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  • Conversion range
  • StringToNum and UNICODE
  • Miscellaneous
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StringToNum (Function)
In french: ChaîneVersNumérique
Returns the numeric value of a character string. This feature enables you to perform numeric calculations on strings.
Note: This function is equivalent to Val.
StringToNum("143")    // Returns 143
StringToNum("1.67")    // Returns 1.67
StringToNum("ABC")    // Returns 0
StringToNum ("3plus2") // Returns 3
StringToNum("7,5")    // Returns 7
StringToNum("1D2")    // Returns 100
StringToNum("2.5e-2") // Returns 0.025
<Result> = StringToNum(<Initial string> [, <Base used>])
<Result>: Real or integer
  • Numeric value of the string.
  • "inf" (for "infinite"), if the result exceeds the capabilities of a real. It is recommended to convert the value to a variable of type int.
  • 0 if an error occurs.
AndroidAndroid Widget Java In this version, <Result> corresponds to a real.
<Initial string>: Character string or Buffer
Character string to convert to a numeric value.
For a real, the separator must be the dot ('.') and the prefixes for scientific notation can be 'E', 'e', 'D' or 'd'. If the separator is a comma, the numbers after the comma will be ignored.
This parameter can also be a buffer. In this case, the buffer will be processed differently, according to the option selected in the "Unicode" tab of the configuration description:
  • if "Use ANSI strings at runtime" is selected, the buffer will be processed as an ANSI string.
  • if "Use UNICODE strings at runtime" is selected, the buffer will be processed as an ANSI or Unicode string, depending on its content.
<Base used>: Character string or integer (optional)
Base in which the number is represented. The possible values are as follows:
  • "d": base 10 (decimal),
  • "x": base 16 (hexadecimal),
  • "o": base 8 (octal),
  • an integer between 2 and 36.
Base 10 is used by default.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter is not available. Base 10 is automatically used.

Conversion range

StringToNum converts a string to an integer if the value is between -9.223.372.036.854.775.808 and 9.223.372.036.854.775.807.

StringToNum and UNICODE

The <Chaîne initiale> parameter can be in ANSI or Unicode format.
For more details on Unicode, see Unicode management.


If a character of <Initial string> cannot be interpreted as a number, StringToNum stops interpreting <Initial string> and returns the number corresponding to the characters already read.
Reals can be converted from base 10 only. In other bases, all characters after "." (point) will be ignored.
Component: wd300vm.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 27
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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