remarks.
  • WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst Constant used to define a system format:
    maskSystemCurrencyCurrency mask used by the system.
    maskSystemNumeralNumeric mask used by the system.

Detailed format of the character string to obtain

To convert a numeric value to a string, you need to specify the format of the string to be obtained. The format is as follows:
PHP The format is as follows:
The possible values are as follows:
<Align>If this parameter is specified, forces the number to be left-aligned (<Align> = "-").
By default, the number is right-aligned.
<Sign>If this parameter is specified, displays a sign for positive numbers (<Sign> = "+"). This sign will appear to the left of the first significant digit.
By default, only negative numbers have a "-" sign to the left of the first significant digit.
Special case: if this parameter is specified and the number is 0, the "+" sign will be displayed. This sign will also be displayed if a negative number becomes 0.
<Zero>If this parameter is specified (<Zero> ="0"), the number will be padded with leading zeros if the first significant part of the number is smaller that the specified length and the number is right-aligned.
By default, the number is not padded with leading zeros "0".
For example: NumToString(123, "05d") will give "00123".
<Length>Defines the total length of the result string. The total width corresponds to the following elements: sign, thousands separator, decimal point, exponent, integer and decimal parts of the number. The length must be less than 100.
If the specified length is too small to contain the significant part of the number, it will be ignored.
By default, the number will be the same length of the significant part (it cannot be padded with zeros). This is also the case if <Length> = 0.
If the specified length is greater than the significant part of the number:
  • the result string will be padded with trailing spaces if the number is left-aligned,
  • the result string will be padded with leading spaces or zeros if the number is right-aligned.
PHP Defines the total length of the result string or the total length of the integer part if the number is padded with zeros. The total width corresponds to the following elements: sign, thousands separator, decimal point, exponent, integer and decimal parts of the number.
If the specified length is too small to contain the significant part of the number, it will be ignored.
By default, the number will be the same length of the significant part (it cannot be padded with zeros). This is also the case if <Length> = 0.
If the specified length is greater than the significant part of the number:
  • the result string will be padded with trailing spaces if the number is left-aligned,
  • the result string will be padded with leading spaces or zeros if the number is right-aligned.
<.Precision>Defines the decimal separator ("." or ",") and the number of decimal places (for float ("f") and exponent ("e") <Types> only).
Decimal separator:
  • If the decimal separator is a comma, the decimal separator used will be the one defined:
    • in the linguistic parameters of Windows.
    • WEBDEV - Server code in the Windows configuration of the server.
    • iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst for the current user.
  • If the decimal separator is a period, the decimal separator used will be a period.
  • ChangeSeparator has no effect on this separator. This function affects the display mask of numeric values in the controls.
  • WEBDEV - Browser code The <,Précision> syntax cannot be used: <.Précision>must be used.
Number of decimals:
  • The number of decimal places must be less than 100.
  • If the number of decimal places in the number is greater than <Precision>, the decimal part is rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
  • If the number of decimal places in the number is less than <Precision>, the decimal part will be padded with trailing zeros "0".
  • The value of <Precision> can be greater than <Length>. In this case, <Taille> is ignored.
PHP Defines the number of decimals (for the float ("f") and exponent ("e") <Types> only).
  • If the number of decimal places in the number is greater than <Precision>, the decimal part is rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
  • If the number of decimal places in the number is less than <Precision>, the decimal part will be padded with trailing zeros "0".
  • The value of <Precision> can be greater than <Length>. In this case, <Length> is ignored if the number is padded with spaces.
<Type>Type of result, mandatory parameter:
  • d: Full:
    A real number will be rounded to the nearest integer.
  • e: Exponential notation:
    If <Precision> is not specified, the default precision is 6.
  • f: Decimal notation:
    If <Precision> is not specified, the default precision is 6.
  • x and X: Hexadecimal notation (X for uppercase letters):
    Only the integer part of the number is taken into account (no rounding).
    Special case:
    1. Unspecified size and negative number: 20 hexadecimal characters for a monetary character, 8 characters for all other numeric characters..
    2. Negative number: the size of the result string will be at least the size needed to indicate the sign bit..
    For example: -32767 in "3X" format will give "8001".
  • o: Octal notation:
    Only the integer part of the number is taken into account (no rounding).
    Special case:
    1. Unspecified size and negative number: 27 characters for a monetary character, 11 characters for all other numeric characters..
    2. Negative number: the size of the result string will be at least the size needed to indicate the sign bit..
    For example: -32767 in "3o" format will give "700001".
<Thousand>Thousands separator (<Thousand> = "S" or "s"). The digits in the integer part of the number will be grouped by 3 and separated by the thousands separator defined in Windows. The sign (if any) will always be displayed to the left of the first significant digit. There should be no thousands separators between the sign and the first digit.
WEBDEV - Browser code The thousands separator is always a space (' ').
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeReports and QueriesiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUser code (UMC)Ajax


  • The "f" format returns a valid result for numbers between -1e+17 and 1e+17.
  • Formats "x", "d", or "o": the integer part must not exceed 99,999,999,999,999,999.
  • WEBDEV - Server code How to use a comma for the decimal separator?
    If the Windows configuration on the server does not use a comma as a decimal separator, you can:
    • use a numeric Edit control (hidden if necessary). The displayed value can be obtained with DisplayedValue.
    • use a formatted display control.

Convert a size in bytes

To convert a size in bytes, use LengthToString.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300std.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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cyTotal_aberto is currency=10600385.15
STC_TOTAL+=" Aberto:"+NumToString(cyTotal_aberto,"10,2fS") // "10,2f"
//RESULTADO SERA: 10.600.385,15
16 Mar. 2020

Last update: 01/16/2025

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