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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
  • Value displayed in an edit control
  • Value displayed in an HTML Display control
  • Value displayed in a Combo Box control
  • Value displayed in a List Box control
  • Value displayed in a column of a Table control
  • Value displayed in a row of a Table control
  • Value displayed in a column of a Table control
  • Value displayed in a ListView control
  • Limit
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
The DisplayedValue property returns the value currently displayed in the control of a window or page.
// Connaître la valeur affichée à l'écran dans le champ "Date"
SAI_Date = 18031972
Trace(SAI_Date.ValeurAffichée) // Affiche "18/03/1972"
<Displayed value> = <Control used>.DisplayedValue
<Displayed value>: Character string
Value currently displayed on the screen in the specified control.
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control to be used.

Value displayed in an edit control

The DisplayedValue returns the formatted string with its input mask.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeAndroidiPhone/iPadAjax

Value displayed in an HTML Display control

The DisplayedValue property returns the HTML code contained between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags.
AndroidiPhone/iPad Note: This property is not available on HTML Display controls.. The result corresponds to an empty string.

Value displayed in a Combo Box control

The DisplayedValue property returns the formatted string displayed:
  • in the edit control if the Combo Box control is editable,
  • in the current row if the Combo Box control is not editable.
Note: use of the gImage and gStoredValue functions
To retrieve the content added with the gImage and gStoredValue functions, use the InitialValue property.
For example, if the following code is used to add an element:
ListAdd(COMBO_Combo1, gImage(nNumImage,i) + "Client.NomClient" + i + ...
	 ValeurMémorisée("Client.NomClient" + i))
the following code is used to read the initial string again:

Value displayed in a List Box control

The DisplayedValue property returns:
  • the formatted string displayed in the specified row if a row number is specified,
  • the formatted string displayed in the current row if no row number is specified.

Value displayed in a column of a Table control

The DisplayedValue property returns the formatted string displayed in the cell corresponding to the specified column and the current row.

Value displayed in a row of a Table control

The DisplayedValue property returns the formatted string displayed in the cell corresponding to the specified column and the specified row.

Value displayed in a column of a Table control

The DisplayedValue property returns the values of each column of the specified row separated by TAB.
Note: The DisplayedValue property does not return the value of invisible columns.

Value displayed in a ListView control

The DisplayedValue property returns:
  • the caption of the element displayed in the specified row if a row number is specified,
  • the caption of the element displayed in the current row if no row number is specified.


The DisplayedValue property applies only to:
  • Edit controls,
  • Combo Box controls,
  • List Box controls and rows in a List Box control,
  • Columns and rows in a Table control,
  • Rows in a Table control,
  • Static Text controls,
  • WINDEVWEBDEV - Server code HTML controls.
  • WEBDEV - Server code Image controls.
  • WEBDEV - Server code Clickable Image controls.
  • WEBDEV - Server code Thumbnail controls.
Java In Java, the DisplayedValue property applies only to the following elements:
  • Edit control.
  • List Box control.
  • Combo Box control.
  • Table Column control.
WEBDEV - Browser code In browser code, the DisplayedValue property only applies to the following elements:
  • Edit control.
  • Formatted display control.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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